Mister B's road to the Masters Nationals

misterB said:
still waiting on the judges feed back, my GF and i have a running joke hes going to call and say , O yea, you're the Idiot who had his suit on inside out... no fucking shit we knocked you down one

yup, wore my classic trunks inside out for the pore judging... lol
misterBLmao.. i remember my 1st show I waited to the last minute to order posing trunks. Back then shit wasn't like it is now where you can find something locally. Only thing I found that fit was a bright pink pair.
Ended up winning the open middleweight class knowing very little about posing or prepping. I only won because my conditioning was insane and the judges straight up told me my posing sucked! Hell of a 1st experience
Did 750 mg shot of test u in two 1.5 ml shots one per glut , then did a 120 mg test e to help bridge into that , plan is minimize injections while I rest these next 10'weeks before starting the 2017 push for first place

Did a great chest and back workout, still have some of the awesome sciroxxx IGF lr3 and des mixed so I did 50 MCGs into each lag once I got home , figure use it or loose it while I go into the break
its clean out time, coach wants me to do a standard PCT with HCG and Clomid , trying to explain to him i'm a lifer on TRT, only got one working nut and normal for me would be like 280's , so i'll have to let him know ive already done the test U shot, have him focus on diet and exercise program
he did remind me of something i forgot today, just because i feel strong I have to resist lifting heavy right now, my tendons are weak and dry from all the drugs we used, got to check the ego and stay light
Imo if its just a clean out taking one month off from everything is fine. Hop back on a trt dose after that. Your not gonna lose shit in a month and i really doubt you will experience any negative sides from no test in your system for that short of time. The more i think about this the more i like the idea. I guess if you are doing a true very low dose of only TRT there is no harm in that either. I think it may be good to clear the system completly for a month...
i did 750 mg test U , its 250 mg per ml so this first shot along with 120 mg test e will last 6 week probably keep me over 400 but nothing special , second shot at 6 weeks will carry me till the 10 weeks are up and we do blood work , its a very slow release ester
misterB said:
its clean out time, coach wants me to do a standard PCT with HCG and Clomid , trying to explain to him i'm a lifer on TRT, only got one working nut and normal for me would be like 280's , so i'll have to let him know ive already done the test U shot, have him focus on diet and exercise program
he did remind me of something i forgot today, just because i feel strong I have to resist lifting heavy right now, my tendons are weak and dry from all the drugs we used, got to check the ego and stay light

95% of results are diet and exercise and your right these young trainers have little to know idea what is old guys have to do always on trt is a way of life don't stop it sucks

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