morrey said:
try crossfit
I have and still do my brother.Log through my log and you'll see plenty of this type of workout.I never stay with any one style of training.I try to change up as much as I can.
Chest day this morning before the weekend off...........

Stretching 10 minutes before and after.
Tread mill 10 minutes before and after

Incline Bench Presses-----------------------5 Sets of 12
Flat Bench Presses---------------------------4 Sets of 12
Decline Dumb Presses----------------------4 Sets of 15
Feet Raised Push Ups----------------------2 Sets of 20
High Cable Cross Overs--------------------2 Sets of 20
Lower Cable Cross Overs------------------2 Sets of 15
Weekend off for family fun.Already been grilling all day and just started my drinking.Wife and kids are already getting embarrassed.LMFAO.My other son has a birthday coming up so we will be taking him out tonight and im getting warmed up.
F.I.S.T. said:
Weekend off for family fun.Already been grilling all day and just started my drinking.Wife and kids are already getting embarrassed.LMFAO.My other son has a birthday coming up so we will be taking him out tonight and im getting warmed up.
Hey man. That's a perk of having kids. I told my kids it's 1 of my last forms of amusement.
Hanzo said:
Hey man. That's a perk of having kids. I told my kids it's 1 of my last forms of amusement.

LOL.Thanks man.Yea,i dont run the streets any longer,nor do I hang out with friends all the time.Im always with my family but I do like to have a few drinks every now and then. 8)
Today was all MMA.................

Skip rope for loosen and warm up for 10 minutes.
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after.

Fighting practice for 45 minutes consisting of........

5 Minutes of quick bag strikes,rest 30 seconds,

5 Minutes of heavy bag strikes,rest 30 seconds,

5 Minutes of free-style combo's.

Repeat this cycle as many times as possible within the 45 minutes.

Then 30 minutes of practice match fighting.1 on one,& 2 on one.

100m sprints.
Legs this morning.................

Sprints for 20 minutes before
Elliptical after for 10 minutes
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Smith Machine Squats---------------------2 Sets of 25
Leg Presses----------------------------------2 Sets of 25
Ft Squats--------------------------------------2 Sets of 12
Stiff Legged Deads-------------------------2 Sets of 15
Standing Calf Raises----------------------2 Sets of 30
MMA 15lb Mace training today..........

Stretching for 10 minutes before and after
Elliptical for 10 minutes before and after.

3 rounds of each circuit.No rest between each exercise to complete full circuit.Rest 1 minute before starting next full circuit.

10-2's for 1 minute
Sledge Hammers for 45 seconds to right side
360's--15 each direction (10lb mace for these)
Sledge Hammers for 45 seconds to left side
Ballistic Curls for 1 minute
Barbarian Squats for 1 minute
Kayak Rowing-35 touches to each side

Back this morning.............

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Deads------------------------------------5 Sets of 12
Bent Over Rows----------------------4 Sets of 10
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs---------4 Sets of 12
Stiff Arm Pull Downs----------------3 Sets of 10
No iron for me to today.Went to the park with the family and tossed the Frisbee around with the kids and the dogs.
Chest and Tri's this morning.........

Today was an all out push up workout and only hit tri's with BW exercises.

Push Ups---------------------------------3 Sets of 30
Wide Push Ups-------------------------3 Sets of 30
Feet Elevated Push Ups-------------3 Sets of 20
Incline Push Ups Off Bench---------3 Sets of 40
Close Grip Push Ups------------------3 Sets of 15
Dips-----------------------------------------3 Sets of 15
French Presses Off Squat Bar------3 Sets of 20
Delts this morning..........

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Seated Dumb Presses---------------------4 Sets of 15
Upright Rows--------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Reverse Pec Dec--------------------------3 Sets of 12
Ft Raises with Ex Curl--------------------3 Sets of 12
Side Raises---------------------------------3 Sets of 12

Back and Bi's................

Jog for 15 minutes before
Stationary Bike for 10 minutes after
Stretching 10 minutes before and after

Wide Grip Pull Ups---------------------4 Sets of 15
Seated Rows----------------------------4 Sets of 12
Dumb Rows-----------------------------3 Sets of 12

EZ Bar Curls----------------------------4 Sets of 12
Reverse Curls--------------------------4 Sets of 12
Cable Preacher Curls----------------3 Sets of 15
Standing Concentration Curls------3 Sets of 15

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