morrey said:
fuck you are about to pass my post count!

LMAO.Here I thought you were gonna comment on my log.

I'll be passing your post count in no time man.On to the top.Im hoping they make a "POST WHORE" trophy for me.Grim?? 8)
Well back to it..................Tri's and Bi's again today.

15 minutes of take down and guard defense drills for warm up.
10 minutes of stretching before and after.
Treadmill for 10 minutes after wards.

Super Set
Close Grip Bench Presses-------------------4 Sets of 10
Triceps PressDowns--------------------------4 Sets of 15

Decline Skull Crushers-----------------------3 Sets of 12
Dumb Kick Backs-----------------------------2 Sets of 20

Barb Curls------------------------------------4 Sets of 10
Alt Dumb Hammer Curls------------------4 Sets of 15

Spider Curls---------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Concentration Curls-----------------------3 Sets of 15

MMA circuit today.............

Stretching 10 minutes before and after.

4 rounds of each.

Double Reverse Lunges----------------10 Reps each leg.
Double Floor Presses--------------------10 Reps
Plyo Lunge----------------------------------15 Reps
Clap Push Ups-----------------------------15 Reps
Pull Ups--------------------------------------10 Reps
Battle Ropes-------------------------------High to Low Chop 45 Seconds

Back day today.Went with a powerlifting style workout today......

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after.
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after.

Barbell Rows--------------------------------3 Sets of 8
Pendlay Rows------------------------------5 Sets of 5
Pull Ups--------------------------------------4 Sets of 15
T-Bar Rows---------------------------------3 Sets of 8
Barbbell Rows-----------------------------4 Sets of 12
Today I was not only off from the iron or the mat,but took the day completely off from my biz and just did stuff with the family.My boys and I played some video games,went swimming and then we all ate.Grilled up some steaks,potatoes, corn on the cob and made some tuna and pasta salad.

My Queen and I had a couple of drinks together as well.
Leg Day again today.

Stretching for 15 minutes before and after.
Stationary Bike after for 10 minutes.

Leg Ext------------------------------------2 Sets of 15 for warm ups and then 4 Sets of 10
Seated Leg Presses-------------------4 Sets of 15

Super Sets:
Hack Squats-----------------------------3 Pyramiding Sets of 12
Walking Lunges------------------------3 Pyramiding Sets of 25 each Leg

Super Sets:
Sideways Single Leg Presses-----3 Sets of 15 per Leg
High Foot Single leg Presses------3 Sets of 15 per leg

Super Sets:
Smith Machine Ft Squats-----------3 Sets of 12
Box Jumps------------------------------3 Sets of 10

Leg Ext w 50% max-----------------------------------4 Sets of 12 (This was for a final burn)

Back & Traps day baby...............

Sprinting for 10 minutes before
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after
Elliptical for 15 minutes after.

T-bar Rows---------------------------------------------4 Sets of 6
Dumbbell PullOver-----------------------------------3 Sets of 15
Pull Ups to Sternum---------------------------------2 Sets of AMRAP

Super Sets:
Hammer Strength Rows---------------------------2 Sets of 20
Bent Over Rows--------------------------------------2 Sets of 20

Super Sets:
Barbell Shrugs----------------------------------------2 Sets of 20
Smith Machine Behind the Back Shrugs-----2 Sets of 20

My workout today consists of grilling and eating and drinking Bourbon on the rocks.Hit the beach early am with the family.came home and had friends over for bbqing,swimming and eating and drinking.Lots of loud music as well,which I LOVE.LMFAO.
F.I.S.T. said:

My workout today consists of grilling and eating and drinking Bourbon on the rocks.Hit the beach early am with the family.came home and had friends over for bbqing,swimming and eating and drinking.Lots of loud music as well,which I LOVE.LMFAO.
F.I.S.T.You must be exhausted.
Chest day today............

Stretching 10 minutes before and after

Incline Bench presses
2 Warm Up Sets-------------------------------------12,15
5 Working Pyramiding Sets----------------------15,12,10,8,6

DB Flat Benches------------------------------------5 Sets of 10
Incline Dub Flyes-----------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Pull Overs--------------------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Feet Raised Push Ups-----------------------------2 Sets AMRAP For a final pump
Today was an off day for me from the iron.Did an hour of striking and conditioning drills though.

Consisted of jab/cross pyramids as follows........

Start by throwing jab/cross combo and once done,your mit guy performs a slip to left and right.After the slip,reset and throw jab/cross combo again 2 more times.Repeat this protocol 5 times.

Looks like this.....

Jab/Cross, Slip, Slip
Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross, Slip, Slip
Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross, Slip, Slip
Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross, Slip, Slip
Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross,Jab/Cross, Slip, Slip

That's the entire pyramid.

Next was 15 minutes of the following combo's


Stretching 15 minutes before and after.

Shoulder workout today...........

Stretching for 10 Minutes before and after
Elliptical for 10 minutes after

DumbBell Shoulder Presses-----------------------------4 Sets of 12
Clean & Presses---------------------------------------------3 Sets of 10

Upright Rows-------------------------------------------------3 Sets of 12
Barb Front Raises------------------------------------------3 Sets of 15

Reverse DumbBell Flyes--------------------------------2 Sets of 15
DumbBell Rolling Shrugs--------------------------------2 Sets of 15
Face Pulls----------------------------------------------------2 Sets of 15

Side Laterals------------------------------------------------1 Set of 30
Dumb Front Raises---------------------------------------1 Set of 30
FIST I just spent a good bit of time reading this thread. I definitely will be paying attention to it.

