Inj. Superdrol and how to use

Your lucky if you don’t get sides from superdrol I love it but that lethargy is zombie like
Your lucky if you don’t get sides from superdrol I love it but that lethargy is zombie like
EmanYes I’m on of the rare few to now get sides from superdrol. M1T didn’t bother me either I only had positives. Methylstenbolone how we that did give me some lethargy not bad but I noticed was constant blood pressure spikes the most on it and associates headaches.
Lethargy from inject? Oral def, inject really never have at least not on oral levels
Both inject and oral lethargy like I could sleep 15 hours
Notice the same sides on msten Don’t every one jump down my throat but msten is about to top superdrol in my book 10mg of msten is enough for me
some report great results, appears to be person specific.
i gotta try.
@GRIM I’m a week in and I can already see a noticble difference in the mirror or maybe it’s the igf or maybe the hgh or maybe the max lmg.....
Wow this is getting good keep up the I put brothers. Loving what I see here I’m def pumped to run superdrol injectable snake man can expect an order in a Month or so! Might have to get you to make me a special 80ml blend of tpp/npp 150/150.

im with eman msten is WAY fucking stronger then superdrol WHEN you have legit msten it really only takes 10 but I like to run my orals super high to the max personal preference, I keep my injects moderate I’ve never even ran a gram a week before no interest in it or money. and I’ve been able to handle it. Even ranhigh dose of halotestin without flaw
Wonder why msten spikes bp so bad I had to bump my Lisinopril up
@GRIM all my products are manufactured in a sterile facility. 😛
I have 2 bottles of 50mg/ml superdrol laying around, just been waiting on the right time. I know I am going to have to have surgery on my arm in the next couple of weeks but I may try it just to see if I get lethargic from also can't hurt with my light workouts..only help.
Is msten stronger as far as muscle growth or is it stronger due to sides, increasing BP, etc...?
I know I have some ment coming so we will see how that works out.😎
Iv only been on msten a week and notice body change in mirror i definitely place it above superdrol I’m starting to think new fav oral even sides are strong as well but my bp meds take care of that. It might not affect others so bad I was diagnosed with high bp when I was 18. Spent most of my life walking on eggshells since I can remember. I think my high bp is anxiety induced cause I can not take bp meds and take a Xanax and my bp good. But I don’t need that shit fuckin bartards anyway.
if i get pointed in right direction id love to give msten a test.
from all i remember it was a true hit and miss compound, some loved it, others were blahh but there was also alot of bad product as well
@GRIM hey I’ll switch over to vicious msten I gave u the link and password if I think it’s up to par with the brand I’m taking now u can order up!

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