
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
OK, This is about my wife. I don't understand shit anymore. Here's the breif history to the current RANT:

After we had kids she basically lost all sex drive and we would go months with no sex, like fuckin 6 and 8 months and stuff. It killed me. I developed a porn addiction and started to see her as just a roommate and Bitch for not seeing my needs even after it had been explained several times. We went to Counseling and even the counselors told her she was in the wrong. As a Christian, withholding sex is not excusable unless it's agreed to by both husband and wife. She was ignoring it completely. Literally this went on for 13 years and I hit a break point and said "fuk it". I had a Massage therapist tempting the hell out of me. She was throwing herself at me all the time and I got to the point I left my wife for a few days really contemplating divorce. I mean how could she not want me like this other woman did. The time away gave me perspective and we worked it out. She "Finally" realized how important intimacy was to the both of us in our relationship and things changed. That was almost 2 years ago.

Now we getting back there again. I know things are heckic, but all night last night we hinted around about having sex and had a ton of playful banter and I was excited as hell. I mean once a week is still tolerable for me and a huge improvement but it has been a couple weeks and I was really ready to go. I shower, brush my teeth and jump in bed. She does nothing, gets in bed, turns on the lamp and pulls out a magazine and turns the damn TV on. WTF. I'm pissed. I don't expect her to read my mind but damn, we'd been sexting all night. Now it's 10:30 I'm really tired but really want some lovin' and she could care fucking less! I got up and went to the couch. She asks what's wrong and I'm thinking really, are you that dense? We've been over and over and over it. It's a broken record. I mean we do typically watch some TV before bed, And she always falls asleep 4 minutes into the show and the damn TV makes me not wanna sleep, unless we have sex, then I'm out like a light.

I'm afraid we're headed down the same damn road. I gotta accept the fact she is not going to fulfill my sexual needs. For a while after I left 2 years ago she had sex with me 3,4, 5 times a week. She even said it was greatly fulfilling for her too. Now it's not? The Massage therapist is now back sending me nude pics and texts and I don't wanna cheat, and I've told her that, but damn, it's fuking nice to have a hot woman tell you you're sexy and that she wouldn't do what wifey is doing. I'm not gonna give in, I can't, I have too much to loose with my kids for sure. If I have to suffer the rest of my life so be it, I won't put my kids through an affair and divorce as long as I have anything to do with it. I'll just rant and be pissed then jerk off. She was pissed about catching me with porn, but if I'm not getting it from her, porn's a better option than the Massage therapist in my mind. hell maybe it's the same.

Thanks for allowing me to RANT. Rock RANT over.
Oops massage therapist is considered cheating? Im in trouble! Lol sorry to hear your problems I know exactly what u mean I hate having to ask for it or be hinting all the time. Its frustrating I just grab her hand and put it on my cock now cuz she doesnt ever engage first. Now is the therapist asian? Is it just a handy or full service shes offering? Sorry I just love hearing massage stories I have alot experience with them ;D

You're a good man brother. Your morals arenin check and dont let them go now. Ive been in your boat too, not 13 years worth. My wife and I have had 3 kids back to back to back in less than 5 years so I know how women get with their hormones.

Is she open to going to the doc for some hormone therapy or something? I dont understand women how can they not think about sex at all...lol

Keep praying brother. Marriage seems so wrong sometimes yet we cant live without them. Keep God in your lives and all will be good!

49ER said:
Oops massage therapist is considered cheating? Im in trouble! Lol sorry to hear your problems I know exactly what u mean I hate having to ask for it or be hinting all the time. Its frustrating I just grab her hand and put it on my cock now cuz she doesnt ever engage first. Now is the therapist asian? Is it just a handy or full service shes offering? Sorry I just love hearing massage stories I have alot experience with them ;D
49ER pretty sure hes talking about a legit therapist...lol.....not wendy woo from asian rub n tug plus buffet....lol

Z82 said:
pretty sure hes talking about a legit therapist...lol.....not wendy woo from asian rub n tug plus buffet....lol
Z82Omg thats even more awsome! That would be a dream come true to find a legit place and score with a hot ass therapist
Rock, been married 21 years and I have been there, did you say you still have kids at home? If so, until my two were grown and out of the house it was like that for us. When the kids left things went into overdrive in the bedroom. Also, that fucking 50 shades of gray bullshit seems to get them wet as hell and in the mood. 🙂
I am with you on the cheating etc..., but she does need to realize there are women out there that would gladly do a lot more freaky shit than what she will do. Good luck bro and hang in there...

