Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Hello EG friends,, I will move the log i've started to this thread as its a more appropriate location

I will provide
my diet information
my exercise routines and schedules
my drug and supplement usage

Post regular update picture so you can follow the progress and so my amazing vendors / sponsors who have volunteered assistance the reassurance it's being well used

let's start with the grind of what I eat ,, i know you love the drugs but food the most anabolic substance you will ever put in your body.. this is the magic part right here

Meal 1 about 8:30 am - i mix this in a blender
1.5 scoops of whey isolate (bpi HD)
1 cup oats ( old fashioned)
1 cup egg whites
1 cup berries (blue or mixed)
3 cups water ( i also slip in 3 tbs of "kidney stuff" and 1 tbs of fiber supplement)

Meal 2 about 11:30 am
6 oz steak - flank
1.5 cups rice (brown basmati)
1/2 cup broccoli

meal 3 about 2:30 PM
8 oz chicken - i like thighs
1 cup rice
1 banana

meal 4 about 5:30 PM
8 oz salmon
8 oz sweet potato
3 oz green beans

Meal 5 about 9:00 PM - I may substitute a cheat meal here is I like up to twice a week for now
9 oz white fish like tilapia or cod no breading
1 cup quinoa
1 cup veggies of choice

Meal 6 about 11PM
2 scoops whey isolate
2 oz nuts - my choice usually Cashew Nuts
6 egg whites plus 2 whole eggs
3 cups spinach
Makes an awesome omelette

next the workout and pre / intra and post WO supplements and drinks
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Cann wait to fallow this buddy.. best of luck to you..!!!
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Very cool Mr.B You know I will be following. Crush it brother.
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

moving this picture as my reference Base off season look

focus will be Legs, Lats, Chest and all other parts after

I will post my workouts today


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Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

the work out , currently a three day split will probably add a second leg day

exercises are split into Push and Pull days and legs

Leg Day
leg extensions 10 reps,rest 3 sec do 8 reps, rest for 3 sec 6 reps, rest for 3 sec 4 reps rest for 3 sec 2 reps
repeat this for a total of 3 sets

leg curls using a weight you can do 20 reps with, then 15 reps then 12 reps

leg press - deep and strict
4 plates for 40 reps
5 plates for 35 reps
6 plates to failure

back to leg extensions 10 reps toes pointed in then 10 reps toes pointed out - repeat 3 times

hack squats - feet and knees together
2 plates not deep jusr pulses about 6 inches to pump the quads -3 sets of 20

Push day

cable cross overs - 20 reps, 15 reps, 12 x2 sets - 4 sets total

incline barbell press - 12 reps - 10 reps- 8x 2 - 4 sets total

flat BD press - 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps

DB side laterals i use 25 lbs and 20 lbs - 3 sets to failure

smith machine front presses 10 repos x 3 sets

DB rear delts 25 lbs / 20 lbs 3 sets to failure

triceps close grip flat bench - 15 reps, 12, reps, 10 x2 reps - 4 sets total

skull crushers 20 reps x 3 sets

rope pushdowns - 20 reps x 3 sets

dips with bodyweight - 3 sets to failure

push day

chin ups 3 sets of 20 reps - assisted when necessary - right now I do 20 , 15 , 10 without help so my partner pushes me up to get the rest

bent over rows 12 reps, 10 reps, 10 reps

seated machine rows - 15 reps- 12 reps- 10 reps

DB one arm rows - 10 resp x 3 sets

front pull downs 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps

straight bar shrugs - 225 x 20 reps x 3 sets

seated machine curls 20 reps x 4 sets

DB hammer curls - 20 reps x 4 sets

ez bar curls inside grip 15 reps x2 sets , 12 reps x 2 sets

straight bar curls - 15 reps x2 sets, 12 reps x2 sets

hot tub time
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Received the IGF1 -lr3. will begin tomorrow for leg day
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Where you got the igf and how much ?
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

blasson said:
Where you got the igf and how much ?
Its from Sciroxx and its list price is 200 for a kit, a kit is 5 vials of 200 mcgs , i used the auction winnings to get two kits
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

misterB said:
Its from Sciroxx and its list price is 200 for a kit, a kit is 5 vials of 200 mcgs , i used the auction winnings to get two kits
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

first day on IGF1 -LR3 did 25 mcg's in each quad IM pre and [post workout so 100 mcg's total for the day. eat a high carb mean after injections

weight is up to 191
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

misterB said:
first day on IGF1 -LR3 did 25 mcg's in each quad IM pre and [post workout so 100 mcg's total for the day. eat a high carb mean after injections

weight is up to 191
Keep crushing Mr.B
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

pre Nationals show is set, it will be the Bev Francis Summer classic in White plans NY July 8th

workout update

Killer leg day, added some straight leg dead lift to stretch the hamstrings and glutes.

also pinned 50 mcgs IGF-1 LR3 into the quads this morning and again right after exercise

one thing I can tell is the side effects are real...body pain sucks, joints all hurt at night and I can barely get three hours sleep. shoulders, elbows back, hips.. guess you cant heal without growth and just like being a kid growing pain sucks
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Keep up the great work man.. U will do great..!!!
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Started Pristyn EQ 300 today with a front load shot of 600 mg

Will now do 300 mg on Tuesdays and Thursday's - 600 mg per week
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

misterB said:
Started Pristyn EQ 300 today with a front load shot of 600 mg

Will now do 300 mg on Tuesdays and Thursday's - 600 mg per week
Go get it misterB
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

did a great Push day yesterday, upper pecs and triceps are sore today, feels good

did 300 mg's EQ today, no pain from the initial front load shot, love that

did IGF-1 LR3 into the Pecs in the morning and immediately after workout yesterday , body pain seem to have gone away friday after a week of serious joint pain, assuming body adjusting to elevated IGF levels from HGH and IGF-1 . feel good now and sleeping again
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

i have noticed i continue to get leaner despite increasing my food , i have no restrictions and body fat gets lower and lower, IGF must eat that shit up
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Hard leg day , quads where burning and weak as heck once we finished , injected 50 MCGs igf1-lr3 bilaterally into each quad in the morning and again post work out

Body fats maybe 12 % now with no diet restrictions,, moving towards the cut in great shape
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

Updated drug protocol

3 IUs hgh split 2 am - 1 pm thegreytops
200 MCGs gf
Ghrp-2 and 200 mcg meletonin 2 before bed time hgh 20 min
600 mg primo e
600 mg Pristyn eq
600 mg test c but cutting over to Pristyn test e
12.5 mg aromasin m-f
Sciroxxx igf1-lr3 100 MCGs on workout days split bilaterally pre and post
Re: Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals (powered by Pristyn Labs )

well surprising weigh in today.. down 6 lbs to 184 , looks liek its all fat cause muscles are bigger and strenght is good

i guess the new diet has my metabolism running faster, talking tot the coach tonight after the gym , hgh is at 3 ius but 3 weeks ago as the coach suggested i moved to a split 2 iu am 1 iu before bed
i'm lean as shit for a guy whos bulking

its push day, my favorite and i did 50 mcgs bilaterally of Sciroxxx igf-1 lrs right into the pecs , ill repeat his when i get out of the gym

new pics tonight after the gym, youll see them soon

looking for any comments from the experience competitors, youre my sounding board and only ones who can say whats coming up ahead of me

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