
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Power Muscle Burn Bulking Diet And Supplement Plan

    Ready to grow? It's time to get your bulk on! Maximize the Power Muscle Burn training system by following this diet and supplementation plan. To maximize your efforts in the gym you need to eat properly. Many trainees make the huge mistake of going gonzo with the weights, but eating like a ten...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Supplements for Muscle Growth: What To Take And When

    What supplements are best for muscle growth, and how do I take them? Build the foundation of your supplement program for optimal results. You squat, you bench, you curl your way to a better body each and every day you set foot in the gym. Your goals are set, you drive up more weight for more...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    The Protein-to-Bodyweight Ratio

    The Protein-to-Bodyweight Ratio Simple and proven. Here's how much protein to eat. Up The Protein The old rule of thumb about consuming one gram of protein per pound of body weight is sound advice. Sure, studies have shown you could cut that number down to as little as 0.82 grams per pound or...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Fructose Verdict

    Here's what you need to know... One vague research paper, published in 2004, started the demonification of fructose. When you look at most of the human studies on the effects of fructose, you see that it doesn't really behave much differently than other sugars. I know people who are so afraid...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    More Protein Equals More Muscle

    More Protein Equals More Muscle Study shows that you need more post-workout protein than you thought. Traditional muscle science – the kind studied by pasty-faced guys in lab coats – has long insisted that 20 to 25 grams of post-workout protein is the amount you need to cause maximum...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Bodybuilding 101: 60 Rules for a Better Physique!

    Do you need a refresher course in building a more massive, stronger and leaner body? We all know the basics of bodybuilding: lift heavy, eat the right foods and supplements and get plenty of rest, but at times we forget a few details that can make all the difference. A tip here and a piece of...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Fast Food for Bodybuilders

    On the go and need a quick, healthy meal? I’m sure as a natural bodybuilder, the last thing you want to do is eat at a fast food restaurant. But if you must, I’ve compiled a list of good and bad menu items by restaurant chain. Print this list out and take it on road trips. Or place it on your...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Powerlifting Supplements: 5 Key Ingredients To Boost Performance & Recovery

    Speed, power and strength: Just a few of the requirements of a successful powerlifter. Form meets function in this sport of inches and it would behoove anyone to look for an edge to separate one from being a champion and not being a champion. Just like any other sport, lifters need nutritional...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    10 Exotic Animal Protein Sources You Need to Try

    If even the thought of exotic animal meat has you turning your nose up then you are missing some of the very best benefits it has to offer. The familiar beef, chicken and turkey fare has their place in your muscle-building diet, but stepping outside of your comfort zone and at least giving...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Lean Bulk Diet Plan - 10 Pounds In 2 Months

    Here are the calories and macro breakdowns: Lifting Days: 4,090 total calories. 395 grams of protein, 335 grams of carbs, 130 grams of fat. Non-Lifting Days: 3,430 total calories. 355 grams of protein, 210 grams of carbs, 130 grams of fat. Diet Plan For Training Days I cut back significantly...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Lean Bulking Machine: Maximize Lean Muscle Growth & Minimize Fat Gains

    The process of building muscle isn't just about sets, reps, consistency and progressive overload. To pack on lean mass you also need a bulking diet that delivers. Moving iron without moving a fork is like running uphill in the mud. You might get to the top eventually, but it's going to take a...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    How To Determine Your Daily Calorie And Macronutrient Intake Levels

    The goal of this article is to provide you with guidelines that will help you determine not only how much food to eat per day, but also how to portion your macronutrients (i.e. protein, carbohydrates, and fats). We'll take a look at general terms and their definitions, along with formulas that...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    How To Structure Your Meal Plan Based On Training Time

    Do you consider yourself the “non-traditional” trainee that works out at different times of the day? Are you not a part of the 5 o’clock rush hour that needs a special perspective on how and when to eat specific meals to optimize results? Whether it’s training in the early morning hours, midday...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Fast Food for Bodybuilders

    On the go and need a quick, healthy meal? I’m sure as a natural bodybuilder, the last thing you want to do is eat at a fast food restaurant. But if you must, I’ve compiled a list of good and bad menu items by restaurant chain. Print this list out and take it on road trips. Or place it on your...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    How To Plan Your Muscle Building Diet

    Diet is the single most important part of muscle building. Yes, there are many other important factors to consider but none of them are as important at the correct diet and nutrition plan. Your training may be perfect, but without the correct fuel to feed your muscles to grow you will have...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein Should I Ingest Post-Workout?

    Old School Belief For a long time there was this idea that 30 grams was the perfect amount to consume after a workout because anything over that was wasted. But a few years ago some nerd in a lab coat told us 25 was the maximum effective amount (I can say this because I am a nerd with a lab...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Creatine Supplements Guide: Learn How To Choose The Right Product

    There are hundreds of sites out there that sell you creatine supplements but none of them give you the facts about creatine and whether it's what you need for your goals. This page has everything you wanted to know about creatine supplements. If you are considering creatine supplements you...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Powerlifting Supplements: 5 Key Ingredients To Boost Performance & Recovery

    Speed, power and strength: Just a few of the requirements of a successful powerlifter. Form meets function in this sport of inches and it would behoove anyone to look for an edge to separate one from being a champion and not being a champion. Just like any other sport, lifters need nutritional...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    How Much Protein Should I Ingest Post-Workout?

    Old School Belief For a long time there was this idea that 30 grams was the perfect amount to consume after a workout because anything over that was wasted. But a few years ago some nerd in a lab coat told us 25 was the maximum effective amount (I can say this because I am a nerd with a lab...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    Creatine Supplements Guide: Learn How To Choose The Right Product

    There are hundreds of sites out there that sell you creatine supplements but none of them give you the facts about creatine and whether it's what you need for your goals. This page has everything you wanted to know about creatine supplements. If you are considering creatine supplements you...