
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Activate the Good Kind of Body Fat

    When it comes to talking about weight loss and fat, the conversation usually goes in one of two directions. Either you’re discussing the benefit of adding healthy fat into a diet to lose weight, or you’re talking about decreasing body fat percentage, which some experts note can be a better way...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    11 Unintentional Habits That Wreck a Healthy Eating Plan

    In the world of nutrition, most experts agree: There’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” foods. Moderation and consistency over perfection is key to establishing a healthy relationship with food and reaching your goals. But it is possible to have some bad habits surrounding the way you eat —...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    8 Reasons You’re Hungry All the Time

    It can be easy to view hunger as a bad thing — and while it’s certainly an inconvenient feeling — it’s as innate as the need to yawn or go to the bathroom. In fact, hunger is a crucial biological signal. To understand this, a refresher of the autonomic nervous system is helpful. The autonomic...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    10 Simple Ways to Make Weight-Loss Habits Stick

    Adopting healthy habits to support your long-term weight-loss success doesn’t have to be excruciatingly difficult. In fact, it shouldn’t be difficult at all. While watching portion sizes, eating healthy and staying active take effort and dedication, you also want to avoid pushing yourself too...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Can Metabolic Confusion Blast Weight-Loss Plateaus?

    Metabolic confusion is based on the idea that varying calorie intake between higher and lower amounts may “confuse” the body and speed up metabolism, making weight loss easier. It is especially targeted toward those who may have experienced weight-loss plateaus or difficulty losing weight with...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    13 Ways to Stop Overeating on Weekends, According to Dietitians

    When it comes to weight loss, you might find you do a pretty good job of sticking with a healthy meal plan and workout schedule during the week. Then comes Saturday. Maybe you give yourself a cheat meal to enjoy a nice dinner with friends, take a day off from tracking calories, or finally, give...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    15 Things Nobody Tells You About Weight Loss

    It’s easy to go into a weight-loss journey with all sorts of expectations about what you have to do to lose weight, how you’ll feel along the way, and when you’ll be satisfied with the results. Once you get started, though, it quickly becomes apparent there’s no one-size-fits-all method. In...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Weight-Loss Trends Dietitians Say to Take or Leave

    In a world where there’s no shortage of “miracle” diets, it can feel like there’s always a new, different eating style being touted as the next big thing for weight loss. But when it comes to weight-loss trends, it’s important to be a critical consumer. “It’s smart to do a little digging and...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Are Eggs Bad For Heart Health?

    Often, I hear clients say, “I like eggs, but my cholesterol is high” or “I usually eat egg whites in the morning, aren’t the yolks ‘bad’?” But if you take a look at the latest science, you’ll see eggs can certainly be part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Although eggs were exonerated in...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    The Dos (and Don’ts) of Intermittent Fasting and Workouts

    Intermittent fasting is a trendy diet these days, and with research showing it can do everything from speed weight loss and boost immunity to regulate hormones and prevent disease, it may just be here to stay. One reason proponents love it is because it’s straightforward: Simply reduce the...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    9 Ways to Keep Your Appetite in Check

    Summer is the season for relaxation and spending more time outdoors, whether it’s unwinding at the pool or beach or going for a walk in a park. For many people, summer means taking vacation and possibly relaxing the rules around what you eat. But overindulging at any time of year isn’t good for...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Why Maintaining Weight Can Be Trickier Than Losing Weight

    So much attention is focused on how to lose weight that once the weight is off, we’re left wondering: now what? Weight maintenance is an equally big challenge. It can be nerve-wracking to increase your calories, especially since research shows more than 80% of people with obesity who lose weight...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    How Using Your Five Senses Encourages Mindful Eating

    You’ve likely noticed the scent of fresh-baked pizza or a warm cinnamon bun is intoxicating on your way into a food court, but after you’ve eaten a well-balanced lunch, it’s significantly less appealing. That’s because your sense of smell is strongest when you’re hungriest. And it’s not the only...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    7 No-Cook, Hot-Weather Meal Prep Hacks

    If you’re a die-hard meal prepper, you’re probably hard at work on any given Sunday cooking chicken breasts, boiling a dozen eggs, roasting a rainbow of veggies and steaming a whole lot of brown rice. While this is a great way to stay on top of healthy eating and promote weight loss, sometimes...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    9 Snacking Mistakes to Avoid if You’re Trying to Lose Weight

    There’s something so good about a stellar snack. At its best, it can be the ideal pick-me-up prior to, or after, a really tough workout or a way to keep your blood sugar and energy levels stable until the next meal. But snacking isn’t an automatic win. At its worst, it can be the culprit for...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    5 Ways to Up Your Vegetable Game

    Eating meat and eating vegetables don?t have to be mutually exclusive, obviously. While getting protein from meat is important, vegetables offer loads of fiber and nutrients and should get at least equal billing. If you start putting the same amount of love into your vegetables, salads and...
  17. EG News

    The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular weight loss methods, and for good reason—it works! Many studies have shown that it has powerful effects for your body and brain, and it may even help you to live longer. Intermittent fasting is not actually a diet but rather described as an eating...
  18. EG News

    4 Ways to Get Your Lower Abs to Show

    Crafting a killer six-pack takes weeks, sometimes months, of hard work and dedication to your training, eating, and sleep. If you’ve been hitting the gym, maintaining a caloric deficit, and hitting all your other checkmarks but still not seeing the midsection of your dreams it’s probably because...
  19. EG News

    Ditch the Meal Plan, Follow These Eating Habits

    As far as nutrition goes, you’re probably have your fair share of bad eating habits. The good news is that most people eat similarly to the way you do, the bad news is that way is total crap. But you can go from a poor diet to one that optimizes body composition by making a few key changes and...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    3 Big Fat-Loss Myths

    Having an understanding of the actual mechanisms behind fat loss will better prepare you to tackle your own weight loss journey, so let's dive in. Myth #1: No matter what you do, how much you exercise, or how clean your diet is, you’ll always be stuck with the same number of fat cells you built...