What would you do if your wife threw your gear in the trash??


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So a few weeks back the wife found my gear stash. She kept calling me while I was work demanding I explain myself. I honestly couldn't talk to her about the subject with so many people around so I knew it would be ugly when I got home that night.
When I arrived home my gear was no where to be found. I flipped the fuck out and just kept asking her what she did with it. It took awhile before she ended up telling me that she threw it out. I went outside to our dumpster with my flashlight and didn't see anything the 1st time I checked. I was having a jdb3 style blow up at that point!!
I woke up crack of dawn and checked again. Ended up jumping in the freaking dumpster when I found the bag she threw it out in. I was not about to lose that much gear of I could do something about it.
I've gone back and forth with my wife trying to educate her the difference between gear use and abuse. She doesn't get it that in order to be a competitive bodybuilder I need a little extra boost to be competitive.
In the end it's always the same result to our argument, I just end up telling her what she wants to here "I won't use steroids ever again"
It's almost like she doesn't want me to tell her the truth. So now after finding a new secret hiding spot for my stash it's back to lying and hiding.
The shit that pissed me off the most was the fact that she threaten to tell my family if we broke up that reason was because I'm a drug addict!! Can you believe that shit?? A drug addict...
So like the title says what would you do in this situation?
Am I crazy for jumping in to a dumpster to rescue my gear?
a few questions

Are you married???
How long have you been together??
Do you want to stay with her if your not married.

First here is the big problem. If something goes down would she rat you out even if they didn't find any gear on you or in your house?? I don't really know what I would do to be honest. That shit would freak me out. I would probably put her in a bag and put her in the trash and then ask her how that shit felt lol.. But seriously.. If she is that fucking crazy about it there has to be a reason why.. Instead of trying to tell her why its ok maybe you should ask her why its not and then to provide you with real NO BS evidence that her reasons are substantiated. If I wasn't married to her I would probably bounce if it was me bro.. I could not handle shit like that.. I am very old school not to say I don't listen to my wife's opinion but at the end of the day what I want done will get done. I am the man of the house..

Now with that said if you guys have kids together and she s worried about you getting in trouble because of it..WELL I cant argue that one. SO yeah it is a total fucking conundrum lol.
Reach back like a pimp and slap the hoe! Lol j.k that sucks bro sorry to hear that and I would have jumled in a dumpster too if she tossed all my stash. You would thi k shed be cool about it im sure she enjoys your body lol
Was she really looking to find your shit or did she just happen to find it? What type of hiding place we talking about? If you really don't want it found you have to work pretty hard to find a good place to stash. I made a cool hiding spot in my basement, made a little fake panel that looks like another piece of duct work, but you remove the panel and there is a beautiful hiding spot in between the rafters in the ceiling. Again, if you choose to keep it a secret as I do, you have to put in a lot of work in getting you a spot that will not be found easily. Check Amazon, there are some really cool things you can hide shit in, fake food cans, cleaning supplies, WD-40 cans, etc..... you can set these in the garage with all of your other junk and it looks just like a bunch of junk. I know people will say that you should be honest with your wife or girlfriend on shit like this, but some girls just won't understand and they will always see gear as evil and put it in the same class as coke, LSD, etc.... so you gotta do what works for you. I would be pissed, but at the same time it would be my fault for not hiding it good. Try to split up your stash in a few different places so that if one is compromised then you will still have a backup and won't lose too much at one time. Good luck bro and I feel your pain...... here's to good hiding spots.... 🙂
Not crazy. This such a slippery slope. My wife has no clue the extent of my use. She knows I'm on test trt and growth. They are "prescribed". Anything that I carry with me to and from the house has the same label as my prescription if you know what I mean. Laser jet printers are awesome!!
No kids yet Married 3 years now. I would be gone if that wasn't the case.
She comes from pharmaceutical family. A lot of her family has PhD in pharma. She went to pharmacy school and now studies chemistry.
In her mind is a closed subject, there nothing I can say to educate her on the subject.
Part of me just wants to pack my bags and hit the road.
LOL, having a JDB3 style blow up!!
Hell yea, I would have went in the dumpster too. This is one reason why I dont tell anyone.
But in your case, she found it anyway. Unless you can convince her any different, you will have
to continue to hide it and hope she dont find it.

