Whatcha running/cruising now?

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ajordana said:
Yikes, I was being nice to you my man and you're going to tell me I'm misinformed? Anyone that knows me will tell you I have forgotten more on AAS than 99% out there know. I am close friends with competitors at many levels and know how high people dose.. almost all competitors do. I also know people for a fact on less than I've ever taken that are dry. Vascular as hell, national level. I know these people in real life or at least communicate closely to them, not something I've learned off of a forum or from what someone whom can't speak proper English and calls himself a God gas told anyone. I know people who lie as well, believe what you want brother, but you'll find different info on every forum you to to. Unless you experiment at high and low doses and find what you need for certain things yourself, you'll never know.
ajordana I'm not parroting bro I'm talking hands on my experience tren at 150mg burns fat like crazy if you've had good quality tren you'd know for yourself. Once you've touched something real your eyes are opened this is hands on my cycle and I know what's working for me. I've dropped 15lbs and you guys consider my eating not "clean" so guess what tren is doing the job. What is so crazy about my stack? Lol really just think about it....
9er please let's drop this and please don't accuse me of jumping aboard sponsors for free gear, I don't need it lol. Aventia and my friendship is our business...nobody else's. I am a rep for AY and have been for quite sometime, and if you read my thread correctly AY doesn't do testing lol...ANYWAY if you want we can discuss this further via PM if you feel the need, I never attacked you this whole time so not sure why you attacked me but hey no harm no foul, doesn't bother me one bit and the brothers and sisters who know me know I am a genuine bro who will give the shirt off my back if you need it...and I am not going to sit here and justify myself to you...so hey bro, have a great evening!!!
MuscleAddiction said:
9er please let's drop this and please don't accuse me of jumping aboard sponsors for free gear, I don't need it lol. Aventia and my friendship is our business...nobody else's. I am a rep for AY and have been for quite sometime, and if you read my thread correctly AY doesn't do testing lol...ANYWAY if you want we can discuss this further via PM if you feel the need, I never attacked you this whole time so not sure why you attacked me but hey no harm no foul, doesn't bother me one bit and the brothers and sisters who know me know I am a genuine bro who will give the shirt off my back if you need it...and I am not going to sit here and justify myself to you...so hey bro, have a great evening!!!
MuscleAddictionNo problem you clearly know I'm a member and he was brought up in a way that works against me. So I felt as a attack by saying fuck him when it also had to do with me it should have been a dead issue long ago.
49ER said:
No problem you clearly know I'm a member and he was brought up in a way that works against me. So I felt as a attack by saying fuck him when it also had to do with me it should have been a dead issue long ago.
Slipped my mind honestly!
49er is in the recomp competition not a simple blast and cruise to maintain he's in it to win it!
If these are insane numbers than half the guys hear are insane, weather they have the courage to post the truth after this mess we shall see but I know several guys doing a lot more than this.

What I don't get is why everyone freaks out when they see guys run tren at higher than what this board considers normal, but when guys post they run SD and pin mtr and other hormones more than tren no one says shit other than take liver support and drink some extra water?

As for GH15 I can't say I know him personally but I can say that I took the time to read the abridged version of the Bible he issued and think it's a great tool, with simple easy to follow, nutrition, training and cycle recommendations.
^^This I've followed everyone advice from multiple forums diets I've paid for diets all I did was read the bible easy ass diet to follow and I'm actually dropping fat. I've struggle along time and now it all makes sense and I'm getting results so I talk from personal experience. I'mnot ssaying diet is not important but it doesn't have to be boring ass stuff.

What's important is protein and carb intake and hormone protocols for specific goals. I don't eat McDonald's but for some reason my diet of rice chicken pineapple is. Ot clean enough? Keep in mind strict dieting is most important getting under 6% for a show you ddon't do it with diet only takes specific hormones plus diuretics. I did everything wrong before always get lean before you try to blow up to your new size.
I don't see what the big deal with high doses of tren are or why it's supposedly so bad. I've ran tren at 200-250mg eod for for 6 months straight and was completely fine
I'm trying get like this minimal cardio lol... Truth is I don'tknow where the myth of tren being toxic came from but its not this evil drug that everyone thinks. Mentally yes it can fuck you up especially with lots of stress going on but physically your gonna be alright. You all know me I'm meticulous on bloodwork because of E2 problem in the past I'm perfectly healthy on tren.

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49ER said:
What info? i don't really ever speak to him i just followed the story as it unfolded. He offered to give e me cash not no $100 big money to get my dogs back when some bad shit happened. He donates thousands to animal shelters on camera because he loves dogs. Who does that now a days? He's helped alot of other people he doesn't even know when they get into binds. I was a new member when he was willing to help me that's why he's my friend without actually knowing him Good fucken people right there!
49ERyour info on gear being #1
the doses...
good ppl dont work with LE, lie non stop, invest nothing into security.
Wacker said:
49er is in the recomp competition not a simple blast and cruise to maintain he's in it to win it!
If these are insane numbers than half the guys hear are insane, weather they have the courage to post the truth after this mess we shall see but I know several guys doing a lot more than this.

What I don't get is why everyone freaks out when they see guys run tren at higher than what this board considers normal, but when guys post they run SD and pin mtr and other hormones more than tren no one says shit other than take liver support and drink some extra water?

As for GH15 I can't say I know him personally but I can say that I took the time to read the abridged version of the Bible he issued and think it's a great tool, with simple easy to follow, nutrition, training and cycle recommendations.
Wackersimple if on such a recomp yet diet not in check with doses more @ an advanced level, the combination can be disastrous.

Do what you want, but I am always gonna call out insane doses esp for those who dont have the blocks in place so new comers dont fall into the same trap..
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