Taking the plunge... my 1st cycle


Jacked Immortal
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Hey guys, I posted a while back about doing my 1st cycle but that thread is gone/deleted due to the site getting all messed up not to long ago. Anyway I've decided to start my 1st cycle. I was thinking of running Test E. @ 300mg/wk OR 400mg/wk. (Pin twice @ 150mg OR 200mg) A little lower than the usual newbie stater dose of 500mg/wk, but I feel like that will do just fine. My training is on point and so is my diet. I can always up dose too if I feel like its not doing a whole lot....

Second part is since I am a little bit gyno prone (little bit of natural gyno from puberty) when should I start the aromasin???? After about two weeks since thats how long it takes for the test to kick in? I have Adex and Nolva as well for back ups.

I am 26 yrs old. Been lifting for 7 yrs. Body weight is between 208-212lbs at 5'7" and Abs are shy/ but are there. This is the leanest I have ever been. I'm more into Powerlifting... Last Week I hit 315lbs on Bench for triples, Squats on parallel low box I hit 455lbs x 6 reps but had a bit more in me, maybe 1 or 2 more reps. Then Deadlifts last night I hit 500lbs x 6 Paused-dead stop reps and last week I did touch and go reps and got 8reps.

Let me know what you guys think?
Start Aromasin from beginning of your cycle up to pct. You would be better off starting at 500mgs. It takes 4-6 weeks to fully kick in. By that time if you wanted to make adjustments you wouldn't feel them till the end of your cycle. What do you got lined up for pct? You ever look into running hcg?
HulkSmashes said:
Hey guys, I posted a while back about doing my 1st cycle but that thread is gone/deleted due to the site getting all messed up not to long ago. Anyway I've decided to start my 1st cycle. I was thinking of running Test E. @ 300mg/wk OR 400mg/wk. (Pin twice @ 150mg OR 200mg) A little lower than the usual newbie stater dose of 500mg/wk, but I feel like that will do just fine. My training is on point and so is my diet. I can always up dose too if I feel like its not doing a whole lot....

Second part is since I am a little bit gyno prone (little bit of natural gyno from puberty) when should I start the aromasin???? After about two weeks since thats how long it takes for the test to kick in? I have Adex and Nolva as well for back ups.

I am 26 yrs old. Been lifting for 7 yrs. Body weight is between 208-212lbs at 5'7" and Abs are shy/ but are there. This is the leanest I have ever been. I'm more into Powerlifting... Last Week I hit 315lbs on Bench for triples, Squats on parallel low box I hit 455lbs x 6 reps but had a bit more in me, maybe 1 or 2 more reps. Then Deadlifts last night I hit 500lbs x 6 Paused-dead stop reps and last week I did touch and go reps and got 8reps.

Let me know what you guys think?

Cycle looks good brother.Ive known guys that started @ 250mg so 400mg EW will be good enough.Better to start off lower to see how your body react to it.You can always add more if needed BUT give it enough time for you to accurately judge.

Make sure to focus heavily on your DIET and training while on so you get the most out of it.These (especially diet) are the tru determining factor in the results obtained from any cycle.

As for the gyno,ive always recommended Nolva from the beginning of a cycle if you know you are prone to it.
For the Aromasin I was gonna use 12.5mg EOD. But maybe I would need it ED.... Then could I use Nolva 20mg ED with it or would that be too much?
use aromasin ED, the half life in men is jsut over 8 hours, since you're pron to gyno there may be days you use 12.5 mornings and 12.5 nights like the day of and day after injection when you're peaking . id go with two shots of what ever the test strength is, 200 or 250 or 300, dont go just 300 per week , remember risk to reward ratios, why take the shutdown for 300, i get it since its a first run but do yourself a favor and go all in, 400 to 500 mg per week... of tren 🙂
low test just fine imo, you can always go up. use an oral or prop to jump start..
misterB said:
use aromasin ED, the half life in men is jsut over 8 hours, since you're pron to gyno there may be days you use 12.5 mornings and 12.5 nights like the day of and day after injection when you're peaking . id go with two shots of what ever the test strength is, 200 or 250 or 300, dont go just 300 per week , remember risk to reward ratios, why take the shutdown for 300, i get it since its a first run but do yourself a favor and go all in, 400 to 500 mg per week... of tren 🙂
are you sure that's not peak concentration? I pretty sure aromasin has a 24-36hr half life. The day and night dosing method is a waste of time imo. I don't know which "bro" came up with that one but it sounds ridiculous. I think he should start at 12.5mg eod and then move to 12.5mg ed if symptoms appears (itchy, sore, or puffy nips) , and then 25mg ed in the worst cases where 12.5 mg doesn't work. 25mg should definitely knock it out for sure. No need to Nolva with Aromasin, you'll be burning money and pushing meds through your system that aren't necessary.

