***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol.. NEW PICS****Update

Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

I would guess 15%-16%. Don't mean any disrespect. Just my honest opinion. Still looking good brother.
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

the prototype said:
I would guess 15%-16%. Don't mean any disrespect. Just my honest opinion. Still looking good brother.
the prototype
Hey no offense taken at all. I am not blind lol I know I am a good 15ish now but will get it down. I am pretty happy now and I eat whatever I want. I dont want to have to live life starving bc I just do this for my personal enjoyment not compete. I want to find the closest balance of maintainability for the long haul.
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

Hey no offense taken at all. I am not blind lol I know I am a good 15ish now but will get it down. I am pretty happy now and I eat whatever I want. I dont want to have to live life starving bc I just do this for my personal enjoyment not compete. I want to find the closest balance of maintainability for the long haul.

you need to look into intermittent fasting ....
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

krustus said:
you need to look into intermittent fasting ....
Have you tried it?? I like the sound of fasting for sure. Just not starve ED of my life lol. Gonna take a peek and see what bits all about. Thx for looking out!
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

Bolt, you are really looking good Bro. I see a big difference from the very first pics you posted that I seen of you.
Good work brother! reps
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

i've been doing IF for about about years.....

there are some benefits to eating this way ...homegrown posted up a good list. but it is not magic, you still have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight...

it's just convenient to me.. i eat a lot of times for purely social reasons , like family dinner or get togethers with friends and they are usually at night so i mostly do my large meal at night. i don't worry with food and tupperware all day.

i mostly eat lunch and dinner and that's it... but they are large meals. when i have trouble getting the amount of protein i need i do a 100gram protein drink too in between.

so if i need 2500 cals a day and eat twice... 1 meal could be 1000 cals and supper 1500cals.. eating big meals ... satisfying...
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

JM750 said:
Bolt, you are really looking good Bro. I see a big difference from the very first pics you posted that I seen of you.
Good work brother! reps
Thx bro that means alot bc you seen an known me this whole ride since we were on ology lol..
Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

Ok here is an update.. Almost 3 weeks of doing Krustus's Recommended Starvation, I mean Intermittent Fasting lol, I have seen more results than ever trying to lean up. I was hovering at 15% when I started and sitting at 220lb at 6' now I am sitting at 215lb Strength up like a mofo and BF per old school caliper using the 3 point system has me at 9% but I think it is a little higher maybe but def not much more than 11%.. Here are some new pics for your viewing pleasure. I also upped my Sust back to 650 bc I was feeling crazy before and sex drive was waining a bit. Critics and Applauds welcome.

This fasting shit works well with my lifestyle and its only tough the first week or so while your stomach shrinks. Nowadays I have to remember to Eat period lol

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Re: ***Guess my BF*** On a Cutter and machine is Down lol..

Boltbreaker said:
Ok here is an update.. Almost 3 weeks of doing Krustus's Recommended Starvation, I mean Intermittent Fasting lol, I have seen more results than ever trying to lean up. I was hovering at 15% when I started and sitting at 220lb at 6' now I am sitting at 215lb Strength up like a mofo and BF per old school caliper using the 3 point system has me at 9% but I think it is a little higher maybe but def not much more than 11%.. Here are some new pics for your viewing pleasure. I also upped my Sust back to 650 bc I was feeling crazy before and sex drive was waining a bit. Critics and Applauds welcome.

This fasting shit works well with my lifestyle and its only tough the first week or so while your stomach shrinks. Nowadays I have to remember to Eat period lol
BoltbreakerFuck sometimes I cant see the pics when I click on them ill have to wait till later. I tried if a long time ago it works I just couldn't stick with the lifestyle gained it all back. Good for you getting close to single digits!
Almost 3 weeks of doing Krustus's Recommended Starvation, I mean Intermittent Fasting

lol...hahahaha... i'm telling you for us older and busier life family dudes intermittent fasting is the easiest way to do it... i have let my meals get too loose before and with my macros and wasn't getting results ,, but once i dialed the macros back in line (more protein, less fat) in the last month or so it has been great progress.

