
  1. GRIM


    Besides the gym how u manage it? I was hitting gym hardcore now barley setting foot in it again
  2. I

    Hcg mixture

    So correct me if I'm wrong but I was told by someone and I just always like to ask on here for reassurance but I am about to take some hcg. I have a 5000iu hcg vial I was told to mix 1ml of bac water into it and divide it into three taking 1333iu every 3 days. I also have a 10,000 iu vial...
  3. Daredevil

    Daredevil's Log

    I plan to start my cycle Sunday, June 5th. Currently just running 150mg test cyp. The cycle will be at least 14 weeks long. Week 1-14 - Test Cyp @ 400mg/week Week 1-14 - Deca @ 400mg/week Week 1-14 - Mast E @ 400mg/week Week 8-14 - Anavar @ 50mg/day Currently I'm 178.5 @ 12% body fat, maybe...
  4. D

    HELPPPP! Estrogen sky high

    What do i need to take? Ive had ED for a while and severe depression. Never thought the depression would of been eatrogen holy fuck. On bright side my test levels are sky high so proof TMM has awesome juice. Ps I believe ive always had high estrogen. Had gyno at a very young age Attached...
  5. Daredevil

    Problem with sex drive

    Cycle Weeks 1-4: Sustanon 600mg/week, Deca 400mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day Arimadex @ 0.40mg every other day and MaximPeptide caber @ .40mg twice a week. Weeks 5 onward: Sustanon 800mg/week, Deca 575mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day Arimadex is the same and caber is the...
  6. LittleTom

    More on Tren

    I have posted my thoughts on A and E and how much I am enjoying my run with E. That being said I can't deny the difference between the two in terms of body composition. I think the main problem with Tren A was the highs and lows I would go through. I got these to subside for the most part by ED...
  7. F.I.S.T.


    ARE YOU SAD?? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy...
  8. rboy101


    just started a blast and i'm on week 1 of test e at 700 mg a week. while most are bulking i'm cutting. question is regarding what adex dose to keep estrogen in balance in your experience. I have 1mg caps of adex so i was wondering if i should just take 1 of those every 3 or 4 days or not. i'm...
  9. krustus

    blood draining at home

    my wife is a RN... and said she would do it... any of you guys do blood letting at home... since i can't donate but every 8 weeks. i would like to do it every 4 weeks when blasting. to keep my blood numbers in line. maybe only take half a pint at home... and see how my blood numbers look?
  10. C

    HGH Hand Numbness

    If any of you guys have numb hands from your HGH routine, give supplemental bromelain a try. I was told to do this by a friend of mine and it has worked wonders. Went from my hands being near useless (couldn't even grip my morning baby aspirin) to almost no numbness in about 3 weeks. I take 3-4...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Why Some People Succeed Against All Odds

    Why Some People Succeed Against All Odds By Dr. Mani “Every dream will be challenged!” These powerful words from a mentor of mine have been burned in fire into my memory. Rarely, a dream or goal comes true easily and effortlessly, without delays, problems or hurdles. It is far more common...
  12. Daredevil

    T3 run question

    Gents, What's the longest yall have ran T3? Currently I'm running a cycle and I'm in week 12 and running T3 at 60mcg a day. Planning to run my cycle another 7-9 weeks. I'm considering stopping the T3 when my cycle ends and doing my Cruise dosage of 200mg a week for about 8-10 weeks before...
  13. krustus

    test u... dosing suggestions

    i read every 3-4 weeks 750mg for 2 months then every 10 weeks after that... anyone have experience with it and what would be the optimum dosing protocol for trt... i current run 125mg a week of test d
  14. lith56bigguy

    ITs near the end of summer, what is everyone doing? Blasting/Cruising, etc?

    Well gentlemen, and Ladies, Its near the end of summer. What is everyone doing and where are you at cycle wise. Im into 2nd month of a cruise and going for bw soon. How bout everyone else????
  15. killinit88

    Looking for input.

    Gonna fun test e, tren a, mast p, var. Now I know how I would run this, but looking for new ideas. Dosage, injection schedule etc.... I want to cut up, add a few solid lbs. All input is good input. Always more to learn.
  16. halfnatty

    cutting cycle advice

    Okay guys waiting on my npp and mast prop to come in As of not this is my cycle Test 400 a week of e/c Tbol 60 mg T3 50 mcg Clen 40 mcg And in 3 weeks will be trying dnp for the first time So what do you guys think on how to cycle mast and npp
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Cheat Meals (Part 2)

    Cheat Meals (Part 2) September 12, 2013 By John Doe Right now I’ve had 6 Yuengling Lights in me, a fat cigar, Taco Bell, and an ice cream Snickers bar thingy. Tonight was cheat meal night, and when I do it I do it big. But the next week straight is all business. I have my fish and rice...
  18. T


    I've never used proviron before but have read some people swear by it. I've read the basic description of it on various sites. I was wondering what a good dose would be for a first time user? I've read 50 mg ED to 100 mg. should I split the dose to twice a day or is once a day fine? Also, what...
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Success Principle #12: The Real Golden Rule (How to Be Productive)

    Success Principle #12: The Real Golden Rule (How to Be Productive) Tuesday, 10 February 2015 in Get Success The Productivity Concept - Golden Dozen Hopkins calls his productivity concept the "Golden Dozen" because it's 12 words long. The concept says - I MUST DO THE MOST PRODUCTIVE...
  20. F.I.S.T.


    WORDS TO LIVE BY 1. "If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission." --Anonymous 2. "Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." --John Wooden 3. "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." --Anonymous 4. "If you are not...