Shoulder & trap day this morning............

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after.

DB Presses--------------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Military Presses on Smith Machine------4 Sets of 15
Cable Side Laterals--------------------------4 Sets of 12
Upright Rows----------------------------------5 Sets of 10
Rear Delt Flyes-------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Face Pulls--------------------------------------3 Sets of 10
Dumb Shrugs---------------------------------2 Sets of 30
MMA circuit training today.

Elliptical for 10 minutes before
Slow Walk for 10 Minutes after
Stretching for 15 minutes before and after.

Left Foot over Right Crunches------------------------40 Reps
Right foot over Left Crunches-------------------------40 Reps
Feet Together Crunches--------------------------------40 Reps
Twisting Crunches----------------------------------------40 Reps
Leg Raises w/Toe Touches----------------------------40 Reps
Planks--------------------------------------------------------45 Seconds
Feet Raised Crunches--------------------------------- 40 Reps
Planks--------------------------------------------------------45 Seconds
Left Side Planks-------------------------------------------45 Seconds
Right Side Planks-----------------------------------------45 Seconds

Rest 1 Minute

40 Ft Rope Climb---------------------------------------1 Round

Rest 2 Minutes

Wall Squats W Medicine Ball------------------------3 Rounds of 5 Minutes Each with 1 minute rest in between each round.

Rest 1 Minute

Battle Ropes---------------------------------------------2 Rounds of 45 Seconds with 1 Minute rest between each round

Rest 2 Minutes

Tire Slams-----------------------------------------------2 Rounds of 45 Seconds
Tire Flips-------------------------------------------------2 Rounds of 45 Seconds

Sauna for 20 Minutes after this one.Kicked my ass today.
Back this morning...........

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Deads----------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Bent Over Rows---------------------4 Sets of 15
Seated Rows-------------------------3 Sets of 15
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs---------5 Sets of 12
Stiff Arm Pull Overs-----------------4 Sets of 12
Here's a good one for MMA. Stand in front of a mirror and perform kick techniques as s l o w l y as you can, with perfect form. Very hard. I learned that 1 in TKD. After a few months of this and you'll be amazed at how many kick combinations you can do without lowering your leg. Almost like using your feet as a boxer would his hands.
F.I.S.T. said:
MMA circuit training today.

Elliptical for 10 minutes before
Slow Walk for 10 Minutes after
Stretching for 15 minutes before and after.

Left Foot over Right Crunches------------------------40 Reps
Right foot over Left Crunches-------------------------40 Reps
Feet Together Crunches--------------------------------40 Reps
Twisting Crunches----------------------------------------40 Reps
Leg Raises w/Toe Touches----------------------------40 Reps
Planks--------------------------------------------------------45 Seconds
Feet Raised Crunches--------------------------------- 40 Reps
Planks--------------------------------------------------------45 Seconds
Left Side Planks-------------------------------------------45 Seconds
Right Side Planks-----------------------------------------45 Seconds

Rest 1 Minute

40 Ft Rope Climb---------------------------------------1 Round

Rest 2 Minutes

Wall Squats W Medicine Ball------------------------3 Rounds of 5 Minutes Each with 1 minute rest in between each round.

Rest 1 Minute

Battle Ropes---------------------------------------------2 Rounds of 45 Seconds with 1 Minute rest between each round

Rest 2 Minutes

Tire Slams-----------------------------------------------2 Rounds of 45 Seconds
Tire Flips-------------------------------------------------2 Rounds of 45 Seconds

Sauna for 20 Minutes after this one.Kicked my ass today.
I like this ab routine. I would like to give it a try! I lack on variety of workouts for abs. Thanks for sharing fist!
thabeast said:
I like this ab routine. I would like to give it a try! I lack on variety of workouts for abs. Thanks for sharing fist!
Thanks for reading it and for the replies brother.I'll tell you,this is definitely a brutal workout that will most certainly kick you ass.I needed a couple days to recoup after this one.LMAO.

If you do get to give it a go,please post up how it went.
FIST that Ab workout looks good bro, I'm going to give it a run but might be a bit much for an Ab novice such as myself.

