
  1. bigdude

    BIGDUDES work out log and shit....

    ok so I have decided that this thread is my corner of the EG kingdom and all who enter be ye warned should you come acting all kinds of mean and crazy because your running too much gear and can't handle your sauce.....lmao.... So with that being said all are welcome this is a journal of sort to...
  2. HulkSmashes

    Taking the plunge... my 1st cycle

    Hey guys, I posted a while back about doing my 1st cycle but that thread is gone/deleted due to the site getting all messed up not to long ago. Anyway I've decided to start my 1st cycle. I was thinking of running Test E. @ 300mg/wk OR 400mg/wk. (Pin twice @ 150mg OR 200mg) A little lower than...
  3. ram97

    up coming spring cycle question

    Ok so iam approaching my spring/summer run. I have test e and var ready but i need one more compound to run with it and i want some feedback from you guys. I have gained alot of fat so i am looking to drop weight hopefully about 20 pds. I have run npp and tren a before. I really want to run tren...
  4. halfnatty

    no more green dot or vanilla?

    What happen?
  5. Hanzo

    New paradigm of Tren ....

    .... currently there seems to be a revolution afoot regarding Tren to Test doses when cycling together. The minimum requirement for Test to become anabolic in your body is 200mg's/week. (Llewelyn). Now, with Tren being such a strong Androgenic as well as equally strong Anabolic (500/500) many...
  6. A

    Poor influence

    I help a few people out when it comes to aas. They're grown men and going to do it anyway so I help make sure they don't fuck themselves up. One of the guys I help told me today he had started fucking this chick from his gym. He's married with 2 young kids. He was always saying how he'd like...
  7. misterB

    Hair loss, hair regrowth and hair maintenance from AAS use

    whos fighting hair Loss, here? whats working for you whats not. and whats been tried I have started to thin on the top and my hairline has receded, i didn't think much about it since it happened so slowly. Im currently 48 and have always been happy to have hair but this month i decided...
  8. ElChango

    Some Bony guy telling me im working out wrong.

    So okay, there is this Asian guy in the gym I always see that always like to put his input. The dude is 5 foot 1 weighs like 110 lbs and he's always telling me that im working out wrong. But he tells me in a way where he acts like he's a trainer or whatever. LOL Last time he told me doing...
  9. B

    hasta luego

    8) Time for me to move email is in my profile signature if im needed, and there are plenty of guys here who I stay in touch with so they can always help u get in touch with me. Im forfeiting my entry in the light heavyweight challenge, Bolt, LT, wacker good luck guys if yall want to...
  10. 4everstrong


    Any sponsored have any TUDCA? I've been using milk thistle but want TUDCA instead
  11. bigdude

    What makes the EG the best board in town?

    The security measures grim takes makes us safe and man am I thankful for that
  12. flyingfox

    Survived my first Foray into insulin!

    I have to say it went pretty well, I did 10 iu's for my first run and will settle at 15 iu's with my current protocol. The shakes are kind of tough to swallow but I managed to choke them down. The timing is a bit tough and you spend a lot of time watching the clock, but that's a part of the...
  13. J

    Not feeling horny lately?

    My last blast I ran plenty of test, some deca, dbol then some tren. all thru my blast, I was always horny. then I took a break for a while and just cruised on a low dose of test. Now my current blast, I skipped running the hcg, (no reason, just didnt do it) but I'm running plenty of test and...
  14. GetnBig

    Back Fat

    I have a question and hoping some of my competing brethren can help me out here. During show season I have no problem getting cut up for a show but when it comes to the off season I tend to deposit most of my fat into my lower back. This really annoys me for some reason and would like to keep it...
  15. luckyluke

    appetite on var

    So I was doing a 8 wk of var and I noticed by week 5 I had NO appetite for things. This normal for anyone else?
  16. RockShawn


    What is your thought? If an employee is super quick to always say "I wasn't Me" and proceed to tell you another employee who isn't around is to blame, Do you think He's guilty? I do. If you're first reaction is to blame someone else, that spells guilty coward to me. IDK, What do you think?
  17. 49ER


    Ok I have a few just gotta think of them im sure you guys got plenty. Heres one that happened several months ago... I took my lady to a steak restaurant I was pissing in my pants so I went in ahead told ber id meet her inside. When I walked in there was 2 young cute ass chicks working the front...
  18. A

    Daily struggles to live..

    Does anyone here ever look at their bottle of insulin and think....what a nice sleep that would give me? It would make all of the pain, suffering, and memories just go away... :(
  19. Boltbreaker

    How many here are ALWAYS on and how many Cycle??

    Just want to see the diversity of the NEW GROUP here. I know alot of you guys like me are gonna be on cruise and blast forever. Now lets here from you guys how this shit started and what your thought process was to stay on if it wasnt bc of Low T. I decided after cycling and losing gains...
  20. M.O.B. D

    Name Your On Cycle Supplements

    Just curious to see what you extra supplements you guys run while on cycle. Here's what I use: Hawthorne Berry Coenzyme Q10 Garlic Pills Fish Oil Flax Seed Oil(liquid) Men's Multi Vitamin Baby Aspirin Glucosamine Milk Thistle Syntha 6 Protein Powder