What would you do if your wife threw your gear in the trash??

Guess I'm lucky. My girl likes me on it. I recently posted, she said hurry and start your cycle again lol
I can say I am lucky and never had any girl throw any of my stuff out. They were all understanding when I explained it to them and they would give me the shots. I guess I have a way with words.
My wife pretty much knows everything....Although, she did see my stash the other day and was like, what the hell?? Why you got so much??
She gets all excited thinking about what I get to pin her with next....She fully trusts me, but I've been open about it from day one.
My girl is also in nursing going to school for RN so I figured shes seen it all. That was one of the conditions if she wanted the dick lol I told her like in the first week of dating before it got serious when she was cool about it I knew she was a keeper. Now she does everything w.u transactions pinns me if I want reads my blood work gets me scripts i wouldnt be able to on my own shes awsome to have around 🙂
I've always found 100% honesty is the way to go. I said this is my life, this is what I do, if you don't like it...you can get the fuck out. My lady understands it though. Making them understand the chemistry behind it all and making them understand its a passion you have (not an addiction or hobby) eases the blow.

My little lady watches me get hundreds and hundreds of bottles shipped and never says a single word. Last time I got 2 hundy she made me pour em all over her naked on the bed and take pictures. She just loves to be a part of what I do. She's also a huge supplement buff (I work for a supplement company) so when people ask...she say's, "oh no! He just takes lots of supps, creatine, and tons of test boosters".

Find a ride or die and you don't have to worry about it.
NextGen Freak said:
I've always found 100% honesty is the way to go. I said this is my life, this is what I do, if you don't like it...you can get the fuck out. My lady understands it though. Making them understand the chemistry behind it all and making them understand its a passion you have (not an addiction or hobby) eases the blow.

My little lady watches me get hundreds and hundreds of bottles shipped and never says a single word. Last time I got 2 hundy she made me pour em all over her naked on the bed and take pictures. She just loves to be a part of what I do. She's also a huge supplement buff (I work for a supplement company) so when people ask...she say's, "oh no! He just takes lots of supps, creatine, and tons of test boosters".

Find a ride or die and you don't have to worry about it.
NextGen Freak

Ok young gun, share some of those photos with your older brethren!
FrankTheTank said:
I agree with Odin! I would just talk to her and be up front with her. Hiding it is just gonna lead to more problems! Maybe tell her that you will get regular blood work done and physicals so she sees your health is not in any kind of jeopardy.

But once they know, you have to pay more attention to everything you do. You get mad over ANYTHING and the first thing they do is blame steroids....lol Good luck man! Its a tough one!
Frank the Tank hit the nail on the head about being upfront with her and having bloods.

But, also, she is probably more pissed that you HID it from her.
Not trying to give you a hard time, just playing her advocate for a sec.
By you hiding it and then her discovering it, she probably feels like you LIED to her in a BIG WAY.

Marriage is built on trust(and Christ, if you know Him), so that she most likely feels like you violated her trust.
So, the first thing is to apologize and ask for her forgiveness for that violation, and sincerely mean it(even if you don't think you did anything wrong). If you don't address this first, the suggestions below will probably fall on deaf ears, NOT TO MENTION THE LACK OF TRUST WILL CONTINUE TO BREW!!! AND PROBABLY GET MUCH WORSE LATER.

LOVE AND FORGIVENESS, MY MAN, IS PRIORITY!!! I'm speaking from 18 years happily married, and 21 years together!!!

Secondly, I think having bloods done to SHOW her that you're healthy is a GREAT idea. It's a great way to involve her, and lay to rest her fears(from the years of propaganda by the media and LE).

Thirdly, get the trt to further show her that you medically need it.(this one might need to be second in your plan)

Fourthly, convey to her your love for the game of bodybuilding and that this is ONLY one small piece of your gameplan, and that it supplements your years of hard work and dedication, and that it helps tie everything together in a HARMONIOUS SYMPHONY!!! Drive home the point that she is FIRST, of course, and that you really love the sense of accomplishment that achieving your bodybuilding goals(long, mid and short term goals) gives you!!!