Z82 said:
You're a good man brother. Your morals arenin check and dont let them go now. Ive been in your boat too, not 13 years worth. My wife and I have had 3 kids back to back to back in less than 5 years so I know how women get with their hormones.

Is she open to going to the doc for some hormone therapy or something? I dont understand women how can they not think about sex at all...lol

Keep praying brother. Marriage seems so wrong sometimes yet we cant live without them. Keep God in your lives and all will be good!
Thanks Z82. She did some hormone therapy and it did nothing for her. I just think sex is the last thing on her list and the first on mine LOL I gotta ask God someday why he did that. LOL We are a Christian family and She knows the bible's stance on this issue. The whole reason it's in there is to keep husbands form falling into affairs. I don't think she knows how close that is to reality. Just frustrated. And I know you guys are here for support and encouragement.

49ER said:
Oops massage therapist is considered cheating? Im in trouble! Lol sorry to hear your problems I know exactly what u mean I hate having to ask for it or be hinting all the time. Its frustrating I just grab her hand and put it on my cock now cuz she doesnt ever engage first. Now is the therapist asian? Is it just a handy or full service shes offering? Sorry I just love hearing massage stories I have alot experience with them ;D

LOL no she's my deep tissue therapist. Well Was. I don't think I should make appointments now.
Kuntrykok said:
Rock, been married 21 years and I have been there, did you say you still have kids at home? If so, until my two were grown and out of the house it was like that for us. When the kids left things went into overdrive in the bedroom. Also, that fucking 50 shades of gray bullshit seems to get them wet as hell and in the mood. 🙂
I am with you on the cheating etc..., but she does need to realize there are women out there that would gladly do a lot more freaky shit than what she will do. Good luck bro and hang in there...
KuntrykokThanks Brother, Yes 3 kids at home and she just started teaching again so I know she's tired and blah blah blah, but last night was like a big ass tease. Major Blue Balls on my shrunken testicles.
Props to you Rock for throwing it out there. I can completely relate. It gets really bad when I'm on high doses of test. We've done the counseling and all that. Things get better then eventually back in the rut. I got 3 kids and its not worth putting them through a bust up. I feel you bro, I really do. I can relate step by step. The Torture Chamber helps and I got got a couple that I sext with which makes things exciting but too much to lose over a piece of pussy. It sucks I know. Been many a night I didn't sleep cause I was pissed off.
You are reciting my same story Bro.
Went thru the same shit. I had sat mine down and told her my needs. It fell on deaf ears.
I even told mine that if I had to, I'd get it elsewhere and I did. Well she wasn't happy when I told her about that episode!

Fast fwd a bit. I still live with wife and kids. Dont sleep in the same bed.
And I have a G/F that she dont know about. (and dont need to)
And my G/F never says NO! She takes very good care of my dick.
Sorry bro I was thinking with the wrong head lol im glad u dont cheat. Ive never been married with kids I have full custody of my girl. And my girlfriend now we have no ties no kids with each other so it would be easy to leave hang in there I hope things somehow workout for you.
JM750 said:
You are reciting my same story Bro.
Went thru the same shit. I had sat mine down and told her my needs. It fell on deaf ears.
I even told mine that if I had to, I'd get it elsewhere and I did. Well she wasn't happy when I told her about that episode!

Fast fwd a bit. I still live with wife and kids. Dont sleep in the same bed.
And I have a G/F that she dont know about. (and dont need to)
And my G/F never says NO! She takes very good care of my dick.
JM750Damn JM the Playa. I can't do it. Even if I tried, I know so many people in this town I'd be caught in 50seconds. and there would be no more living together.

