Inj. Superdrol and how to use


Iron Killer
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What's up my brothers i'm planning on running a comp cycle here in a couple months or so and Superdrol is a compound i'd like to add in but im very interested in trying the injectable version. I can't find shit through the search engines so how does one dose this? I've only ran oral caps so do you need to space out the shots through out each day or do it all at once?

Also if anyone has any experience using injectable superdrol please leave some feedback on what you liked and did not like about it and even tho its totally subjective what were your results?
Used it several ways, ED imo best but EOD works as well
Nope never did multi a day just 1x or EOD
Def like it.
just started it again today actually
I never had lethargy from it but I always stayed at 30mg a day. Is this what you run? How does it compare to oral for size and strength? Is it “drier”
i dont think its near as strong but without the nasty sides. drier not fully certain, would definitely lean more to it being so.
usually its 50 mg a ml i believe.
1 - 1/2 ml a day so 25-50 if im remembering correctly
25mg-30mg Ed one pin a day is plenty for me.
You can do it once a day since you are new to injectable, then if all is good lower dose and try twice a day since half life is 6 to 9 hrs. If you research everyone is quoting a different half life range so to be safe 6 -9hrs, I say 8-9hrs.
Once a day seems to work and you have to take into account the toxicity on your liver if you decide to do multiple injections.
As ive proved before most bro science half lifes are totally false and not what science says.
Unsure on hand on SD inject but EOD worked totally fine for me
I def would agree ED be better if you can but EOD I noticed just as good results, no swings etc
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Exactly, that is why I have always done all my test e, sust, test cyp...every 5 days no down swing, just smooth sailing. I know some do twice a week but e5d has worked great for me. 🙂
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I pin my cyp tren e once a week I don’t notice a damn bit of difference if I pin 2x a week. Less sticks I’m good with it.
Plus sticks
Not even the stick
Less pins cost savings
Less change of infection as well!
@Thor exactly use the stuff we know and find out what works for you!
Thanks for all of your input brothers!
Currently what I’m looking at doing g for my cycle is dropping my sust down from 2ml a week to just 1 and run test prop eod for 10 weeks and 30mg superdrol Ed for 6 weeks and I can’t decide if I wanna add in mast and npp or just npp. I’m staying off tren for a while I was on GG/Black Diamond tren for basically 2 years straight with only 2 very short breaks during
really need the mast? to me thats just an 'extra' I know some really love it, personal preference
Naw I don’t need the mast lol it is just for an extra I ran it before with TMM but I’m pretty sure it was either bunk or way under dosed and haven’t tried since but have wanted to.
I think 6 wks at 30 Ed would knock me out lol always get bad lethargy after 2-3 wks lol.
I have run mast with almost every blast I have ever done bulking low dose cut/beach look higher. Helps with estrogen and sex drive for me.
4 weeks is usually more than enough for me back pumps lethargy get terrible.
Yea 4 weeks is a good average unless you can handle 5 or 6 since it is so strong it doesn't take long...
I’ve always ran it for 6-8 weeks however that’s just the plan for now it might end up only being 4 weeks since I have no idea how my body will react to it IM. I’ve never gotten lethargy off anything except Tbol.
Your lucky if you don’t get sides from superdrol I love it but that lethargy is zombie like
Your lucky if you don’t get sides from superdrol I love it but that lethargy is zombie like
EmanYes I’m on of the rare few to now get sides from superdrol. M1T didn’t bother me either I only had positives. Methylstenbolone how we that did give me some lethargy not bad but I noticed was constant blood pressure spikes the most on it and associates headaches.

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