First off, a big thank you to DYEL for doing this interview. It’s not often that we get a little peak into the lives of members let alone vendors. This member/vendor has been active here for some time now and has been a great addition to EG. It’s no secret this is one of my favorite UGL’s and...
This is after a very hefty blast
I havent had test since june 4th cuz i ran out but had TNE to get me by. My nips were hurting bad cuz i stop ai as i get closer to competition. Ive also smashed my e2 with letro..... Tell me what you guys think? 1st time ever in...
Because I'm always on test I'm always wanting to fuck 3-4x a day the miss only wants to every 3 days if she could get away with it... We've tried the stuff at sex stores, it doesn't work and only makes her sick... I'm not the cheating type of guy but dammit us men have needs too.
So im running test and tren 2 ccs each 2x a wk
500test 400 tren total, some may remember i had severe depression. My estro was sky high. No sex drive, depressed, ready to end it. I ran adex as recommended and am now on adderall and zoloft prescribed. Ive never felt this good since i was around...
For the next cycle.
Gonna keep it real simple and short this time.
Just gonna run Prop, Tren, Mast with Tbol. Loading with short ester for a week, then switch to long. Mainly I'm just wanting to see how long esters treat me since I mainly stick to shorts. (Except for TRT) Tbol at 40mg for 7...
Whats up EG !!!
As u all know ive been gone for a while , due to a big sickness !!! Which I wont get into , but im sort of back and more determined than ever to get my status back !!!!
i want to thank Beast !!!! Not only is be a ReAl friend , but hes a brother and hes my family !!! Thank u for...
So, say I have a friend that has slowly built up a nice little income in reselling gear. What does LE use to measure dealer or personal user. Say a stash spot was to get searched? What quantity is considered minor operation? What is the turning point that makes them pursue sales charges? anyone...
So i was sitting home thinking how i always use the same supplements and i wanted to get everyone's opinion and also everyone else favorites!
So ill begin with protein, the protein i usually buy is whey, either iso, or gold standard. Now i am about to try some Carnivor beef protein only...
It sucks you have to pass that then maps to join, from what I was told they are kicking people out left and right anyway. But it's been along time since I been in school and the word knowledge kills me. Ots fucked up some country's you have to join or can enroll and go right to training oh well.
What's the longest you have kept an opened multidraw vial after being opened and use it?
Has anyone ever had any issues using a vial that they had stored for awhile?
Word of mouth generally says vials are good to expiration date.
Hey guys I'm just looking for your input. I've been pinning my quads ever since I started using AAS. I like pinning them because of how easy they are to get at. I pin on Mon/Wed/Fri. - Test E./ EQ/Tren A. So about a week and a half ago I had 1 painful injection and that injection I also nicked a...
I never took var before but I had some liquid var sitting in my drawer I was skeptical of taking bc I got it over 4 months late from a vendor that was removed from SF.. but that's another story.. I been taking tren a at 525/week and my cardio was shit just like it always is when I exceed 350mg...
I was browsing through some of the newer sources on here and seen one recommended using Ghostmail. Wondering what you guys have to say about this email provider
I have alway been scared from people's horror stories with Tren E. This is my first run with Tren E and I am now done with week four. I have been running it at 400mgs. The first couple weeks aggression was up. Now sides are all but non existent. Strength is way up. I'm holding muscle while in a...
WBFF Pro Ashley Nocera
Quick Stats:
Age: 20
Height: 5’0’’ – 152 cm
Weight: 108 lbs. – 49 kg
How did you get started?
I was always active as a child. I started swimming at the age of 4 and eventually swam competitively for over 10 years, but I never focused on my diet. I ate...
Which source do we currently have on here that has the best Viagra and Cialis. I don't take the stuff, got a buddy that wants some and I had no luck looking for Pharma grade.
Post up brothers...
Well it's time I start doing this. Been on trt for about 3years and h&h and rbc was always slightly high. My freak hematocrit is 56!!! So going do it real soon. Have a THERAPEUTIC PHLEBOTOMY script so no excuses
Any advice? Just a quick stick and lay back!!! Once I get it done the next time...