
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Squats Hurt Your Back? Here’s 7 Pain-Free Alternatives

    The back squat is readily viewed as one of the most simplistic and traditional exercises taught by many strength coaches to new, able bodied clients. The truth is, it’s a bit more complex an animal than people give it credit for. Some lifters may not be able to back squat properly due to their...
  2. EG News

    Military Monday: This ‘Leg-Day Crusher’ Will Lead to Lower-Body Growth

    Do you want bigger legs? Then you better be ready to squat – at least if you want to do the below routine from U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Nathan Rumbaugh. “This is the leg day killer workout I utilized during my recent combat deployment overseas,” he says. No wonder the United States has the...
  3. EG News

    Try These 5 Core Exercises to Improve Your Squat and Deadlift

    No matter what your gym or athletic goals are, squats and deadlifts oftentimes play a major role in getting stronger, being more powerful, and getting bigger. These core exercises form the basis of almost every lower-body movement. There’s a school of thought that performing hard and heavy...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How To Build Big, Strong, & Thick Legs Without Squats

    Squats are the king of all bodybuilding exercises. They build up overall strength and are done by people training at all different levels for all types of goals. When you reach ‘Leg Day,’ it is a given that you will begin with a good number of sets of squats. But is it possible to get the same...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Tips for Major Leg Growth!

    For several years I had trouble getting my quads to match my upper body in terms of development and separation. It wasn’t that my legs weren’t strong and it wasn’t that they weren’t growing quickly; they just never felt the same as when I would train my other muscle groups. I wasn’t getting...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Off-Season Powerlifting Training 101

    Every time I step onto the powerlifting platform, I feel invincible! The world slows down, the crowd goes mute, and I am a heat-seeking missile that destroys any weight loaded on the barbell. That's why it's so easy to get caught up in competition after competition, always chasing the next PR...
  7. EG News

    Military Monday: We Give You 1,000 Reasons to Love Leg Day

    Are you ready for the 1,000-Rep Leg Workout? That’s not a typo. There wasn’t an extra zero added on accident. This is a leg workout consisting of 1,000 (one thousand) total reps. Why? Because when you’re serving in the United States Military, sometimes you have to do a little extra in the gym...
  8. EG News

    10 Common Squat Mistakes to Avoid

    If you want to see great results in the gym, build more muscle and get ripped, the squat is a non-negotiable. A heavy barbell squat hammers almost every muscle in your body while stimulating a lot of growth and a massive hormonal response—over time, including squats in your workout will help you...
  9. GRIM

    Squat ideas

    Ok gonna try to explain this I cant do a regular bar squat, my one leg junk but i simply cant get the bar into position I am unable to force it from below like I did years ago, best I can get the bar is absolute top of the neck Im simply way to stiff i the chest/shoulders plus my gimp side...
  10. EG News

    Is It Bad If My Knees Pass My Toes During Squats?

    Mike Powell / Getty If you’ve ever had a barbell on your back, then we’re sure that someone—be it a doctor, trainer, or fellow gym bro—has told you that your knees shouldn’t pass your toes when you squat. This is a lie. Not only is keeping your knees behind your toes biomechanically impossible...
  11. GRIM

    Squats how I hate thee!

    After long hiatus of doing squats now that my energy is returning I worked in a light leg day. Holy SHIT are my legs aching! Not only cause my gimp leg but simply so long without true squats, definitely feeling the BURN
  12. EG News

    The ultimate quads and hamstrings workout

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]:https://cdn-ami-drupal.heartyhosting.com/sites/muscleandfitness.com/files/styles/full_node_image_1090x614/public/media/Quad-Hamstring-Leg-Day.jpg?itok=ydxUpi32&timestamp=1563383798 Courtesy of Weider Health and Fitness / M+F Magazine There’s...
  13. BrotherIron

    You want to squat big than box squat....

    Box squatting is the most effective method to produce a first-rate squat. In my opinion, box squatting is the safest way to squat b/c you don't use as much weight as you would with a regular squat. First off let me dispel the myth that Box Squats will hurt your spine, NO they won't. You don't...
  14. Bighekt


    Would love to hear what everyone's top lifts are for Bench, Squats, Dead lifts. For me been my max ever hit. Squats- 475 Bench-365 Dead lift- 505 I'm currently trying to improve my lifts by using conjugate training (Dynamic and Max effort). Would like to hear how everyone trains. (Muscle...
  15. EG News

    Jujimufu casually mowed the lawn with 500 pounds on his shoulders

    Jon Call, aka Jujimufu, is unquestionably one of the all-around fittest guys on Instagram. His insane strength and flexibility make for some seriously entertaining stunts, but one of his latest feats of strength took mowing the lawn from mundane to strongman competition-worthy. Rather than do...
  16. EG News

    An alternative move for big legs

    Huge quads used to make you stand out onstage. But today impressive leg development is commonplace. This situation might lead some to believe that building the quads is easy. Not true—in fact, legs require more work than upper-body muscle groups because of the constant use of the legs during...
  17. EG News

    An alternative move for big legs

    Huge quads used to make you stand out onstage. But today impressive leg development is commonplace. This situation might lead some to believe that building the quads is easy. Not true—in fact, legs require more work than upper-body muscle groups because of the constant use of the legs during...
  18. EG News

    Hiit your legs with a double dose of squats

    Ian Spanier “Typically, pre-contest, I like to split my leg workouts into two days, a quad-dominant day and a hamstring day later in the week,” he says. “This workout is something I picked up from a friend who is more cardio-focused. It was something he was using as a basis for a HIIT-style...
  19. EG News

    Squat less?

    QUESTION ARE BARBELL SQUATS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR BUILDING REALLY HUGE QUADS? ANSWER Without a doubt—the barbell squat is an awesome, basic exercise for igniting mass and strength gains in the quads. Some of the biggest thighs ever seen in the world of bodybuilding (think of Platz...
  20. EG News

    Squatting 600 lbs is easy

    It takes correct technique, periodization, and selection of special exercises to conquer weaknesses in squatting. Combine these with a balance of strength and you’re ready. Westside Barbell has produced more than 70 lifters who’ve squatted more than 800 pounds, 19 with more than 1,000 pounds on...