
  1. EG News

    Jay cutler's 7 tips for building huge triceps

    Tri Tip #1 I wasn’t blessed with the greatest genetics for triceps, but I learned to work with my body structure. You have to be open-minded with the exercises you choose. I learned very early that skull-crushers (lying triceps extensions) weren’t the only exercise for tris, contrary to what a...
  2. sityslicker1

    Reliable trt question

    Hey any of you fellas using any sources here strictly for TRT only? I prefer sustanon, but open to test e and test cyp options. There are so many sources to choose from its overwhelming. Also, I want to minimize any risk of crashing my system, so if anyone could offer any advice or point me in...
  3. O


    Never ran it because A It’s extremely toxic and B gyno is possible but not through aromatizing which makes it a mysterious beast to conquer. However, I really really want to try it out. Asking for reviews here on how you’ve ran it, and how it went.
  4. Bama

    Starting back

    Hello again EG fam!! Due to an injury I had to cut my last cycle run short, so I ran my PCT and all and really couldn't hit it hard but remained active to a degree until it was too much to bear. So I jumped through all the doctors hoops and all and still not happy of course, they want to cut my...
  5. krustus

    Iifym.. flexible dieting.. progress

    i've been following an IIFYM approach... intermittent fasting at times... but mostly just not worrying about meal frequency... just hitting the macro numbers. also not really worrying about carbs or sugar... just hitting the numbers. feel like success has been pretty good.. attached a pic...
  6. Dago

    Good Friday

    Don't know how many people where raised Christian here but it's good Friday. Easter is this Sunday marking the crucifixion and rise of Christ. There is a book out called the case for Christ written by a journalist for the Chicago tribune who was an athiest until his christian wife challenged him...
  7. GRIM

    Quad Injection
  8. MattyIce

    New gym... MATRIX equipped

    I really like the Matrix stuff, going from Cybex is like night and day. Just started Sunday and already I feel as though my workouts are more complete. The best detail though, is it is literally a 1 minute drive from work, and there is no one in the gym at that time I go, except the hottie who...
  9. T

    Coming off completely

    Hey guys. It's been a while. I don't really come on here very often anymore. Just wanted some feedback on your experiences with coming off gear altogether. I've basically been on for the past 4.5 years straight. Started on TRT, did a bunch of blasts and cruises during that time, but mostly...
  10. Troy

    What do you guys think of meal prep services?

    I don't have much free time to spend hours cooking and weekly meals delivered to my door sounds too good to be true. I'm looking into Rich Pianas meal prep weekly service of 21 meals, 3 per day. Cost is $126 which is $6 per meal and shipping is $50 which then bumps the cost per meal to around...
  11. Troy

    How long before I can start another cycle?

    Super uber noob question here lol but I'm anxious to start asap. Just finished a test/eq/sd cycle that was 14 weeks long. Currently on pct. Do I really need to wait 3+ months to safely start another run?
  12. millenium girl


    I live in a small studio where everything is electric. Electricity is really expensive here and last year despite pre payments of 80€ a month the annual bill was still 800€. Since heating is also electric I was wondering what I could do to reduce the costs. I'm not s home during the day but I...
  13. RebelMachinist

    Critique this pic

    Okay so I want some critique from you guys. Good bad ugly I don't care lay it on me. I know I need a lot of work especially on the love handles and posterior delts I have that forward leaning shrug caused by too much bench pressing and not enough counter work to balance it out. Following pic is...
  14. dowork

    No Esteroidal?

    Past few years I have come to believe I get no noticeable esteroidal sides while on blast or cruise. So I haven't been on any anti's for quite a while. Anyone else like this? Or should I be on a small dose anyway, to keep E levels more in the normal range? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. krustus


    to me the worst part of my physique is my love handles.... finally got them down some... got a lot of old man skin... and some fat still... but next hard cut i plan on getting them off
  16. RebelMachinist

    German Volume Training

    I started a phase/cycle of this last week on Friday. First workout kicked my ass and still sore today. Feels good to do something different than 5x5 for a change. Any bros here done this style of training before? Did you like it? Results? Thoughts or tips?
  17. LittleTom

    EG Interview #1 Krustus.

    LT: Alright EG, it’s been a bit since I have done an interview here. I am really pleased to have the first one back be with a veteran member here who is well known to all of you and is well versed not only about EG but this lifestyle in general. He has recently gone through a fantastic...
  18. Daredevil

    Low energy

    Past 3 or 4 weeks I have felt my energy levels deteriorating. It's starting to really affect me now where I feel I don't have energy to work out some days. I'm wondering what's causing it. I've heard high levels of test can cause that. I've heard Tbol can cause that. I've heard all sorts of...
  19. LittleTom

    What the fuck.....

    So this younger guy maybe in his 20s walked up to me in the gym and asked what my secret was. (No he was not implying gear) I stopped for a second and just told him diet and I had been doing this for a bit now. He asked some dieting advice and complemented my vascularity and said he looked up to...
  20. LittleTom

    Here is the plan

    After a pretty successful Tren run I have been cruising on 300mgs of Test E. I am sitting at 186-188 depending on the day and what ever BF you may think from the recent pic I posted. I have decided to take this entire week off from lifting and will resume with a new cycle this coming Monday...