FIST I've been taking Athlete Joint Restore two pills twice daily and it does wonders for my knees. But I also take GNC brand joint supplement also. Sometimes I catch it on sale.

Saw your post also about hiking that's a lot of fun. I went white water rafting last year and that was intense and fun. If you haven't you should do that once.
Daredevil said:
FIST I've been taking Athlete Joint Restore two pills twice daily and it does wonders for my knees. But I also take GNC brand joint supplement also. Sometimes I catch it on sale.

Saw your post also about hiking that's a lot of fun. I went white water rafting last year and that was intense and fun. If you haven't you should do that once.

Thanks for the info brother.Theres a really great site I go to for supps with incredible prices and free shipping.If you want,I can get you the link.

We have done the rafting and yes,its incredible.I tell ya man,we are always looking for things to do together as a family.We actually search the internet for things to do and will sometimes drive 3 hrs to get to something just because we haven't tried it.I love traveling and doing so with my family is the best.Family time was always tough for me in my early yrs with my biz so when I did get free time,we made the most of it together.Now with loads od free time,im becoming a enjoyment whore!! LMFAO.
A friend told me about a place in southern Colorado and also in Arizona where you can go on a camping trip. It was about 1K a person, but they pick you up at airport, fly you in helicopter to the camping area and give you a guide for 5 days and also you have the option to use the log cabins along the trail, if you prefer not sleeping outdoors. There's no better way to bond with your woman then to do it alone camping.

Please send me the site I'll check it out. Was using supplement warehouse but the packages always got lost in mail.
Daredevil said:
A friend told me about a place in southern Colorado and also in Arizona where you can go on a camping trip. It was about 1K a person, but they pick you up at airport, fly you in helicopter to the camping area and give you a guide for 5 days and also you have the option to use the log cabins along the trail, if you prefer not sleeping outdoors. There's no better way to bond with your woman then to do it alone camping.

Please send me the site I'll check it out. Was using supplement warehouse but the packages always got lost in mail.

That sounds awesome.Theres a place in TN that we go to like that.We go to these cabins that are pet friendly (some are) and are OUT OF THIS WORLD amazing luxury.Check these out..... https://www.edencrest.net/properties/bedrooms/5-or-more-bedroom/

I'll send you the link to the supp site brother.This is a legit,real world company that will never leave you hanging.
I checked out those cabins. Very nice. I'll look into that for this fall this year, but definitely don't need a 5 bedroom. Lol.
Daredevil said:
I checked out those cabins. Very nice. I'll look into that for this fall this year, but definitely don't need a 5 bedroom. Lol.

Well thats just one of them but they do have some with less rooms.I have 5 kids and 3 dogs so the wife and I need a huge place for us all.LOL
Man,ive been on the go lately with the family doing all kinds of activities so its been busting my butt.Strapping my energy for the iron.LMAO.Well today was leg day so I did hit it but went a little easier than normal.

Warm up with 15 minutes of treadmill.
Stretching 10 minutes before and after.

Ft Squats------------------------------------4 Sets of 15
Hack Machine Squats------------------3 Sets of 10
Leg Ext--------------------------------------3 Sets of 12
Leg Curls-----------------------------------2 Sets of 20
Daredevil said:
FIST we need more recipes lol.

LOL.Coming up.Theres already a ton in there for you to try out my brother but hang in there,more coming soon.Just been on the go so much lately,my online time has been limited.Heading out in a couple minutes to hit the casinos again.Hopefully we'll have some fire with us again.
Back day this morning...............

Elliptical for 15 minutes before and after
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Wide Grip Pull Ups------------------------4 Sets of 15

Super Sets:
Lat Pull Downs-----------------------------4 Sets of 12
Seated Rows-------------------------------4 Sets of 12

Bent Over Rows---------------------------4 Sets of 10
Inverted Rows-----------------------------2 Sets of 25
Sorry guys,I tried to post this up yesterday but had problems with my connection.But it seems to be all fixed today so here it is.Yesterday's shoulder workout.........

Elliptical for 15 minutes before
Treadmill for 15 minutes after
Stretching for 15 minutes before and after.

Military Presses
2 Warm Ups Sets----------------------------15 Reps
4 Working Sets-------------------------------10 Reps

Barbell Front Raises-----------------------3 Sets of 12
Seated Dumbbell Presses---------------4 Sets of 10 each
Cable Side Laterals------------------------2 Sets of 15
Upright Rows--------------------------------2 Sets of 15

Chest day today..............

Calisthenics for 15 minutes before
Treadmill for 10 minutes after
Stretching for 15 minutes before and after

Flat Bench Presses---------------------5 Sets of 10
Incline Dumbbell Presses-------------4 Sets of 12
Flat Bench Flyes-------------------------3 Sets of 12
Dips------------------------------------------5 Sets of 10
Dumbbell Pullovers---------------------4 Sets of 6

No gym for me today/I did play some zombie killing video games with the kids that were pretty intense though.LOL

Circuit training today............

Stretching 15 minutes before and after.

4 Rounds of each with no rest between exercises.1-2 minutes rest between circuits.

Jumping Squats---------------------------------20 Reps
Close Grip Push Ups--------------------------15 Reps
Pistol Squats-------------------------------------8 Reps each Leg
Wide Grip Pull Ups to Sternum-------------12 Reps
Extra Wide BW Squats-----------------------20 Reps
Feet Elevated Push Ups--------------------12 Reps
Inverted Rows----------------------------------15 Reps

Tris and Bis today...............

3 Rounds of sprints for 30 seconds each before
Elliptical after for 10 minutes
Stretching for 10 minutes before and after

Rope Tri Ext----------------------------------4 Sets of 12
Close Grip Bench Presses--------------4 Sets of 10
Down the rack BW Tri Ext---------------5 Sets of 25,20,15,12,10
Close Grip Push Ups---------------------2 Sets of 15
Ez Bar Curls---------------------------------4 Sets of 12
High Pulley Cable Curls-----------------3 Sets of 12
Preacher Curls-----------------------------3 Sets of 15
Lying Lat PullDown Curls---------------2 Sets of 20
Off day today.I do plan on hitting the cardio extra hard tonight with Mrs F.I.S.T. though. 😛
Legs today boys and girls.Probably my favorite bodypart to workout.Killed it today and my legs are done.

Elliptical before for 15 minutes
Slow walk after for 10 minutes
Stretching before and after for 10 minutes

Squats--------Pyramid up in wt and down on reps
9 Sets------------------------------20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4

Ft Squats------Pyramid down in wt and up in reps
9 Sets-----------------------------4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20

Leg Curls------------------------4 Sets of 15
Leg Press Calf Presses-----4 Sets of 15

I almost needed help not only walking to my car but even driving home.LOL
Thanks guys.

Back day this morning..............

Stretching 10 minutes before and after
Elliptical 10 minutes before and after.

Tri Set:
Pull Ups--------------------------------------3 Sets of 15
Reverse grip Lat Pull Downs---------3 Sets of 15
Seated Rows------------------------------3 Sets of 15

Straight Arm Pull Downs--------------3 Sets of 12
Pull Overs----------------------------------3 Sets of 15
Inverted Rows----------------------------2 Sets of 15
Another weekend off for F.I.S.T.All family time.Today we did the lake with the dogs and tomm is going to be another beach day.

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