Would love to hear what everyone's top lifts are for Bench, Squats, Dead lifts.
For me been my max ever hit.
Squats- 475
Dead lift- 505
I'm currently trying to improve my lifts by using conjugate training (Dynamic and Max effort). Would like to hear how everyone trains. (Muscle...
Jon Call, aka Jujimufu, is unquestionably one of the all-around fittest guys on Instagram. His insane strength and flexibility make for some seriously entertaining stunts, but one of his latest feats of strength took mowing the lawn from mundane to strongman competition-worthy.
Rather than do...
Huge quads used to make you stand out onstage. But today impressive leg development is commonplace. This situation might lead some to believe that building the quads is easy. Not true—in fact, legs require more work than upper-body muscle groups because of the constant use of the legs during...
Huge quads used to make you stand out onstage. But today impressive leg development is commonplace. This situation might lead some to believe that building the quads is easy. Not true—in fact, legs require more work than upper-body muscle groups because of the constant use of the legs during...
Ian Spanier
“Typically, pre-contest, I like to split my leg workouts into two days, a quad-dominant day and a hamstring day later in the week,” he says. “This workout is something I picked up from a friend who is more cardio-focused. It was something he was using as a basis for a HIIT-style...
Without a doubt—the barbell squat is an awesome, basic exercise for igniting mass and strength gains in the quads. Some of the biggest thighs ever seen in the world of bodybuilding (think of Platz...
It takes correct technique, periodization, and selection of special exercises to conquer weaknesses in squatting. Combine these with a balance of strength and you’re ready. Westside Barbell has produced more than 70 lifters who’ve squatted more than 800 pounds, 19 with more than 1,000 pounds on...
Per Bernal
Somewhere along the way, the squat—always the kind with a heavy barbell against your traps—became the demarcation line between hardcore and softcore. Make them the foundation of your leg days and you were serious. Avoid them and you were just taking...
With more meat than a deli counter, and tricked out with vertical ravines and horizontal etchings, quadriceps can be showstoppers. Unfortunately, most bodybuilders never maximize their quads, because they are forever shortchanging their leg workouts. This month, we’ll examine the most frequent...
Every bodybuilder has his own method for training legs; however it’s done, it’s never fun. I always say, “If you can leave a gym after a leg workout walking the same way as when you entered, you didn’t do enough.” For great legs, you need to have that mindset and put in the brutal work they...
While the barbell squat is the perfect exercise for building big, strong legs, using the box squat as an adjunct to regular squats has been shown to produce numerous world records in the squat.
There is no debating the fact that the free-weight squat is the king of all leg...
Would like to hear what you guys do on your average leg day workout?
I always walk into the gym and start off with leg extensions than hit the leg press hard. Issue is I feel squats are a beyoitch after leg presses. Does everyone do squats?
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Look at those lil hairy bastards!
Sunday: (leg day/Shoulder Day)
30min on the bike
- Narrow Stance Squats 4sets-x-10reps
- standing Dumbbell Lunges 4sets-x-12reps (inbetween each set do Zercher Squats 4sets-x-12reps
- Hack squats 4sets-x-12reps (using the hack machine)
- Single arm...
I think I may have a tear. But there is nothing noticeably out of place.
(Hopefully just a micro-tear. I've had several in smaller muscles over the years, and they healed with no lasting effects.)
Doing squats 3 nights ago, 405lb on the 4th rep, KaPOW!!!
The 1st and 2nd reps were VERY easy...
Jump Squats For Explosive Testosterone Boost
Posted by: Iron Man Magazine
Adding a power move to the end of a leg workout is great way to boost testosterone concentrations in an effort to improve muscle size. Sports scientists at AUT University in New Zealand put a group of athletes through...
How Cluster Sets Make Building Serious Muscle Seem Easy
By Dan John, April 15, 2015
When you’re a beginner, it’s easy to build muscle. A few warmups sets in practically any lift followed by one hard set of 8 to 12 reps will do wonders. Suddenly, it seems as if you’re developing muscle over...
9 Training Strategies for Knee Pain
by Ben Bruno – 5/17/2012
There's no such thing as a "good" or "fun" injury. While some are definitely more severe than others, all injuries basically suck, especially if they keep you from training hard or just enjoying life. And in my case, training...
Yesterday I took the first step toward a promising resolve for a nagging knee issue I've had for years now. When I bend my knees, they grind and crackle under the knee cap. Under normal strain they are ok, but with extra stress, they burn and become extremely painful. Squats have been all but...
I am a powerlifter. I have competed in one strong man contest and that was enough for me. That is serious hard work. I love the iron and it wouldnt be beyond me to do a BB show some day. 90% of what I do is in a power rack with a bar and plates. Not a great fan of machines but they have their...
Fast forward to squats im not saying women cant do it but for the amount of weight there facial expressions
Did not match the amount of energy being expended they went up with ease kinda like theres some fake plates on there...