Does anyone here ever look at their bottle of insulin and think....what a nice sleep that would give me? It would make all of the pain, suffering, and memories just go away...
Just want to see the diversity of the NEW GROUP here. I know alot of you guys like me are gonna be on cruise and blast forever. Now lets here from you guys how this shit started and what your thought process was to stay on if it wasnt bc of Low T. I decided after cycling and losing gains...
Just curious to see what you extra supplements you guys run while on cycle.
Here's what I use:
Hawthorne Berry
Coenzyme Q10
Garlic Pills
Fish Oil
Flax Seed Oil(liquid)
Men's Multi Vitamin
Baby Aspirin
Milk Thistle
Syntha 6 Protein Powder
Sent from my LG-MS770
So i needed some more sites to hit. At first I was thinking I would be fine rotating eod injections between just glutes and delts... the sites sure recovered quickly when they were getting plain oil. Now im pinning from 2 to 3ccs eod of prop/test e 300/eq, and it...
How many of you guys aspirate and do you think it is important to do so? I myself generally do but yesterday I was in a hurry and neglected to do so and guess what I must of hit a vein. Now let me tell you that 30seconds after I pinned I litterly got lock jaw chest was hurting like a mofo and...
Was wondering if anyone suffered horrible headaches from these??? My BP never increases much at all and my diet is 99% of the time spotless so water retention isn't a question either. Wondering if I was the only one having this issue and if not what have you done to remedy this?