Final countdown 6 weeks til showtime

I did do some this weekend.... Saturday, Sunday, and today being a holiday. Sometimes it is hard to get that fasted cardio in because I have work at 7, and it takes me an hour and 30 minutes to commute for work. The gyms local to me open at 5am. So it's hard to squeeze in.... Every chance I get I do try to get it in.
Are you doing moderate tempo incline work, or steady state aerobic type?
I do the stair climber.... I do it at about a level 6 of 20. It's moderate if you ask me. If I need to use the treadmill because the stairclimber is taken.... I do incline walking at 15 at about 2.5 mph. I tend to burn about 500 calories in 45 minutes during cardio.

Also upped clen to 80 and t3 to 75 as my coach suggested... Nothing has changed this week from it.... Still carb cycling, but not seeing the results I was hoping for.

Starting to feel like this whole prep might be a big waste if things don't come together soon.
What are you doing for cheat meal and how often?
The cheat doesn't necessarily have to be something really bad just a little different from what your doing in your ordinary diet.
Also I would incorporate a few sets of negative emphasis training in your training routine.
Jdmthoughts said:
I do the stair climber.... I do it at about a level 6 of 20. It's moderate if you ask me. If I need to use the treadmill because the stairclimber is taken.... I do incline walking at 15 at about 2.5 mph. I tend to burn about 500 calories in 45 minutes during cardio.

Also upped clen to 80 and t3 to 75 as my coach suggested... Nothing has changed this week from it.... Still carb cycling, but not seeing the results I was hoping for.

Starting to feel like this whole prep might be a big waste if things don't come together soon.
JdmthoughtsDon't be in a rush...give the prep time to do it's work. It's only been 4 days, so the Clen/T3 won't be dramatic, especially if you only upped it by 20mcg. Over time, the compounds will do what they are supposed to do. The carb cycling might need to be adjusted somewhat, but your cardio seems fine. Try to relax about this, Like I said earlier, you have 11 1/2 weeks to go now...everything will come together towards the bottom end of your prep....Trust Me. 😉 Ride this out, but stay dedicated and committed to your plan.
Great advice T. It's easy to get ahead of ourselves and start changing and adding too many things too fast.
TSizemore said:
Don't be in a rush...give the prep time to do it's work. It's only been 4 days, so the Clen/T3 won't be dramatic, especially if you only upped it by 20mcg. Over time, the compounds will do what they are supposed to do. The carb cycling might need to be adjusted somewhat, but your cardio seems fine. Try to relax about this, Like I said earlier, you have 11 1/2 weeks to go now...everything will come together towards the bottom end of your prep....Trust Me. 😉 Ride this out, but stay dedicated and committed to your plan.
I don't have 11 1/2 weeks. I have 3 weeks. The only changes I have made are eating asparagus..... And I have been also having a meal or two here and there with tuna fish.

My carb cycling is as mentioned earlier.... 2g carbs per pound on my high day. So roughly 400.

jshredz said:
What are you doing for cheat meal and how often?
The cheat doesn't necessarily have to be something really bad just a little different from what your doing in your ordinary diet.
Also I would incorporate a few sets of negative emphasis training in your training routine.

I don't have any cheat meals.... Everytime I ask my coach about it.... He tells me I don't need it. That it won't help me on stage. I have had no cheat like meals in about 7 weeks. Last meal I ate that wasn't typical was at 11 weeks out. My diet is usually as follows

Shake and oatmeal

Chicken, rice, broccoli
Chicken, rice, broccoli
Chicken, rice, broccoli


Shake and rice cakes I was using Karbolic


Egg whites

That's my diet just about every day.... Once in a blue moon i do ground turkey, and I might do sweet potatoes. Otherwise not too much deviation.
Hmm at a quick glance your fats look too low.
But at 3 weeks I'm not recommending any crazy cheat meals.
Sorry, that was a different thread where the OP was 11 weeks out. My bad

Still, things will come's typical to feel this kind of anxiety. I did three shows last year, and felt the exact same way every damn one of them. Jshredz will probably tell you he has/had the same experience. At this point, with three weeks left....if you trust your coach....then trust him!

And by all means, this close....absolutely no crazy cheat meals...if you start to flatten out, grab a burger and fries, but that's it
I'll get pics up soon.... Just need to get in with Wacker to train and I'll have new photos...... I just feel like these past couple weeks have been screwed up..... I am having doubts about my 100 percent trust in my coach. This is the third year I have worked with him and while I have gotten better over the years.... When we both get to this point it becomes a problem.
Jdmthoughts said:
I'll get pics up soon.... Just need to get in with Wacker to train and I'll have new photos...... I just feel like these past couple weeks have been screwed up..... I am having doubts about my 100 percent trust in my coach. This is the third year I have worked with him and while I have gotten better over the years.... When we both get to this point it becomes a problem.
JdmthoughtsThen that's a problem. So, basically you're saying, he can get you close, but can't take you to the stage. Does he monitor you closely during peak week? Does he stick with you day before and day of show, asking for pics to assess your condition (if he's long distance trainer)? He should be....your body will change hourly the day before and day of. That must be kept on top of.
Last year he asked for a photo the morning of.... Gave me the ok to eat 10 oz steak.... Then I took another photo a couple hours later at the show and he had me eating a couple rice cakes with jelly every 45 minutes.

He is local.... Lives about 15 minutes from me..... I spent a good portion of my prep training at a gym down the street from his house hoping to see him, but it see him once a week. I text him only when I feel something is wrong or if I have a question about the plan. So I speak with him a couple times a week... I usually have to stop in to his store to see him before he opens.... Or see if he can meet me at the gym some night during the week. I have a new job that has me commuting 90 miles one way so I tend to stay up at my girlfriends and train up by her 4 times a week. I come home like 1-2 times a week. I know a lot of things change in the final weeks.

My peak week is usually start to deplete Saturday...... Start to add carbs little by little from wed-Friday. Usual water protocol is usually Friday and Saturday dyazine and water cutoff around 3pm Friday. I kinda already have a strong idea of what's gonna happen already. I dont know if he is coming to the show the morning of..... He didn't come last year..... He came at night. There is also a lot of local people doing this show and some of his friends so maybe he will be there I don't know honestly
This guy is local? How much are you paying him if may ask. I know it cost money for the tickets and backstage passes but that should be discussed in the initial agreement.
If it was me I would've been there for the morning show. Unless your competing for an overall trophy what the hell is the point of him showing up at night?
I apologize if I come off as a dick and I know as a coach you can't always be there every step of the way. But most of the coaches I know are there at the pre judging.
The payments for prep have always varied..... It's hard to pin down a price.... Sometimes there is more money, and there have been times where I have gave him some gear.
I have no issue with paying for a coach to be backstage with me.... Obviously at this point.... A pass to the show is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of food and gear

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