
  1. F.I.S.T.

    Anabolic Workout Guide

    Saw this on another site yrs ago and thought it had some info for all to learn from. Anabolic Workout Guide You should take the following factors to heart when doing anabolic workouts since they are absolutely necessary for a successful training. What role does the use of...
  2. misterB

    Started my Spring Cut cycle today

    Well today i started what will be a 100 day cut cycle to prep for my annual trip to Myrtle beach this cycle is fueled by the Joker and Drakon labs tren A 50 mg per day Mast E 200 mg 3 times a week (M/W/F) Test E 200 mg a week, standard TRT Monday Evening / Friday Morning Anadrol 50 mg per...
  3. Dago

    Question on low dose cycles

    I read through some of you guys posts cycles mgs of gear used etc...we all respond different to gear. Friend of mine right now using 50mg dbol 100mg adrol 1000mg test. I have never used that much gear not even close. I know age and other things can make a difference in how we all respond. I got...
  4. mig139

    Mig139 Alpha as fuck

    OK, as set up for Mr Morrey, I be running the following: 100mg tren A every day 100mg NPP every other day 125mg Test E every week I also be adding 25mg of Tren base/50 mg TNE on workout days. Stats... 34 5 8 260 About 20% Lifting for 8-10 years 18 inch arms 38 inch waist 52 shoulders...
  5. mig139

    NPP/Tren A /Test

    OK, planning summer cut.... I'm thinking NPP/Tren A and some Test. I have plenty of Pharma Caber so that won't be a problem. Low calories, high reps. I know is 2 19s together but I want to try it. Test be minimal. Any ideas hoe to laid this out. Tren A 600mcg a week..... Maybe more...
  6. A

    Poor influence

    I help a few people out when it comes to aas. They're grown men and going to do it anyway so I help make sure they don't fuck themselves up. One of the guys I help told me today he had started fucking this chick from his gym. He's married with 2 young kids. He was always saying how he'd like...
  7. D

    working out and cutting

    okay guys i seem like i always over train or get hurt uhhgggg would its be better to just lift twice aweek like upper body then a lower body and cardio 5 days aweek ima have two high carb days and and 5 low carb days arounf 50 grams under i always get hurt my joints get so dry :o
  8. Dago

    Enhanced Freak

    Defined [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. Dago


    I see it here and there but where is the best place to buy this stuff ?? Think I seen it on an old sources list I haven't used for a while. 90 30mg pills for 35 bucks. I'm sure I could find it cheaper though
  10. 49ER

    Bust out with grandma's old remedies

    Im fucken leaving to vegas 2 more days and I woke up sick fml! So far just a horrible sore throat. Im not even chancing it I went and bought 2 500mg penicillin shots. I need to get better super fast what do you guys do for quicker recovery?
  11. ElChango

    Everyday is Upper body day

    https://eg1.me/?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ITHZJF4RoJI/UAygO2v4kZI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/bET0liF_28Y/s1600/every+day+is+upper+body+day.jpg https://eg1.me/?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kH6jjj80eg0/T_XVcIx-fPI/AAAAAAAAH7k/XtDz8jTPak8/s1600/all-day-every-day-23083.jpg...
  12. Boltbreaker

    Whats everyones current cycle? Whats your Favorite Cycle and Why?

    Everyone has different goals and dreams so we all have custom tailored cycles for the most part. I would like to hear what people run on a day to day and the dosages they are taking. So much about more is better and so on lets see if guys here running low doses are getting where they need to be...
  13. back4more

    hitting veins?

    Alright heres my issue, I've been on for years now always on blast and cruise for the first few years id hardly ever hit a vein but here recently I've been hitting veins almost every time I pin. Im using the same spots ive always used and for some reason I just started to get blood in pin about...
  14. ajdonutz

    Anyone deadlift with lightweight regularly?

    So last summer I blew my back out pretty bad, and just within the past Couple months have been trying ti dead lift heavy and get my dead max back up, however every time I start going up in weight I tweak something and feel crappy for days or lose strength by the next week.. so im considering...
  15. RS50

    Obama chastises Senate over failed gun reform amendment

    failed gun reform amendment http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/senate-rejects-gun-bill-compromise-204629005--politics.html
  16. Augustwest

    HCG on cycle?

    what is the maximum amount of weeks you would use HCG on cycle to prevent atrophy. I got a 12 week run coming up but have heard in a few places 8 weeks max. Im planning 1 500iu shot per week. with the last 3 weeks of cycle switching to HMG at 2 75iu shots per week. so techincally 9 weeks on...
  17. T

    t3 daily dosages

    Does anyone know a safe dosage of t3 to take daily? I've googled it. There's too many answers
  18. H

    Deadlift over training

    Just a question. How often do you deadlift? How heavy do you go and how often? What is your recovery time. I myself find it takes me so long to recover from deadlift. If I do a max effort pull it might be 2 weeks before I can pull again. Not because it hurts but because I am weak from my pull...
  19. S

    Cheat meals

    How many cheat meals do you eat in a day (or week if not daily)