on an IF diet i can eat fried chicken and ice cream and stay around 12-13% bodyfat, so just a little discipline with protein and macros and results are great.

keep up the good work bro.
krustus said:
lol...hahahaha... i'm telling you for us older and busier life family dudes intermittent fasting is the easiest way to do it... i have let my meals get too loose before and with my macros and wasn't getting results ,, but once i dialed the macros back in line (more protein, less fat) in the last month or so it has been great progress.

on an IF diet i can eat fried chicken and ice cream and stay around 12-13% bodyfat, so just a little discipline with protein and macros and results are great.

keep up the good work bro.

^^^^ All of this is the Gospel. When your on the run like that this is perfect and you can realistically eat whatever the fuck you want and big meals just twice daily. I still have a greek Yogurt in the AM with my shake around 6:30am. I eat small chicken sandwich before gym around 11 hit gym at noon shake at 1:30 Big Dinner at 6-7pm. I am eating and starving this is the SHIT.. and yea man it will lean you out fast just gotta find your sweet spot and keep protein up so your not losing Muscle only fat! I hit 29 reps of 225 the other day so 2 more than last time. When I hit 30 I am posting up the Video!! Hell I thought I was gonna get weaker but feel better than ever and lighter on my toes. Hell I can now go on the Basketbal court and slam the fuck out of the ball 2 hands off 2 steps like I use to before ACL Blowout love u GH!!!!!!!!! THX To Krustus for planting the Seed!!! Reps bro

Ps I am Extremely happy here best I have ever looked in my life and I feel i am not deprived and this is something that I could do indefinitely. Thats the key finding a lifestyle change bc I am not looking for 3 months of results here. I am gonna get to be a solid 9-10% and maintain.. Hell I would maintain here but I wanna see my 6 Pack have valleys lol.
i have been amazed with the strength increases while leaning too.... for those who may be interested in the IF style here are some good links



29 reps of 225 is bad ass bro. Shit I wish I could do 20. Keep up the hard work bro. I'm gonna post an updated pic soon to get some opinions on bf. I always say 10-12% but I think I'm single digit now. I weigh less but I'm bigger and harder than I've ever been. I see people I haven't seen in a while and they ask what I'm taking and that I'm much bigger but I actually weigh about the same, maybe even less. Odd huh?
currently carb cycling Smoove, been doing it for over a year and kind of ready for a change.
I just did the 30 minute read through and the once a week 24 hour looks interesting. Don't know about taking all those BCAA on an empty stomach though
yes, I haven't looked through all the info yet, just browsed it quickly. I would prob do the noon and 8pm meals per day, that would fit my training and lifestyle best.
smoove most folks choose a 4-8 hour period (window) to consume their calories... i choose to do 11:30-7:30 because it fits my schedule best. usually only eat twice .. lunch and dinner. but they are pretty large meals. hugh jackman said he did 10-6 eating window. it fit his schedule best.

there are a bunch of benefits to fasting... better insulin sensitivity, autophagy (Autophagy degrades damaged organelles, cell membranes and proteins, and the failure of autophagy is thought to be one of the main reasons for the accumulation of cell damage and aging.) homegrown has a great post with the benefits.. .https://www.enhancegenetics.com/index.php/topic,2537.msg31371.html#msg31371

the main benefit for me is convenience... no tupperware and meals carried around. my only issue is getting in protein sometimes... i have to add a rather large whey shake (75-100grams) most days to my last meal.

It also allows me to be a little looser with food selection.. i eat chocolate pie at lunch almost daily and am getting leaner. and if i just wanted to maintain my current condition i could be even more relaxed.
It all sounds killer. Convenience being the driver. Eating at the same time everyday would not work at all with me. JDB3 and I had a hell of a time figuring out my meal plan times.
The 24 hour fast once a week would fit mine a whole lot better. It's interesting enough for me to research and possibly do at the end of my JD run

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