
  1. 01dragonslayer

    19 Potential Benefits of Glutathione + Side Effects

    Glutathione, often referred to as “the mother of all antioxidants,” is one of the most talked-about supplements in the healthcare industry. It has a range of purported benefits that include enhancing heart, liver, and brain health. Read on to learn about the science behind glutathione and how to...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    GLUTATHIONE: WHAT IT DOES AND WHY WE COULD USE SOME The functionality of our bodies is important to productive athletes, especially bodybuilders. In order to compete and have hopes of winning any sort of competition, our bodies need to look and act the part of a champion. To reach the pinnacles...
  3. Main3iac10

    TRT low numbers

    Hi All, So a good buddy of mine has just started TRT about 7-8 months , numbers before were in the 200-300 range for T levels. He has been on Test C now doing around 175-185 mg per week split into two shots (per my recommendation instead of 1 pin per week). He has had bloods done twice and his...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Take Probiotics

    Taking probiotics has become one of those things we’re all told to do, but most of us don’t do it. But if your profession or lifestyle depends on your physical wellbeing, you may want to take probiotics very seriously. Probiotics not only maintain good every day health, they’re invaluable as a...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    13 Foods Scientifically Proven to Boost Testosterone Levels

    Testosterone is a vital hormone in the body. It influences numerous tissues, not just the reproductive organs. It plays an important role in building muscle, cardiovascular health, overall hormonal balance, as well as mood regulation and influencing your metabolic rate. You can help your body...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) Guide: Benefits, Dosages & FAQ

    D-aspartic acid (DAA) is an amino acid and is the enantiomer of L-aspartic acid (LAA), which is one of the 26 amino acids that make up proteins. DAA is found in the human body and various foods, but in much smaller amounts that its counterpart LAA; despite its scarceness, DAA appears to play a...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Do Testosterone Boosters Actually Work?

    It’s a simple yet fair assumption, that most men are mildly obsessed with testosterone boosters. Testosterone is a vital hormone that plays an imperative role in the proper function and regulation of hormones, muscular development, and sex drive. It also impacts everything from mood, memory...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Take Probiotics

    Taking probiotics has become one of those things we’re all told to do, but most of us don’t do it. But if your profession or lifestyle depends on your physical wellbeing, you may want to take probiotics very seriously. Probiotics not only maintain good every day health, they’re invaluable as a...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    11 Supplements To Optimize Your Mass Gaining Plan

    1. Creatine Monohydrate Creatine monohydrate is a chemical naturally produced in the body, found in food, and produced in a laboratory for supplementation. Creatine is a rock star during a bulking phase as it can improve exercise performance, increase muscle mass, improve anaerobic...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Take Probiotics

    Taking probiotics has become one of those things we’re all told to do, but most of us don’t do it. But if your profession or lifestyle depends on your physical wellbeing, you may want to take probiotics very seriously. Probiotics not only maintain good every day health, they’re invaluable as a...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    11 Supplements To Optimize Your Mass Gaining Plan

    The purpose of this article is to list the top 11 supplements, provide a description on what they are and why they’re beneficial during a mass-gaining phase. 1. Creatine Monohydrate Creatine monohydrate is a chemical naturally produced in the body, found in food, and produced in a laboratory...
  12. puff88

    Winstrol - Couple Q's

    Just finishing up a mild anavar run and thoroughly happy with my results. Ran 25mg per day for 10 weeks alongside 250 mg per week Test E. Nice solid strength and muscle gains. Weight gain on scale was minimal but body recomp on this cycle makes it appear I gained even more weight in all the...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Understanding Blood Work A-Z

    Found this on another site.....great info..... You all should want to know how to read and understand your blood work: I’m going to venture a guess about what happens when you, a weight lifter, goes to the doctor to get a physical. I’m betting that you almost always get a follow-up call from...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    How Can I Have More Energy and Still Eat Low-Carb?

    It’s important to pay attention to hunger signals regardless of the type of diet you follow. If you’re following a low-carb diet and find you are constantly hungry or suffer from low energy levels, there could be several explanations. Here, a look at four common culprits and how to solve them...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Is There a Diet to Lower Triglycerides?

    Triglycerides and cholesterol levels are often measured and reported together in a lipid profile when you visit your doctor. But they’re actually quite different. Triglycerides are a form of fat — the most common one found in the body. Excess calories from the diet are packaged as triglycerides...
  16. 01dragonslayer

    Studies proving Clomiphene Superiority to Tamoxifen for PCT

    Clomiphene Studies: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1985 Nov;61(5):842-5 Evidence for a role of endogenous estrogen in the hypothalamic control of gonadotropin secretion in men. Winters SJ, Troen P. To examine the mechanism by which endogenous estrogens inhibit gonadotropin secretion in men, blood...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Use Testosterone for Heart Health

    Use Testosterone for Heart Health You Can't Ignore the Mountain of Evidence by TC Luoma | 02/13/20 A couple of years ago, the FDA issued a warning statement about the possible cardiovascular disease (CVD) factors associated with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Their warning was...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    Where You Gain Weight Depends on Several (Uncontrollable) Factors

    Our bodies tend to favor storing fat in certain places over others. How and where we store fat depends on many different factors including gender, height and weight, as well genetics and how many adipocytes (fat cells) we have in certain areas of the body. Men and women store fat differently...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    5 Ways to Prevent Blood Sugar Swings

    If you’re regularly feeling “off” and struggling to lose weight despite your best efforts, one sneaky culprit might be your blood sugar levels. “Your blood sugar plays a big role in how you feel day-to-day. It can affect your stress response, sleep, appetite and energy,” explains Krista King...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    3 Metabolism-Boosting Micronutrients For Weight Loss

    When it comes to boosting your metabolism, every grocery or drug store carries plenty of weight-loss supplements that make bold claims, but there’s a better place to direct your shopping cart: the produce section. “Focusing on whole foods like vegetables and fruits can provide the types of...