And Just to touch on what Grim said I would definitely throw in oral in the first 4-6 weeks just to get things going. This is your first cycle and will be the best one you ever run. Might as well make it a good one where you maximize every week to the fullest.
Do you have any Aromasin on hand?
Some good stuff here for you to ponder. The best advice to start off with was to make sure your diet is exactly where you need it for the cycle AND goal you are trying to achieve. A/A's only exaggerate what your body is already doing. Second thing would be to go ahead and run Nolva from the very beginning. Keep the Aromasin handy, but only if you need it. Like sityslicker said, don't run meds that aren't necessary. I always run Aroma and Nolva together, but, I'm extremely gyno prone, so I have to. Third thing is the dosage, Yes...this will be the best cycle you ever run, so take advantage of it, but..again, if you don't feed the cycle then don't run a larger dose.
There's nothing wrong with 400mg a week as a starter cycle. As a matter of fact, it was mine. There was a vendor out there by the name of Powertrip Pharmaceuticals, and I pinned a half cc twice weekly. I used arimidex as an AI at the time a .5 EOD The test was a high mg concentration and it lumped me up bad lol, but I stuck through it. I ran it for ten weeks. As Tsize mentioned it will be the best cycle of your life. The feeling you will have, the changes you will see in the mirror, and the confidence you will build. Keep diet on point and be careful. Keep us informed on how it goes brother, this is good stuff. We wanna know.
sityslicker1 said:
are you sure that's not peak concentration? I pretty sure aromasin has a 24-36hr half life. The day and night dosing method is a waste of time imo. I don't know which "bro" came up with that one but it sounds ridiculous. I think he should start at 12.5mg eod and then move to 12.5mg ed if symptoms appears (itchy, sore, or puffy nips) , and then 25mg ed in the worst cases where 12.5 mg doesn't work. 25mg should definitely knock it out for sure. No need to Nolva with Aromasin, you'll be burning money and pushing meds through your system that aren't necessary.

And Just to touch on what Grim said I would definitely throw in oral in the first 4-6 weeks just to get things going. This is your first cycle and will be the best one you ever run. Might as well make it a good one where you maximize every week to the fullest.
Good advice there.

Yep, yep .... half life of Aromasin is 24 hours.
look it up guys, those long numbers are in testing on women, in Men its much shorter

make it easy for you

loll now start taking your aromasin like MisterB says
misterB said:
look it up guys, those long numbers are in testing on women, in Men its much shorter

make it easy for you

loll now start taking your aromasin like MisterB says
Haha nice study! I stand corrected on the half life. Its states from memory 8-9 hrs, HOWEVER straight from the same study...

"Maximal suppression of estradiol (62 ± 14%) was observed 12 h after a single 25-mg dose of exemestane. Estradiol remained suppressed by 58 ± 21% at 24 h and returned to baseline 3–6 d after treatment (Fig. 3)."

As you can see not a lot of difference in suppression from 12-24hr mark. 2-a-day dosing is not necessary since the males were still getting a therapeutic effect.
Don't know why it was suggested to run a serm instead of an ai. Bitch tits aren't your only side with high e2. An ai manages e2 while a serm just keeps you from getting gyno. Still got high levels of estro...
sityslicker1 said:
Haha nice study! I stand corrected on the half life. Its states from memory 8-9 hrs, HOWEVER straight from the same study...

"Maximal suppression of estradiol (62 ± 14%) was observed 12 h after a single 25-mg dose of exemestane. Estradiol remained suppressed by 58 ± 21% at 24 h and returned to baseline 3–6 d after treatment (Fig. 3)."

As you can see not a lot of difference in suppression from 12-24hr mark. 2-a-day dosing is not necessary since the males were still getting a therapeutic effect.
yup the part im wondering about thats differs from the studies is we continue to add compounds that aromatize, so thats my thinking about days where the dose is split e2 is again on the rise from injection to 72 hours after. is there simply an limited amount of aromatase enzyme and we've bond them all up the day before or as test levels rise more enzymes are created that need to be locked up.
Id say do no less then 500mgs a week. You got to remeber, stuff is underdosed. Test and dbol, test and eq, test and turnibol, test and masteron, good starter cycles imo

Get known good adex and letro or armosin just in case. Not research chem crap
So I've decided to go with 400mg/Wk of Test E. (Pin twice @ 200mg - Probably Monday and Thursday)

I'm kinda torn though... should I use Aromasin or Nolva for my natural gyno issue???? Or both??? Some of you guys say use Nolva, then some of you say use Aromasin, or some say both are good.

I know Nolva blocks gyno from happening, but what about controlling my estrogen? Isn't Nolva mainly used for PCT to help bring back LH/FSH you know help bring your "boys" back? So would this act like HCG a little bit then on a cycle?

Aromasin I know is good at keeping gyno away and its also good at controlling my estrogen. What about using both then???
Quick answer, use Aromasin while on cycle.

Disclaimer: if you have extraordinary gyno issues, keep Nolva on hand also. If it's that bad, have Letro on hand also. The ideal is to be ready for anything that might come along when cycling. Research.Research, and then research.

As an aside .... your pin schedule looks good, have fun. As previously noted, this will be your best cycle as far as potential growth. 1st cycle always is.
Get bloodwork mid cycle to see if u gotta adjust your ai dosage. Agree with hanzo. Keep nolva on hand. If you really want to you can run 20mgs of nolva with your ai during cycle. I would just get bloodwork and see what's happening...
ill never use a serm

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