
  1. 01dragonslayer


    Research on split squats and lunges shows that an upright torso position – where the shoulders are above the hip – is more quad-dominant than a more forward leaning torso position – where the shoulders are more above the leading foot. This is relevant because a Smith machine squat involves the...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    FOR ABS, SQUATS AND DEADLIFTS SUCK A few studies have taken the position that multi-joint, free-weight exercises such as barbell squats and deadlifts activate "core" muscles better than isolation core exercises. These studies have led many trainers, coaches and exercise enthusiasts to...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    CHANGE, DUMB COMMENTS, AND MACHO CRAP Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the field of strength development, this concept applies directly to exercise selection. In order to prevent injuries we need to be able to change. We...
  4. EG News

    Swap Out Squats (without Sacrificing Strength) with These 4 Alternatives

    We’ve all had those off days. You look at your workout routine and barbell back squats are on the menu. Normally you can’t get enough of leg day, but on this particular workout day, you’re feeling a tweak your shoulder or knee after the previous night’s pick-up basketball game; now back squats...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Hack Squates 101

    One of the most overlooked muscle groups in a beginning bodybuilders' training program is legs. They aren't as impressive as the chest and arms, so novices often make the same error and skip exercising them. However, this is a mistake because they don't realize the overall high development...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Why should should you do Slant Board Goblet Squats?

    ollowed squats with 5x5 Slant Board Goblet Squats. These are a perfect complement due to the ability to work your VMO and obtain extreme ROM to target the quads for Hypertrophy. YOU SHOULD DO THESE! They also work the core insanely well. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2vmXyjJpK4
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Muscle Building Tips

    Here are 3 simple tips to building lean muscle. You guys in here probably know this stuff already but a few noob bodybuilders might find them helpful. :) Build Lean Ripped Muscle - 3 Key Tips By John Worthington Despite what the adverts in fitness magazines, building muscle is not the easiest...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    10 Thoughts On Loading Parameters

    Whenever you perform a workout, you’re exposing your body to a challenge- a form of stress. In order to describe and quantify the character and extent of that stress, we use the phrase “loading parameters.” Generally these parameters refer to the load used, the number of sets and reps performed...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Heavy Squats Bigger Arms

    You may have heard through the Bodybuilding circles that basic, heavy, free weight exercises increase overall body mass. Perhaps you have heard movements like squats; deadlifts, bench presses etc… induce endogenous hormone production, leading to acute increases in lactate, growth hormone (GH)...
  10. EG News

    5 Trainers Share Their Favorite Squat Accessory Exercises

    Back squats may the king of all leg exercises, but front squats and deadlifts are certainly legday royalty as well. To improve your front and back squat you need to do it more and intelligently program squat accessory exercises to strengthen all parts of the movement and improve technique...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    20 Things To Know Before Barbell Squatting

    Maximize your leg size and strength, improve your lift form and work to stave off common injuries with these 20 barbell squat tips. When I first began toying with the barbell squat way back in 1986 I knew nothing about the lift. Bodybuilding magazines featured pictures of Tom Platz squatting...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Squats and Milk, And Then Some

    You’ve probably heard of the squats and milk program. It's been around for over 50 years, and is a very effective approach to packing on muscle mass. On squats and milk, you train 3 times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday – performing a 20-rep squat set, immediately followed by a light...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    How To Build Big Quads with 2 Exercises

    These 2 quad exercises aren't commonly performed. But for those who choose to learn about them and train them - they reap the reward of massive quads. Most of the "build big quads" workouts I see online are pure fake hustle. They mainly revolve around some combination of these weak movements...
  14. 01dragonslayer

    Mechanical Drop Sets - Break Into New Strength And Size Territory

    We all know what drop sets are, but do you know what a mechanical drop set is? Find out how to use this technique to build both muscle and strength. Everybody on this site has heard of drop sets, I assume. If not, better break out that copy the "Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" by a certain...
  15. 01dragonslayer

    Build Bigger Legs: 4 Training Tips for Massive Quads

    For truly massive quads, you've got to hit them hard in the gym. Try these 4 training tricks to start packing on more size and strength! Have you ever noticed how everything we do is in front of our bodies? The anterior muscles like the pecs, front deltoids, abdominals, hip flexors, and quads...
  16. EG News

    Still ‘Zerching’ for the Ultimate Leg Exercise? Try the Zercher Squat

    Long before Dan John invented the Goblet squat, there was another anterior-loaded squat being performed called the Zercher squat. Zercher squats were the brainchild of 1930s St. Louis strongman Ed Zercher, who according to training lore, didn’t have a squat rack where he trained. Instead, he...
  17. 01dragonslayer

    Are Barbell Squats Dangerous?

    If there is to be a bodybuilding analog to the infamous Shakespearean quip, “To be, or not to be? That is the question.” I think it’s safe to say that, “To squat, or not to squat? That is the question,” would find itself atop the list. Classic literature references aside, barbell squats are...
  18. 01dragonslayer

    6 Single Leg Exercises to Double Your Leg Day Gains

    They call it the ”King of All Exercises” and for a good reason. High relative strength in the barbell back squat correlates with numerous athletic feats - increased vertical jump1, reduced 40-yard sprint times2, and faster sprints while changing direction3. So obviously you should back squat...
  19. EG News

    These 3 Unique Split Squat Variations will Help Create Bigger Quads

    The split squat is an exercise most lifters love to hate. With the reduced base of support, using less weight than the bilateral versions and the discomfort and soreness it gives you, it’s easy to dislike. Split squat and the various split squat variations fall under those things you don’t want...
  20. 01dragonslayer

    5 Reasons Why Your Squats Suck

    Referring to the “big lifts”—the squat, bench press, and deadlift—is a Catch-22 for anyone writing about them. Telling people, in article after article, that a solid program has to use these lifts as a foundation is somewhat played out at this point, yet the reality of the situation is that if...