But I can tell you this much, she is gunna be looking for that stash again. They are fucked up like that.
Most of the ppl that are against gear know absolutely nothing about it. They are brainwashed from the
media and our stupid government (that sucks btw) into thinking they are so bad to take.
RockShawn said:
Not crazy. This such a slippery slope. My wife has no clue the extent of my use. She knows I'm on test trt and growth. They are "prescribed". Anything that I carry with me to and from the house has the same label as my prescription if you know what I mean. Laser jet printers are awesome!!
RockShawnLol I'm trying to get on prescribed trt now. Just waiting on my follow up to discuss my blood work. I figured one it's prescribed it will take some pressure off
Kuntrykok said:
Was she really looking to find your shit or did she just happen to find it? What type of hiding place we talking about? If you really don't want it found you have to work pretty hard to find a good place to stash. I made a cool hiding spot in my basement, made a little fake panel that looks like another piece of duct work, but you remove the panel and there is a beautiful hiding spot in between the rafters in the ceiling. Again, if you choose to keep it a secret as I do, you have to put in a lot of work in getting you a spot that will not be found easily. Check Amazon, there are some really cool things you can hide shit in, fake food cans, cleaning supplies, WD-40 cans, etc..... you can set these in the garage with all of your other junk and it looks just like a bunch of junk. I know people will say that you should be honest with your wife or girlfriend on shit like this, but some girls just won't understand and they will always see gear as evil and put it in the same class as coke, LSD, etc.... so you gotta do what works for you. I would be pissed, but at the same time it would be my fault for not hiding it good. Try to split up your stash in a few different places so that if one is compromised then you will still have a backup and won't lose too much at one time. Good luck bro and I feel your pain...... here's to good hiding spots.... 🙂
Good advice right here.
jshredz said:
No kids yet Married 3 years now. I would be gone if that wasn't the case.
She comes from pharmaceutical family. A lot of her family has PhD in pharma. She went to pharmacy school and now studies chemistry.
In her mind is a closed subject, there nothing I can say to educate her on the subject.
Part of me just wants to pack my bags and hit the road.
here is my thing not that it matters but I have been married 15 years. and I have learned through much trail and error LOL that it is best to just be honest. No good comes from a relationship built on lies even though i our minds this is not a big deal in her mind it is obviously the end of the world. How does she feel about you getting on trt? But in the end you have to be ok with whatever you do.. And me personally gear is not worth losing a great woman over.. Especially if she loves you and would do anything for you.
Kuntrykok said:
Was she really looking to find your shit or did she just happen to find it? What type of hiding place we talking about? If you really don't want it found you have to work pretty hard to find a good place to stash. I made a cool hiding spot in my basement, made a little fake panel that looks like another piece of duct work, but you remove the panel and there is a beautiful hiding spot in between the rafters in the ceiling. Again, if you choose to keep it a secret as I do, you have to put in a lot of work in getting you a spot that will not be found easily. Check Amazon, there are some really cool things you can hide shit in, fake food cans, cleaning supplies, WD-40 cans, etc..... you can set these in the garage with all of your other junk and it looks just like a bunch of junk. I know people will say that you should be honest with your wife or girlfriend on shit like this, but some girls just won't understand and they will always see gear as evil and put it in the same class as coke, LSD, etc.... so you gotta do what works for you. I would be pissed, but at the same time it would be my fault for not hiding it good. Try to split up your stash in a few different places so that if one is compromised then you will still have a backup and won't lose too much at one time. Good luck bro and I feel your pain...... here's to good hiding spots.... 🙂
Thanks for telling us where your hiding spot is LOL hahaha
Only thing I hide is memory cards with naked chicks and im not telling you guys my stash spot lol
At least it was only your gear! If my wife ever found my stash which she won't cause I don't keep gear here, it would have been my clothes as well as my gear-lol

I have been bringing the subject of trt up a lot and she seems to be listening but will never go for full blown UGL gear. I even try not to shower when she is up so she doesn't see the pin marks and ask me if I'm a junky-lol
here is my thing not that it matters but I have been married 15 years. and I have learned through much trail and error LOL that it is best to just be honest. No good comes from a relationship built on lies even though i our minds this is not a big deal in her mind it is obviously the end of the world. How does she feel about you getting on trt? But in the end you have to be ok with whatever you do.. And me personally gear is not worth losing a great woman over.. Especially if she loves you and would do anything for you.
I will never tell my wife of 24+ yrs that I use gear...I love her but some shit is just best left on EG with guys like me!
I gotta ask, if she is looking for your shit what the fuck is she hiding bro? Chics don't get nosey unless their up to something... This shit pisses me off... I had a chic go thru my shit before. She was gone, quick..
Kuntrykok said:
No prob bro, that's just one of 20 or so...... I don't put all my eggs in one basket.
I live in a small apartment.. I'm running out of baskets to put my eggs in. LOL
tbonexl said:
I gotta ask, if she is looking for your shit what the fuck is she hiding bro? Chics don't get nosey unless their up to something... This shit pisses me off... I had a chic go thru my shit before. She was gone, quick..
I normally set up all the electronics in the house, I wasn't home so she started fiddling around where I thought she would never look!! Won't make that mistake again
man jshredz... i feel for you.

all i can say is i would really hate having to hide it... my wife loves my physique and knows or believes i know how to do it responsibly, she only really cares about the legal issues. i know your wife has to really dig that jacked build you have and you really seem to know your shit, so the legality could /should be the only legitimate concern.

i don't know how much you love her, but it is obvious you love bodybuilding. a man don't get that physique by accident. i have 2 kids and if my wife was that dead set against it i would not do it, but if we didn't have kids and i was or wanted to be a competitive bodybuilder...i don't know.

only you can know what's in your heart.. and make the right decision for you. i hope it all works out bro.... and yes i would have dug it out of the trash too!
here is my thing not that it matters but I have been married 15 years. and I have learned through much trail and error LOL that it is best to just be honest. No good comes from a relationship built on lies even though i our minds this is not a big deal in her mind it is obviously the end of the world. How does she feel about you getting on trt? But in the end you have to be ok with whatever you do.. And me personally gear is not worth losing a great woman over.. Especially if she loves you and would do anything for you.

Wacker said:
I will never tell my wife of 24+ yrs that I use gear...I love her but some shit is just best left on EG with guys like me!

I mean you both have very valid points. At this point in my life tho I feel like if I can that part of my life hidden without her knowing that's the route I would take.
Life is too unpredictable sometimes, the person that keeps your secrets today might use this secrets against you later on in life.
Maybe I'm wrong to think this way but that's just the way I feel now

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