Maiden to a Monster

Cheated again today because I'm full of excuses. And carbs. Going to hit fasted cardio in the morning and then bench day later. I think 2 a days will be back in my routine for a while. Also probably skipping my weekly refeed since I've been a pos the last week. Tacos, donuts, and wine tonight. Oops.

Forever fat.

Also had another post on here, with a few more pics. Guess it got deleted somehow or never posted but it seemed fully uploaded and viewable. Oh well. Too lazy. Happy vday.
MaidenOfIron date=1487154493 said:
Cheated again today because I'm full of excuses. And carbs. Going to hit fasted cardio in the morning and then bench day later. I think 2 a days will be back in my routine for a while. Also probably skipping my weekly refeed since I've been a pos the last week. Tacos, donuts, and wine tonight. Oops.

Forever fat.

Also had another post on here, with a few more pics. Guess it got deleted somehow or never posted but it seemed fully uploaded and viewable. Oh well. Too lazy. Happy vday.
MaidenOfIron date=1487154493carbs are very addicting. its the fastest energy source on the planet and very rarely found in nature. processed white sugar is impossible to find in nature and it is in literally everything now. our brains take every chance to stock on energy and fast too so sugar is very addicting to the brain. research in mice has shown that sugar is more addicting then cocaine and even without any research we all know this to be true on some level.
while your body is burning sugar as its primary fuel the desire to eat sugars and thus the need for high discipline (and thus torture) is always there. but the body is a hybride organism. once the brain is used to using fat as fuel that whole desire and discipline aspect becomes almost nonexistant.
so what i am saying is, dont blame yourself for lack of discipline, but try to get at the root of the issue then discipline plays a almost nonexistant part.
Holy Gun ShowBatgirl!
You've come a Looooooong Friggin Way!!! Excellent Work Chica!!!

Now lay off the cheats and pick up some heavy shit! 😛
Thank you!! And yes, Sir🙂 I'm picking up nothing but heavy shit!! I just hit 135 for 10x3 the other night on bench. It's a great feeling repping out your old max😉I'm definitely feeling good and strong but it's the Neverending battle of strength vs. Aesthetics. Ivery put on a shit ton of muscle but I've been adding a lot of cardio and hiit on my prescribed "rest days" to try and keep the leaning out coming along as well. I'll have to creep everyone's logs and see what kind of work everyone has been putting in lately🙂
Fired my diet coach.for being a fraud and wasting my time and money. Going as low carb as possible while still training heavy. Need to figure out something more precise, a good carb cycle, but until then just trying to keep my intake low protein high and carbs timed around AM and lifts. Hit 145x3 on bench today on's supposed to be deload week
Need some serious help with skin. As yall know I used to be fat af, my heaviest being in my early teenage years with a lot of ups and downs. I'm starting to see some lines and cuts but there's just a little kangaroo pouch of loose skin that I need to know how I can lift firm and tighten without a tummy tuck. It's driving me fucking crazy. I bought a fucking waist trainer. Halp.
Somewhere along the line I started powerlifting. My coach had a mock meet for me today and my total was 711.5. 275 squat, 150 bench, 315 dead. Went 7/9. Doing a week long detox this week after a winny cycle and probably gonna start var next week along with a basic CLA/L-carnitine/thermo stack. While starting a strength phase in my PL program, because heck the rules.

I cleaely don't even care what happens to me anymore.

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