Alex Roberts
6 Worthless Muscle Building Exercises
Walk into any gym and you'll find the dedicated, the people who know what they are doing, and the people who have no idea what a barbell is.
There are quite a few exercises and machines that aren't worth doing, but there are six "social media...
It is common knowledge in the strength and conditioning world that variables of training must constantly change to ensure continued progress. One of these important variables is exercise selection.
And although I think exercises should be switched every four to six weeks, athletes should stick...
Steve Shaw
43 Squat Quotes - Shut Up and Squat!
1) "On the Internet, everyone squats. In real life, the squat rack is always empty. You figure out what this means." - Steve Shaw
2) "I've heard every excuse for not squatting to the proper depth and they're all bull, you just don't want everyone...
Jeremy Gray
4 Tips to Building Massive Legs - With Bonus Workout
Are you tired of people making fun of your chicken legs?
Do you skip leg day because it's too much work?
Well say goodbye to those skinny legs, your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves are about to get a permanent makeover...
Leg day workouts. Brutal beat downs that leave you sore, sore, and sore. Titanic thrashings that make you curse the porcelain throne, and every flight of stairs that come your way.
We love them. We hate them. We can't stop fearing them. We can't stop talking about them.
If you need a "go to"...
Walk into any gym and you'll find the dedicated, the people who know what they are doing, and the people who have no idea what a barbell is.
There are quite a few exercises and machines that aren't worth doing, but there are six "social media exercises" that are more an ego lift than anything...
If you’ve stumbled across this article and you skip leg day, now is the time to leave. That is, unless, you’re really trying to build some massive quads.
If you want to build some quads that make it hard to find a fitting pair of jeans, you need to perform exercises that are effective, target...
Certified personal trainer and social media sensation, Kim French is known for her no-nonsense, super-intense workouts, and her recent “Killer Quads Workout” illustrates how the Canadian loves to crush her quads for massive muscle gains. Fortunately, she demonstrated the process to her 1.7...
ATG, Parallel, or Shallow? The Right Squat for You.
Some people say the only correct way to squat is ATG. And some people are a little smarter than that. Here's the truth.
There are people who squat shallow because they’re ignorant or delusional. But there are others who do so for good reasons...
Want bigger quads? Do this quick front-squat ramp before you do anything else on leg day.
Many taller lifters and those with a background in running-based sports (particularly track) tend to be posterior-chain dominant squatters, meaning their glutes and hams will activate much more easily than...
Squats, deadlifts, strict press, bench, and pull up. They often are (and should be) staples in your routine around which the rest of your program should circulate. This article isn’t about that. It’s about the parts you don’t notice, the weaker points that you have allowed to atrophy.
In many cases, a lifter’s leverages, injury history, or both, can frustrate his ability to perform well in large compound movements. Sadly, it’s left many with no choice but to abandon these moves and any variations for redundant sets of isolation training on machines, or movements that don’t...
This type of squat improves your form, saves your joints, and makes a great addition to your regular squatting.
The Problem with Squats
Squats are hyped-up as the king of leg exercises, but that only applies to a very small percentage of lifters: ones who actually squat well and ones who aren't...
When it comes to lower-body bodyweight exercises, the walking lunge gets all the love. It's a great exercise, no doubt. The only problem? Walking lunges require a fairly large space. Not great for training at home. Forward lunges are an option, but they have a tendency to be a knee-killer for...
The gluteus maximus, often termed the body’s powerhouse, serves as a crucial muscle responsible for both form and function. Beyond its role in shaping the buttocks, this robust muscle plays a pivotal part in various movements, from extending the hips to stabilizing the pelvis. While genetics...
How to Do the Landmine Squat for Stronger Legs
The landmine squat is a unique exercise that builds serious strength in your legs while protecting your lower back. By changing the path of the resistance it allows you to squat deeper than a traditional back squat.
Set Up the Landmine Squat
By Bret Contreras
There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and some meathead on Facebook advising a lifter to “just squat” when he sees a picture or video of a woman performing a glute exercise he isn’t familiar with. I refer to these meatheads as “just squat” bros. Is their advice...
By Bret Contreras
I came across this study last week and chalked it up as “interesting.” All research is useful, but often you have to simply file it away in it’s place until more research is conducted.
The study was published ahead of print in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research...
Lifting novices often omit the more "complex" exercises that they don't understand how to perform or work their way into. Instead of deadlifting and squatting, they stick to machine and isolation exercises that don't require much coordination.
As experienced lifters, we make similar mistakes...
Perhaps the most annoying aspect of being a fitness professional is having to inform people over and over that spot reduction is a myth.
When did this misconception originate? Interestingly, a journal article published by Checkly in 1895 proposed that the dissipation of fat is local and...