And when this all comes to fruition, remember, as Frank the Tank and others said, ANYTIME you get angry or do something rash, she WILL blame it on the gear, so whenever you think you might blow up,

Hope this helps, sorry for the book.

ps. DON'T GET RID OF YOUR WIFE. You'll be screw up for the rest of your life. You are much more woven together than you may realize. PLUS, gear screws your head up sometimes anyway. I have 2 different friends who got rid of their wives 10-15 years ago, AND GUESS WHAT, THERE STILL SCREWED UP!!! THE WIVES WEREN'T THE PROBLEM.
Thanks for the advice bros. I appreciate the feedback everyone has giving me and respect what you all have to say about the subject.
There are some women that you could tell and they be ok with it. And there are some woman that you just can't tell at all.
It all boils down to which one you are with.
JM750 said:
There are some women that you could tell and they be ok with it. And there are some woman that you just can't tell at all.
It all boils down to which one you are with.
I think you hit the nail on the head bro. If I felt I could've been honest, I would've. Just don't see it as an option. Sad but true
jshredz said:
I think you hit the nail on the head bro. If I felt I could've been honest, I would've. Just don't see it as an option. Sad but true
Well, if you love her and don't want to lose her then you might want to stop the gear. If you keep going and hiding it from her, she's gonna find out then she will never be able to trust you again and more than likely leave.

If you want to keep your wife and steroids I really think you're gonna have to talk to her. Maybe tell her you will stop but would like to have the chance for you guys to discuss it and see if you can find a compromise. I'd make it look like a cycle is only a couple months at a time. And while you're ON if she sees any negative changes in you, you will stop your cycle early.

Maybe show her this thread so she sees that a lot of us went through the same thing with our wives.
How much gear did she toss? How do you pin if she doesn't know? I've thought about what I would say when I get in a serious relationship and live with a chic especially since I like to pin ED. It will just be harder to hide than pinning 2x a week. I have a script for TRT so I can use that for the test and just add whatever else I want to use. I keep all my stuff that I'm currently using in a small lock box and keep the rest of my stash in another spot. I did a cycle a couple years ago and hid all the gear in my office and pinned in my office before anyone came in lol. And depending on how much gear it was, I would have gone dumpster diving.
RockShawn said:
Go to eternityhealthmd.com and call them ask for Daniel. He'll get your trt setup ASAP.
RockShawnThanks Rock I'll look into this if my new doctor doesn't come thru.
the prototype said:
How much gear did she toss? How do you pin if she doesn't know? I've thought about what I would say when I get in a serious relationship and live with a chic especially since I like to pin ED. It will just be harder to hide than pinning 2x a week. I have a script for TRT so I can use that for the test and just add whatever else I want to use. I keep all my stuff that I'm currently using in a small lock box and keep the rest of my stash in another spot. I did a cycle a couple years ago and hid all the gear in my office and pinned in my office before anyone came in lol. And depending on how much gear it was, I would have gone dumpster diving.
the prototype
It was at least $1000 worth of gear. Might not be alot to some but it's a shit load to me. I only pin EOD or twice a week depending on what I'm running, never ED.
I have plenty of days when I'm home before she is. Normally predraw my pins for the whole week and keep that separate from my stash. You learn to be resourceful when have to hide your shit.
jshredz said:
It was at least $1000 worth of gear. Might not be alot to some but it's a shit load to me. I only pin EOD or twice a week depending on what I'm running, never ED.
I have plenty of days when I'm home before she is. Normally predraw my pins for the whole week and keep that separate from my stash. You learn to be resourceful when have to hide your shit.
Yes, definitely would have dug thru the trash for $1k of gear. I'd do it for $300 in gear lol. Probably not for a couple vials of test unless I had nothing else. My ex stayed at home and didn't work so it was tough to hide from her but I'm sure it's much easier when your girl works full time. I wanted to date this pharmacist but I started thinking about what she would say or think about me being on TRT and if she found out about my gear use. They are much more knowledgeable so I wasn't sure how that would work out. Good luck brother.
id throw her in the trash. if im serious with woman i hide nothing, absolutely nothing. they can deal with me how i am 100% the good and the bad or they can get the fuck out. plain and simple.
sofargone561 said:
id throw her in the trash. if im serious with woman i hide nothing, absolutely nothing. they can deal with me how i am 100% the good and the bad or they can get the fuck out. plain and simple.
sofargone561When we met I was upfront with her and told about my use. The moment we started getting serious she started the whole when you gonna stop conversation. She pretty much made it a condition to move forward in our relationship. Should've held my ground at that moment and told her I wasn't stopping. Instead I just lied and been lying ever since. SMH....

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