This is just my opinion brother Matty,seems like communication is missing even if it is just small things,talk ,connect communicate.We all think we are in the right,when my wife and I don't agree on things,a mans first feeling is I'm right (most the time)it's a hormone thing,LOL.If I stop and think about her and ask her about why she maid a decision etc...then we can come to an understanding of why a situation may have happened.I hope you are following me,I tend to ramble sometimes,LOL,but this is from the heart bro,this is my second wife and we discuss all decisions that either of us might make about anything,it keeps us close and we have a better understanding of each others needs.It is easy to say communication but harder to really make it work,just talk,not argue and not loud,sit and in a normal caring voice discuss the situation.Get close to her,you have to give to get,more communication could have led her to come to you first before changing things.You may already do this Matty my friend,I am just speaking from life experience and I hope it helps in some small way.Get close to her brother without being over bearing and let her know you love her every day,it will make a difference.I do understand we are all very busy now days just making a living and dealing with every day life,but make it a point to make time brother,it will make a difference (the smallest things make a difference to a woman).