
  1. massdig

    How to take Insulin

    I found this article at and wanted to share it with you. I might start this up soon. I am going to point out the important conversation that went on. If any of you have experience and can add or give some positive suggestions let me know...

    0what do yall think

    this is going to be my hampsters next cycle. 18 weeks Test E 200mg a week one shot on monday m/w/f/ test prop 100mg tren E 200 10 weeks mast E 150 Equipose 200 winny 200 last 8 weeks tren A 100 last 8 weeks 7 days a week anadrol 50mg ED 6 weeks nolvadex 20mg split OCT liver aid creatine...
  3. tbonexl

    Getting ready to start a new cycle

    I've been off for awhile and I'm getting ready to start a new cycle. I currently have a good amount of test e and mast. I am wanting to pick up tren ace and eq also. I was going to run test kinda high but I'm rethinking that idea. Might keep it in the 5-600 range. I've never ran mast before...
  4. tkasch30

    do you believe in frontloads or not?

    some people do it, some say it doesnt work. ive done it with test c and tren e and theres no doubt in my mind it worked. i think short esters for a kick start works better of course but i think front loading does work. your thoughts?
  5. Vw4334

    HRT can i still pin other gear?

    Im 26, tested levels @ 168 after being off for 7 wks, endo wants me to start getting HRT, got 2 more tests to do and scheduled to be all said and done by the end of oct. got my gear i was anning on starting here at the beginning if october, should i still start it or should i waitt till after i...
  6. Akhusker

    Want to start my next cycle....

    Ok everyone, So I ran a Test E 250, Mast E 200 cycle for for 14 weeks (inject every 3rd day at 6am) I have been off now for 6 weeks ( 2 weeks running nothing, 4 weeks of PCT) Soooo.... I want to start another cycle here soon but want everyones info and if I should wait longer or if I am ok to...
  7. Z82

    Cleanse drink every morning!!!!

    Going to start this tomorrow see how it goes for a while. Check it out! [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. V

    Getting my girl started

    Alright, so my girl wants to get started working out and toning up. Now I've tried a couple times to help her work out and it never works well. She doesn't like to do the exercises I suggest and gets mad when I try to push her. Anyways tomorrow we are goin to try again starting with a leg day. I...
  9. F

    1st tren cycle

    I start my 1st tren cycle tomorrow. I'll run test w/it I was thinkin 500/600mg The tren is E 200 Ive got my ai but is there anything else I need on hand?
  10. H

    Dianabol (Dbol - Methandrostenolone)

    Dianabol (Dbol - Methandrostenolone) Dianabol was more or less the second Anabolic Steroid ever produced. The first, as we all know was Testosterone, which was produced in the early 1900s and experimented with by Nazis in WW2, in an attempt to produce a better soldier. Russian Dianabol and...
  11. Y

    When to PCT

    I have been a little too prone to gyno lately it seems, puffyness and soreness. I usually start Nolva during the last two weeks of my cycles, Should i sooner or right when the symtoms start? And if they start early in the cycle do I keep running nolva the whole way?? Usual cycle: Test eth or cyp...
  12. T

    next cycle advice

    My next cycle Eq @ 600mg/week Test e @600mg/week Mast@500mg/week. Anadrol to lick start @50mg/day for 3 weeks. 20 week cycle. What do you guys think?!