Moreso, I don't want my 5yo son to think that's How he should act. Or my 2 daughters to think that's what they should expect from their marriage. I wanna break this cycle. I want my kids to grow up and have fulfilling relationships, and I want my wife and I to be an example of that.
smoove said:
Props to you Rock for throwing it out there. I can completely relate. It gets really bad when I'm on high doses of test. We've done the counseling and all that. Things get better then eventually back in the rut. I got 3 kids and its not worth putting them through a bust up. I feel you bro, I really do. I can relate step by step. The Torture Chamber helps and I got got a couple that I sext with which makes things exciting but too much to lose over a piece of pussy. It sucks I know. Been many a night I didn't sleep cause I was pissed off.
smooveWarriors Bro, WE may be twins! LOL
Nice rant bro. Nothing wrong with getting that off your chest. Your concerns are legit. She needs to get off her ass. Get her on some var or something to spark her drive for awhile. I appreciate the faithfulness. Im a believer myself.
Hang in there Rock! This is the Mother of your children, Love of your life, and the gift God gave you! Don't go Fuking it up over a piece of strange ass! Could be reasons why she isn't interested in occasional sex. Could be because of the eating disorder she used to have and the way she sees her body during sex. Could be she doesn't get fulfilled like she would expect, could be she thinks you view sex as something she is supposed to do and that doesn't get her juices flowing. There could be a lot of reasons, Rock,....but, you damn sure know that it all starts with communication and openness. Intimacy isn't always sexual. Find out, and start doing the things that please her first, and let the sex evolve into what it should. Might I suggest a book called "101 Nights of Great Sex". Each page is a "Date night" with an invitation, an object, a place and a plan. Sometimes it's all about her, sometimes you, and sometimes (most of the time) it's for both! $29.95 at Amazon.......Try it, I swear by it!

TSizemore said:
Hang in there Rock! This is the Mother of your children, Love of your life, and the gift God gave you! Don't go Fuking it up over a piece of strange ass! Could be reasons why she isn't interested in occasional sex. Could be because of the eating disorder she used to have and the way she sees her body during sex. Could be she doesn't get fulfilled like she would expect, could be she thinks you view sex as something she is supposed to do and that doesn't get her juices flowing. There could be a lot of reasons, Rock,....but, you damn sure know that it all starts with communication and openness. Intimacy isn't always sexual. Find out, and start doing the things that please her first, and let the sex evolve into what it should. Might I suggest a book called "101 Nights of Great Sex". Each page is a "Date night" with an invitation, an object, a place and a plan. Sometimes it's all about her, sometimes you, and sometimes (most of the time) it's for both! $29.95 at Amazon.......Try it, I swear by it!
TSizemoreThanks T. Ill get that book. I'm not gonna mess it up over a piece for sure. The thing is I approach it with her as the focus always. I never demand sex and she typically won't talk about it so its more of a slow developing thing everytime. It's never spontaneous. Tried that, won't again. So that's why it's frustrating when she starts turning on distractions. It takes 15 min just to get her to the point and if she watches TV for 15, then she falls asleep. Even on damn date nights with the kids gone. Sucks big time cause I'm expectant and she doesn't really care. As far as being fulfilled, I ask all the time what she wants how she wants it and we do it that way regardless. Yes its the same every time but beggars aren't choosers. I make sure she orgasms before I do or at least at the same time.

About the massage therapist, you and I have talked about that before and I know it isn't worth it. It's not Gods plan. It's just I wish my wife wanted me that way. I still want her like the day we met.

Thanks for the advice. It's just at a piss off point for me.

RockShawn said:
Thanks T. Ill get that book. I'm not gonna mess it up over a piece for sure. The thing is I approach it with her as the focus always. I never demand sex and she typically won't talk about it so its more of a slow developing thing everytime. It's never spontaneous. Tried that, won't again. So that's why it's frustrating when she starts turning on distractions. It takes 15 min just to get her to the point and if she watches TV for 15, then she falls asleep. Even on damn date nights with the kids gone. Sucks big time cause I'm expectant and she doesn't really care. As far as being fulfilled, I ask all the time what she wants how she wants it and we do it that way regardless. Yes its the same every time but beggars aren't choosers. I make sure she orgasms before I do or at least at the same time.

About the massage therapist, you and I have talked about that before and I know it isn't worth it. It's not Gods plan. It's just I wish my wife wanted me that way. I still want her like the day we met.

Thanks for the advice. It's just at a piss off point for me.
RockShawnRemember, the differences and expectations are not the same!!! Perception is only relative to the one perceiving! Remember this video?

Lol at video.

Rock my heart goes out to you man. I too have been there. Freaking deployments are horrible for relationships. Two 1yr deployments amd a couple smaller ones amd literally almost ruined my marriage. Thankfully a little faith and patience and we have rekindled our love for each other.

I highly recommended getting some books as it seems she is a reader that explains how men feeled most loved through sex. Not I just need to get off or even though your tired give me some. I've done this myself amd truly opened my wifes eyes beyond the caveman view most women see.

If your relationship is in order
I.e. communcation, mental needs are met amd romace is there then time to enjoy why God brought us together with our soul mates.

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