One question I'm curious about is do you think it's possible to overtrain/overdo your muscles in a workout while on AAS?

Typically I've been doing 5 exercises with 3 sets for chest, back and shoulders. And do 4 exercises of 3 sets for triceps and biceps except if I feel I can't go any further or am in a rush.
Daredevil said:
FIST I just spent a good bit of time reading this thread. I definitely will be paying attention to it.

One question I'm curious about is do you think it's possible to overtrain/overdo your muscles in a workout while on AAS?

Typically I've been doing 5 exercises with 3 sets for chest, back and shoulders. And do 4 exercises of 3 sets for triceps and biceps except if I feel I can't go any further or am in a rush.

Thank you my friend.Im happy to have followers of my log.Helps motivate me.

Now in regards to over-training........FUCK NO!!! WHATS OVER-TRAINING?? No seriously,I think that term is relative to each individual and time of each persons life.Meaning,everyone has a different point where enough is enough.I have always been a cardio machine due to my yrs of martial arts training and career in the Marine Corps so my endurance level has always been pretty high.Even at my age,I can outwork guys more than half my age.They used to tell me I was the energizer bunny on steroids and speed!! LMFAO.

Now with that said,I do read my body and know when its time to give it a rest.I am semi-retired now so my work output there is minimal now and I have plenty of time to recover from my workouts.Im not one who thinks he needs to hit the gym every damn day and if I dont im crushed.I have been taking weekends off to spend with my family now and days during the week,I take off days as well.So when I do hit the gym,I GO BALLS TO THE WALL 100%!!

Another thing that I mentioned is different times in ones life,meaning there are times when you are over-stressed or over worked at your job and may need more recovery days so you have to factor that into your routines as well.You should always be evaluating your lifes situation and change up your workouts,diets and of course rest days during certain times.

Now as for your workouts,for me,whats worked best is to always change up.Never stick to any routine for too long or you get stale.Thats how most plateaus happen.When you are constantly switching to new training styles,you continue to shock your muscles and keep them guessing how to respond to this new trauma and will continue to yield growth.I have always changed between bbing routines to power lifting routines,etc.I never say "THIS IS HOW I TRAIN" because I train EVERY WAY.

Sorry if I went into a long winded answer but once I get going,I can go on forever.LOL.This is a lifestyle that ive been with for over 4 decades and LOVE IT and that passion fuels my posts in the community.Sometimes too much for some,but hell with em,I got to be me.LMFAO. 8) ;D 8)

No iron today.I did play some b-ball with my kids though and went out with my younger ones with their bikes.Nothing like running after your kids while trying to teach them to ride a bike on their own.LMAO
Bi's,Tri's and Forearms today............

Stretching 15 minutes before and after.

EZ Bar Curls
2 Warm up Sets-----------------------------15 Reps
4 Working Sets------------------------------8 Reps

Preacher Curls
2 Warm Up Sets----------------------------15 Reps
2 Working Sets-----------------------------10 Reps

Seated Dumbbell Curls
3 Working Sets----------------------------10 Reps Each Arm
1 Burn Set-----------------------------------15 Reps Each Arm

Close Grip Bench Presses
2 Warm Up Sets---------------------------15 Reps
4 Working Sets----------------------------8 Reps

Weighted Dips (45lb plate)-------------8 Reps

Triceps PushDowns
3 Working Sets----------------------------10 Reps
1 Burn Set----------------------------------30 Reps

Super Set:
Wrist Curls--------------------------------2 Sets of 20
Reverse Wrist Curls-------------------2 Sets of 20
Fist thanks for the response. First of all Semper Fi my brother. I was 0311 in early 2000s.

I appreciate the response it confirmed to me my thoughts that chances are I'm not overtraining and to go harder. Some days when I take TNE as a pre workout I feel I could go forever. I will go even harder next time in the gym from now on.

Also how's are your legs since you left the Corps? Man it's hard for me to run 20 minute 3 mile runs like I used to. We did so much PT running with flaks, Kevlar and Alice packs on it all put a beating on my knees.
Daredevil said:
Fist thanks for the response. First of all Semper Fi my brother. I was 0311 in early 2000s.

I appreciate the response it confirmed to me my thoughts that chances are I'm not overtraining and to go harder. Some days when I take TNE as a pre workout I feel I could go forever. I will go even harder next time in the gym from now on.

Also how's are your legs since you left the Corps? Man it's hard for me to run 20 minute 3 mile runs like I used to. We did so much PT running with flaks, Kevlar and Alice packs on it all put a beating on my knees.
Semper Fi my brother.OOH-RAH!!!! Rough fitting into the outside world once you've been in long enough.

Yea my brother,between the Corps and many yrs of heavy iron,my knees aren't the greatest.Nor are my shoulders,and friggin hips.LMAO.But in still banging my brother.I truly believe that a lifetime of martial arts and mma training has helped me greatly with keeping me flexible and limber.Now I started taking Glucosamine,Chondroitin and MSM daily yrs ago and swear by it.At one point in my life,I couldn't even kneel on the ground for 10 seconds without my knees killing me but not since starting that supp protocol.Definitely did wonders for my knees and my hip.Seems to have also help ease arthritis pain.
Today was supposed to be an iron day for me but yesterday we want hiking and swimming and im whooped today.Went running with dogs,played frisbee with the kids,and hiked for about 5 miles.My ass is draggin.LOL.Will be hitting it again tomorrow though.

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