xxd1v3r's Quest


Lift to eat, Eat to grow
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I thought i would keep a log of what i do on a day by day as i do on IJ so those that dont know can follow along and comment and make me improve even more so today will be the first of many more to come.

my stats:
43 yr old
220 Lbs
training on and off for over 20 yrs.
have a few cycles and still experimenting with it.


Body Weight x 15,15,15

Close Grip Reverse Pull-Up
Body Weight x 15,15,15

Dead Lift
135 x 15,15
225 x 10
315 x 10
405 x 10
455 x 5

Bent over BB Row
135 x 15
185 x 15
225 x 15

Single Arm Low Cable Row
60 x 10,10
80 x 10,10

Low Row Cable
140 x 12
160 x 12
185 x 10
205 x 10

Lat Pull Down Close Grip
140 x 10
160 x 10
180 x 10
200 x 10

Smith Machine Shrugs
135 x 20
185 x 20
225 x 15,15

Back was nice and tight felt great but was finished
Nice, something to read 😉
TSizemore said:
I love to see Logged WO's. There needs to be a log forum!
TSizemoreI like them too I also like to see cycle logs thats what got me attracted to being a member of these boards I spent time reading all the cycle and training logs and of course i had questions so I registered and started posting questions and spent hours upon hours reading and researching. I researched for a good year before I took the first poke I still made the mistake of doing test prop for my first cycle. My very first cycle was 12 weeks of prop of 150mg EOD that was pure hell lol.
gator said:
TSizemore said:
I love to see Logged WO's. There needs to be a log forum!
TSizemoreI like them too I also like to see cycle logs thats what got me attracted to being a member of these boards I spent time reading all the cycle and training logs and of course i had questions so I registered and started posting questions and spent hours upon hours reading and researching. I researched for a good year before I took the first poke I still made the mistake of doing test prop for my first cycle. My very first cycle was 12 weeks of prop of 150mg EOD that was pure hell lol.

Ha, My problem is I love the pinning, I'm not a masachist, but the eod was like a little treat! ;D



Concentration Curls
25 x 15,15,15
30 x 15,15,15

I was trying to pre exhaust the Bi be fore i started my work out...(Something New)....lol

Standing DB Curl
30 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 10
45 x 10
50 x 10

Straight BB Preacher Curl
Bar x 20
65 x 15
75 x 15
85 x 12
105 x 10
125 x 10,8

Standing Reverse Cable Curl
40 x 12,12,12,12

Standing E-Z Curl
85 x 12,12,12,12


Skull Crushers Straight BB
Bar x 15
65 x 15
85 x 12
105 x 10
125 x 10

Single Arm Push Downs
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10
80 x 10,10

Reverse Single Arm Pull Down
40 x 12
50 x 10
60 x 8,8

Wide Grip Push Downs
70 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 10

Close Grip Push Downs
70 x 10
80 x 10
90 x 10

Had a great work out.....was cold as hell in the gym had a hard time staying warm.
as i move forward this will turn into a cycle log as well im in the process of planning my next cycle so sit down hold on and get ready to take off
xxd1v3r said:
as i move forward this will turn into a cycle log as well im in the process of planning my next cycle so sit down hold on and get ready to take off
Sweet!!! Bring it, Bro!!


Standing DB Press
25 x 20,20,20(Warm-Up)
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10,8

Upright BB Rows
65 x 10,10
75 x 10
85 x 10

Standing Lat.
25 x 10
30 x 10
35 x 10

Rear Fly's DB
30 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 10

Rear Machine Fly's
100 x 10
115 x 10
130 x 10,10,10

Side Lat. Kettle Ball
15 x 15,15,15,15

BB Shrugs
135 x 12,12
225 x 12,12,12
If you like that one wait till i get legs posted up....i hit them tonight
I hate legs....!!!!!! Necessary evil though, for us short, Irish folk!
I too have some of that Irish blood running thru my body......my dad and grandparents were from Wales......


Leg Ext.(Warm-ups)
145 x 15
165 x 15
185 x 12,12,12

135 x 10,10,10,10
225 x 10,10,10
315 x 10
365 x 8
405 x 6
315 x 12

Leg Ext. (pause at Top)
165 x 10
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 6
250 x 5

My legs felt like noodles. i am trying to split my legs into 2 different days......will hit hamms and calves on my arm day
Damn, son!! Really like the pre exhaust on the Squats (as long as it's you doing it, and not me!)!

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