Final countdown 6 weeks til showtime

Your stressing yourself out , I thought you made a lot of changes the last week when I saw you. Trust your process ,you do not have the time or enegry to keep beating yourself up. In 20 days we step on the stage, all we can do is present the best package we have worked our asses off for since Nov.
I know we worked our asses off.... I just feel like I'm a couple weeks behind where I need to be. We will see what happens in 20 days
Just a small progress pic.... Taken last week. Made some slight changes to my own program since my coach and I are not in agreement as to what should be done. So I am gonna try my hand at this without his help the last 1.5 weeks. Needless to say I am very disappointed in the prep done this year, hardly any contact, and the communication has been lacking. I will finish my prep and go enjoy my summer and start my off season with a different plan and hopefully reach the goals I set for myself. I just don't feel like I will attain my goals with this person any longer. He's a good guy, and a nice guy, and I will remain being friends with him, however this prep has been a disaster and I honestly feel like I wasted a whole year....

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These were taken this morning a week after the ones up top, water retention has been reduced, and I feel the halo is definitely kicking in quite hard, definitely looking good while training and pumped. Will most likely start the aldactone this weekend and run it into the show. I haven't decided how I wanted to go about my final week. I might go zero carbs til Friday evening and start to load at night..... Any suggestions?
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Well, I hate to hear you have no faith in your coach...that always leads to disappointment. That's too bad. But, it also sounds like he has totally left you in the lurch and I can understand your frustrations. If your coach is 15 minutes away, His Ass Had Better Be at the Morning show!!! Period!!! Of course the entrance fees would be on you, but he should still be there.

Your pics look great compared to the ones a week earlier, so you're on the right track. I don't think, personally, I would be cutting to a zero carb plan for the last week.....But, only you can see what is going on. Just be ready to make adjustments. And, have a good burger joint on standby. just in case you go flat.
Yea he said I'll basically never do well in bodybuilding until I get bigger because my legs are long and limber, it's partially correct because I'll be in light heavy and I'm 6'2". He suggested I do men's physique.... Which I tried 3 years ago and got crushed couldn't even make top ten. Now 10 days from a show you tell me the only way I'll do well is to do physique.... I have no posing practice for that. To me that is a recipe for disaster. So I'll go about it on my own.... I'm gonna try to stay as low as possible with carbs..... 25g or less. And I have been thinking about eating a burger at about midnight the night before to start the loading.... Have a hearty meal for breakfast and keep loading up during pre judging.
Jdmthoughts said:
Yea he said I'll basically never do well in bodybuilding until I get bigger because my legs are long and limber, it's partially correct because I'll be in light heavy and I'm 6'2". He suggested I do men's physique.... Which I tried 3 years ago and got crushed couldn't even make top ten. Now 10 days from a show you tell me the only way I'll do well is to do physique.... I have no posing practice for that. To me that is a recipe for disaster. So I'll go about it on my own.... I'm gonna try to stay as low as possible with carbs..... 25g or less. And I have been thinking about eating a burger at about midnight the night before to start the loading.... Have a hearty meal for breakfast and keep loading up during pre judging.
JdmthoughtsThat seems pretty late to me.... Usually about 9pm is the latest I'll try to get a burger and fries in. What do you plan on using for carb fuel during the morning? Rice, rice cakes, Honey, candy, bread? The biggest trick is going to be able to judge yourself to see how you're coming in. Full length mirrors are scarce backstage!

Just to let you know.....I'm of the Opinion,.....Either your coach Sucks Ass, or, In his mind, he's told you what his thoughts are and you didn't pay attention to him. (Not saying that's what you've done, just that his perception of your prep is different then what you realize it to be) At any rate....You're in a good place physically, keep up the Can Do attitude and bring the best package you can deliver!

I will say, Physique DO have great lines for the Physique division. But, those physique poses are a bitch, and you absolutely need to practice them to pull them off.
We just manage to get to the same point each year and this happens. I know the significance of not cheating and breaking down.... I understand that. But when I tell someone that what we are doing my body isn't responding to, and it's ignored. This whole prep has been less than ideal. He always told me to make big changes I needed to stay on all year.... I did.... Then it was I need growth hormone.... So I did what I could with that.... Got a little bit out of it. Followed the dieting as prescribed, just hit a wall, and that's that. He doesn't know much about my prep because he hardly sees me... I switched to a gym for this show that is minutes from his house. When I asked to see him early Sunday before he opened his store, he said he couldn't do it. Then I saw him in the gym 2 hours later, and he barely spoke to me. Needless to say I was pissed. I will never do men's physique, it was a horrible experience, and I did much better when I switched to bodybuilding. Yea I'm tall, I can't control that, so I will continue to work with what I have and keep it going. I am not sure what I am gonna use the morning of...... I was thinking something more cheat like.... I have done the rice cake thing and it takes too long.
Then I would definitely drop this guy and never, ever use him again! I would save the "more cheat like" carbs; e.g., brownies, reeses's PB cups, candies, etc., for just before pump up and going on stage. Honey and rice, or rice cake with Honey and Peanut butter work real well for loading sources. Just have to be careful with the Honey...sometimes, early in the morning with that much sugar will spike your levels and take a little bit to compensate (since generally speaking, sugar is scarce during prep). For protein sources (with the carb) I usually like to stick to red meat, like Flank steak. That seems to work the best for me....but, that's during the day and not just before going on stage.

Will this be your only show this year?
TSizemore said:
Will this be your only show this year?
This will be my only show most likely.. Then it will be time to formulate a new plan for gear and dieting. I still like competing, and will most likely do another show... But I need to source a solid prep person to work with
Don't go too low on carbs.
If you do however just know your body will be more sensitive to them when your carbing and it will be much harder to control.
Looks like you need a new coach to be upfront with you from the beginning and willing to spend a little more time with you.
I can see why he suggested physique but that's not his choice to make. You will continue to put on mass and improve.
Like I mentioned earlier.... I did physique and did horrible..... I switched to bodybuilding and did much better. It makes much more sense to compete in bodybuilding. Yes I have areas to continue to work on and I will continue to do so.
How you doing JD?? Updates? Where here to stick with you, help you see this through! 😉
I am doing ok..... Still going through the process.... Drying out decently. I have had a lot of car trouble and some serious bills are being racked up because of it.... Not sure if I'll be able to compete because of the the financial aspect now.
Just caught this thread. Bro you have a hell of physique. I'm sorry to hear your situation and this shitty contest prep coach. In the future if you do decide to take another stab at it, Shelby Starnes is great. I used him and he wouldn't leave you hanging like this.
Does anyone know of a place in NJ that sells bodybuilding trunks? Mine are delayed and most likely won't be here for the show.
Jdmthoughts said:
Does anyone know of a place in NJ that sells bodybuilding trunks? Mine are delayed and most likely won't be here for the show.
JdmthoughtsWhen's the show?
Is it tomorrow already?
I was able to compete.... I wound up getting a lot of things sorted out.... I didn't achieve my goals. But I brought a significantly better package to the stage this year and I can be happy with that. I'll have some pics and more info up soon. It's been a long weekend and I have to be up early for work. Time to kick off my off season right and grow.

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