Hanzo, any types of exercises to assist in helping a person to perform kicks higher? I've slowly been trying to do splits more so I can kick higher but seems like a slow battle.
Daredevil said:
FIST that Ab workout looks good bro, I'm going to give it a run but might be a bit much for an Ab novice such as myself.

Hanzo, any types of exercises to assist in helping a person to perform kicks higher? I've slowly been trying to do splits more so I can kick higher but seems like a slow battle.

There is no workout thats written in stone brother.You do what you can and slowly work into it until you hit a goal.There's nothing wrong with having to stop short of anyone else numbers.You make you numbers and try to go up with your next session.The only true opponent you have is with yourself.PLease,give it a go and post up how it went.

Thanks for checking it out and for the reply.
While we are speaking on Abs, I went from 200Lbs to 176Lbs. I currently am 11.5%-12.5%. I can see my abs under a light layer of stomach fat. Now closer around my navel area I have slightly more fat. It seems that lower Ab area is the most complicated to burn fat from. Judging from pics online of 5Lbs of fat, I'm guessing I have about 3Lbs there. Any recommendation on how to burn it off? My diet is superb, I do cardio with exercises. Seems my whole body is becoming ripped but that damn stubborn area is saying F@ck you to me. Lol. I want to have an amazing 8 pack for the first time in my life and I'm so close.

*corrected typos
Daredevil said:
FIST that Ab workout looks good bro, I'm going to give it a run but might be a bit much for an Ab novice such as myself.

Hanzo, any types of exercises to assist in helping a person to perform kicks higher? I've slowly been trying to do splits more so I can kick higher but seems like a slow battle.
DD, you're right, it is a slow battle. I prefer American splits over Chinese splits. Always stick to fundamentals and ease into stretches (exhale into stretch). Engage a light warm up by practicing the kicks (low to medium height) you are going to utilize in that w/o, until you work up a slight sweat. Then stretch lightly. Stretch hard eod only (and after your w/o), as your muscles tear (just like BB'ing) and allow them to heel.

If you really want to see your flexibility, agility and balance increase take hot yoga also, if your schedule allows. The scenery is great!!

If you use hurdler's stretch make sure to support your knee.

A great resource:


Good luck brother! Any other questions, just ask! PM so we don't hijack fist's thread though. 8)
Daredevil said:
Ok thanks bro. Sorry FIsT if I hijacked your thread.
No highjack at all brother.Thanks for posting.

As for the lower abs difficulty you're having,everyone is different with this and have different problem areas.What type of exercises are you performing for them? You could just need some new exercises.Try those that ive listed as well as some of these others....


Captain’s Chair

Hip Lift


Declined Torso Twist

Boat Pose

Cobra Pose

Upward Facing Dog

Hanging Leg Raises

Medicine Ball Planks

Its all about finding out the perfect recipe for you through trial and error.
I'll try the ones in the log for a week and let you know how it goes and try the above ones the week after. Thanks Fist!
Daredevil said:
I'll try the ones in the log for a week and let you know how it goes and try the above ones the week after. Thanks Fist!

Great man.I'll be looking forwards to hearing from you on it.

You're very welcome.
Arms today.

Stretching for 15 minutes before and after
Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after.

Triangle Grip Push Ups----------------------4 Sets of 15
Triceps Push Downs-------------------------4 Sets of 15
Decline Skull Crushers----------------------4 Sets of 15
Triceps Kickbacks----------------------------2 Sets of 30

EZ Bar Curls----------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Alt Dumb Curls-------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Dumb Hammer Curls-----------------------3 Sets of 12
Preacher Curls-------------------------------2 Sets of 25

Back today..............

Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Bent Over Rows:
2 Warm up Sets---------------------------------25
4 Working Sets----------------------------------12

OverHand Wide Grip PullDowns-----------4 Sets of 15
UnderHand Close Grip PullDowns--------4 Sets of 15
Seated Rows-----------------------------------3 Sets of 15
GoodMornings---------------------------------2 Sets of 12

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