Whatcha running/cruising now?

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Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
So figured we would see who is running what here on EG currently...I am currently 8 weeks into a cruise of the following...

300mg EW of AY Test D 300mg
150mg of AY Deca 300mg
50mg AY Proviron 25mg
100mg Aventia TNE (2x EW on leg/chest days)
1mg E3D AY Adex

I am gearing up to my next blast that will again be a combination of AY & Aventia gear, two of my primary brands of gear for a long time coming!!! Nothing but much respect for both AY and Dr. A from Muscle Addiction!!!
150mg tren a ed
62.5mg test pp ed
100mg winny ed
75mg anavar ed just started var
waiting on some T3 🙁
about 3 weeks into my blast

300mg NPP (EGH & aventia)
300-400mg 1-test cyp (Drakon)
300-400mg mast e (EGH & Joker)

50mg halo extreme (ironmag) daily for 4-6 weeks

100mgs of TNE 2-3 times a week (aventia)

seeing great results already
Re: Whatcha running/cruising now?

Currently on 350mg test.. Switching to 500mg prop 500mg mast a week soon
49ER said:
150mg tren a ed
62.5mg test pp ed
100mg winny ed
75mg anavar ed just started var
waiting on some T3 🙁
49ERthose numbers are INSANE
100 prop, tren a, mast prop eod
500 EQ week
50 mg winny ed
GRIM said:
100 prop, tren a, mast prop eod
500 EQ week
50 mg winny ed
Nice...looking to run AY EQ 400mg soon, finding that as I age (who is getting old???) that less is more, which is a good thing...so starting doses out low and working up if needed to truly find my sweet spot with certain compounds.
49ER said:
150mg tren a ed
62.5mg test pp ed
100mg winny ed
75mg anavar ed just started var
waiting on some T3 🙁

That is a thing of beauty...fucking rock the cut!
150mg tren a ed
62.5mg test pp ed
100mg winny ed
75mg anavar ed just started var
waiting on some T3 🙁

Beautiful cycle bro^^^

I am running
700 of tren a ew
400 prop
350 proviron ....
best blast by far getting mad results and feeling fucking great!!!
Thanks guys it's actually nothing out the norm you don't get bad sides when you run top notch gear. I feel like a young horny teenage boy lol
125 tren a ed
75 test pp ed
50 mast a ed
100 primo e3d
800 EQ wk

100 adrol
100 var
4iu HGH ed

and might be throwing 100 whinny in for a few wks as well!
49ER said:
150mg tren a ed
62.5mg test pp ed
100mg winny ed
75mg anavar ed just started var
waiting on some T3 🙁
WTH!!!! Step away from the TREN!
Wacker said:
125 tren a ed
75 test pp ed
50 mast a ed
100 primo e3d
800 EQ wk

100 adrol
100 var
4iu HGH ed

and might be throwing 100 whinny in for a few wks as well!
WackerHoly WTH, Pincushion Man!!!! :🙂
Wacker said:
125 tren a ed
75 test pp ed
50 mast a ed
100 primo e3d
800 EQ wk

100 adrol
100 var
4iu HGH ed

and might be throwing 100 whinny in for a few wks as well!
Wacker I appreciate your honesty lots of guys don't want to admit there stacks. Your doses are not out the norm either that's why you look good getting shrink wrapped skin your primed and ready to grow right now.
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