Leg day this morning............

Elliptical for 15 Minutes before
Light walk for 10 minutes after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Ft Squats-------------------------------4 Sets of 20,15,12,10
Smith Machine Squats-------------3 Sets of 15,12,8
Leg Presses---------------------------3 Sets of 10,20,30
Leg Curls-------------------------------2 Sets of 15
Standing Calf Raises---------------2 Sets of 25
All MMA circuit this morning.........

Stretching for 15 minutes before and after

5-5 minute rounds.

Round 1:
Warm up jump rope for 5 minutes.

Round 2--5 Minutes:
Shadow Box for 3 minutes
Jumping Squats---20 Reps
Push Ups -----------20 Reps
Plank for the remainder to run out the last of the 5 minutes

Round 3--5 Minutes on Heavy Bag:
50 Jabs
50 Crosses
50 Jabs and Crosses
25 Jabs,Crosses and Hooks
Jump Rope till 5 minutes has been reached.

Round 4--5 Minutes on Heavy Bag:
Alternating Knee Strikes
Alternating Kicks
50 Jabs and Kicks
50 Crosses and Kicks
Jump Rope till 5 minutes is reached

Round 5--5 Minutes of Grappling Drills:
10 Forward Rolls
10 Backward Rolls
100 Sit Ups
Ground & Pound for 30 Seconds
20 Push Ups
Jump Rope till 5 minutes is reached
Today was one of my out of the box,unconventional type of all day work outs.This is an all day push up only workout.The goal is 600 push up.How it works is to hit as many push ups at each session all day long until I reach my #.No gym needed with this one which is great and no matter what im doing,I can jump down and rep out another set towards the goal.

I do a variety of push ups including wide stance,diamond stance,feet raised,incline,etc.

Right now im at 400.Been banging them out since 5am.My fucking chest and arms pumped like a mutha fucker right now!!! Shoulders feel like rubber too!! LMAO.This type of workout definitely kicks your ass and requires a few to several days to fully recover properly.Not a workout that I do regularly but occasionally like to push myself to see what the old man has still got.

My chest is DEAD today as well as my arms.Feels damn good though.Except when my kids jump on me and im ready to go thru the roof.LMFAO.

I ended the day with 720 push ups so I crushed my goal of 600!!! ;D

All mma circuit this morning.

Skipping rope for 10 minutes before
Stretching 10 minutes before and after

Sprints up Steps-----------------------4 Rounds,16 seconds each
Foot Speed Drills----------------------4 Rounds
Box Jumps (12 inch box)-----------4 Sets of 10
Box Jumps (20 Inch box)-----------4 Sets of 6
Drop Jumps-----------------------------4 Sets of 6

Kettlebell workout this morning with a 44lbder and 30 minutes of grappling drills.One on one,and 2 on one......

Elliptical for 10 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

5 circuits of 5 rounds as follows!

Round 1---------------------10 Double Swings
Round 2---------------------8 Swings,2 Cleans
Round 3---------------------6 Swings,2 Cleans,2 Squats
Round 4---------------------4 Swings,2 Cleans,2 Squats,2 Presses
Round 5---------------------2 Swings,2 Cleans,2 Squats,2 Presses,2 Jumping Squats

Rest 10 minutes and then 30 minutes of grappling.
Back day this morning...............

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Wide Grip Pull Ups------------------------4 Sets of 15
Stiff Arm Pull Downs----------------------3 Sets of 12

Super Sets:
Lat Pull Downs-----------------------------4 Sets of 15
Seated Rows-------------------------------4 Sets of 20

Bent Over Rows---------------------------4 Sets of 10
Inverted Rows-----------------------------2 Sets of 25
Delts and traps this morning................

Stretching 10 minutes before and after
Elliptical 10 minutes before and after

Seated Dumb Presses---------------------4 Sets of 12
Side Lateral Raises-------------------------3 Sets of 15
Upright Rows---------------------------------4 Sets of 10
Incline Rear Delt Flyes---------------------2 Sets of 20

Dumb Rolling Shrugs----------------------3 Sets of 15
Behind the Back Shrugs------------------3 Sets of 15
No iron today.My right shoulder is bothering me today though.May be time for another cortisone shot.

Bi's and Tri's this morning.............

Stretching 10 minutes before and after
Elliptical 10 minutes before and after

EZ Bar Curls---------------------------5 Sets of 12
Preacher Curls------------------------5 Sets of 15
Seated Incline Dumb Curls-------3 Sets of 10
Close Grip Bench Presses-------5 Sets of 15
Dips--------------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Tri PressDowns----------------------4 Sets of 12

2 Final Burn Sets:
Spider Curls--------------------------1 Set of 30
Reverse Grip Press Downs-----1 Set of 30

Went running with the dogs today and actually got my Queen to come along.No iron though.

Chest day today............

Stretching 10 minutes before and after
Treadmill 10 minutes before and after

Incline Bench presses
2 Warm Up Sets--------------------------------------15
6 Working Pyramiding Sets----------------------15,12,10,8,6,2

DB Flat Benches-------------------------------------5 Sets of 10
Incline Dumb Flyes----------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Pull Overs-----------------------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Feet Raised Push Ups-----------------------------2 Sets AMRAP
Leg day this morning............

Stretching 10 minutes before and after.

Leg Ext-------------------------1 Warm up set of 30
Jumping Squats---------------1 Warm up set of 15

Front Squats-------------------4 Sets of 12
Vertical Leg Presses---------4 Sets of 10
Hack Machine Squats--------3 Sets off 12
Stiff Legged Deads-----------2 Sets of 15
Leg Curls----------------------1 Set of 30

I was going to take the day off but was feeling really motivated this morning so decided to hit back.......

Warm Up-------------15 Minutes skipping rope.

Deads------------------------------------3 Sets of 12
Face Pulls------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Wide Grip Pull Downs-------------4 Sets of 15
Behind the Neck Pull Downs----2 Sets of 15
Bent over Rows----------------------2 Sets of 15

Elliptical for 15 minutes
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

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