
Right on JM. Pres. Eisenhower warned the country of Chicken Hawks. These people that don't sever, never will serve, yet are so quick to send the res of us to war.
Inhuman same goes to you. You actually are the instigator in this thread.

I happen to agreed with the statement Jinko made about the government is made up of the people and YES it does mean that the people have failed.
FAILED - to vote
FAILED - to give a shit
FAILED - to try on their own without accepting gov assistance first (not that all can)
FAILED - to stand up to bullies in our own country but instead Support a war on foreign soil that they don't have to "deal" with
FAILED - to be humanitarians to our own country members
FAILED - to seek leaders and leadership that is FOR the USA and not just FOR themselves.

yes we have failed but we don't have to live in our failures.
I find that I get a bit argumentative when my estro goes unchecked. Just sayin'.
goodfella said:
Easy there buck, I know your not trying to say you never broke any law ;D
I am no saint by any term. I sold weed back in the day myself. By that I mean lbs a week sometimes up to 20lbs. I never got caught. I knew the game and took my changes. Those that play take that chance and when they get caught they whine about it. That's what I was referring towards.
RockShawn said:
Inhuman same goes to you. You actually are the instigator in this thread.

I happen to agreed with the statement Jinko made about the government is made up of the people and YES it does mean that the people have failed.
FAILED - to vote
FAILED - to give a shit
FAILED - to try on their own without accepting gov assistance first (not that all can)
FAILED - to stand up to bullies in our own country but instead Support a war on foreign soil that they don't have to "deal" with
FAILED - to be humanitarians to our own country members
FAILED - to seek leaders and leadership that is FOR the USA and not just FOR themselves.

yes we have failed but we don't have to live in our failures.
Not going to argue that I instigated this one..... But as for the topic of us the people failing, how much of a difference do you think it would make if the other guy was elected? There are only a couple we get to chose from and really they are pretty much the same...just figure heads. So whoever is put into office is going to do what they want anyway
inhuman88 said:
Not going to argue that I instigated this one..... But as for the topic of us the people failing, how much of a difference do you think it would make if the other guy was elected? There are only a couple we get to chose from and really they are pretty much the same...just figure heads. So whoever is put into office is going to do what they want anyway
I agree 100% - most the time these days we are voting for the least "bad" one. This has been a long time coming. It didn't happen overnight and isn't our generation's fault either. However, Voting IS at an all time historic low and most people seem to just not care. They would rather debate the candidate's religious affiliation or extracurricular activities rather than what can be done to make America the Greatest country in the world again, cause right now, it honestly isn't. People are more worried about today than the future, shortsightedness has blinded us all to conforming to whatever the "popular" vote is. Which is actually controlled by very few people.

It's amazing that in this country, a segment like vegans, which is very small in numbers, can change an entire company's (Chipotle) requirements from suppliers to a point it becomes cost prohibitive for some to stay in business. AND VEGANS DON'T EVEN EAT AT THE RESTAURANT. Crazy how influential the loudest group can be. maybe it's time for a new LOUD group. BODYBUILDERS and GEARHEADS
I believe all is settled down. Don't read that I'm angry please. I just hope someday we can take back control of this country before it finally quits circling the shitter and actually flushes.
Rock, you have a very intelligent tongue. I like that brother.
Back on topic: What can be done to improve the broke system? Let's hear some actual thought provoked comments.

In My opinion the prisons have almost become a home for some. They might get out but are itching to do something to go back in. Maybe the punishment on repeat offenders should be different, heck maybe it is and I don't know. I know people can go to prison for stuff that society would deem not that horrific and rehabilitate-able. In those cases the stamp of "felon" should be lessened to a degree they can return to society and resume a normal life. IDK.
RockShawn said:
Back on topic: What can be done to improve the broke system? Let's hear some actual thought provoked comments.

In My opinion the prisons have almost become a home for some. They might get out but are itching to do something to go back in. Maybe the punishment on repeat offenders should be different, heck maybe it is and I don't know. I know people can go to prison for stuff that society would deem not that horrific and rehabilitate-able. In those cases the stamp of "felon" should be lessened to a degree they can return to society and resume a normal life. IDK.
The first and most important step is to have publicly run prisons not privately run ones. There is a great incentive for these companies to have as many inmates as possible which is not a good thing for society
RockShawn said:
Back on topic: What can be done to improve the broke system? Let's hear some actual thought provoked comments.

In My opinion the prisons have almost become a home for some. They might get out but are itching to do something to go back in. Maybe the punishment on repeat offenders should be different, heck maybe it is and I don't know. I know people can go to prison for stuff that society would deem not that horrific and rehabilitate-able. In those cases the stamp of "felon" should be lessened to a degree they can return to society and resume a normal life. IDK.
Well, the entire "Justus" system is a profit making venture, from the Federal level all the way down to the local level. Prisons don't even feign an attempt to appear rehabilitative anymore, it's all about paying $. Obviously the punishment some offenders are receiving isn't enough of an incentive to walk the straight and narrow, as Rock said, there are a lot of people who know nothing other than prison or jail, they've been there most of their lives. Maybe we should set up a gulag in Alaska, Idk either, tbh. Maybe we have to dismantle and not allow the "Justus" sytem to wallow in corruption and complacency. Appointing activist judges to lifetime appointments doesn't help, they are a big part of the problem. Judges should have to be elected, like it used to be. No Federal 'minimum security' prisons either, the only criminals there are white collar or politicians. They're so far above us that they have their own 'country club' prisons.

It's not going to be corrected overnight, or with 1 'fit all' approach. It will take decades to remedy the situation as it is.
How about making it less like a damn holiday in and more like work your ass off system, kinda like the dude in Arizona I believe it is. Had a co-worker that had to work building roads while in (damn long time ago) and he said he never wanted to go back. Said all he could think about was getting back for a shower and food cause he knew it was starting all over again in the morning.
morrey said:
The first and most important step is to have publicly run prisons not privately run ones. There is a great incentive for these companies to have as many inmates as possible which is not a good thing for society
Huh? I agree to abolish private prisons, but the thought that they somehow are responsible for pulling people off the street and incarcerating them on their own is ludicrous. The mess starts with local and state LE, and trickles up from there, unless you're being prosecuted in Federal Court. You have to look beyond the prison system to realize the real problem, it's much more deeply entrenched than that, although private prisons have been around since America was founded.
morrey said:
The first and most important step is to have publicly run prisons not privately run ones. There is a great incentive for these companies to have as many inmates as possible which is not a good thing for society
So your saying just raise taxes on the people to pay for it. That's a great idea raise taxes.

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