Grow season "fuck shit up" with ael log

Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Weighed in at 234 in the gym today. Hit chest front delts and abs today, felt pretty good today other than feeling pretty full all day lol, pump was crazy intense as usual in the gym. Strength felt good but I'm gonna have to back off flat benching every 5 days due to my shoulders getting really tight and painful, they're pretty wrecked. So I'll go back to flat benching every other chest workout again, that seemed to work out well and worked out to flat benching every 10th day. Save my shoulders some hell at least so I can keep progressing. Strength felt up aside from my shoulders hindering me, all my other movements were stronger.

Flat bench 4 sets 8, 3, 5, 8

Incline dumbbell bench 4 sets 10, 6, 8, 9

Incline machine press 4 sets 11, 10, 11, 10 drop 15

Seated machine flye 3 sets 15, 15, 12

Cable flye 3 sets 12, 12, 15

Front delt dumbbell raises 3 sets 8

Barbell front raise 3 sets 12, 12, 15

Ab machine 3 sets 15, 10, 12

Planks 3 sets 40 seconds (shit these were a lot harder being 40 lbs heavier since doing them last lmao)
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

AJ I like your 4 day split. I've always considered overhead presses as a front delt movement - should I be considering it more as medial delt?
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

dowork said:
AJ I like your 4 day split. I've always considered overhead presses as a front delt movement - should I be considering it more as medial delt?
doworkDepends how you do it and how you feel it bro. It definitely still hits front delts, but with dumbbells especially I can target more isolation toward my medial delts, barbell is harder to take stress off front delts unless it's behind the neck which I've grown to enjoy on the smith machine. Most movements are all about how you utilize the mind muscle connection, but OHP can definitely be used for either front or side delts and inevitably will at least minorly hit both.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Pissed a ton last night/today and weighed in at 227.5, so 6.5 lb down from yesterday lol, crazy.. followed diet yesterday at 4500 cals 450g protein, hit posterior upper body today..

Rack pulls 3 sets 6, 6, 5

Barbell row 3 sets 20, 16, 12

T bar row machine 3 sets 12, 10, 10

High pulley rope cable rows 3 sets 12 12 12

Hammer grip wide grip lat pull downs 4 sets 10, 10, 8, 10

Close grip lat pull downs 4 sets 12, 8, 8, 8

Dumbbell pullovers 4 sets 10, 8, 8, 10

Rear Delt bent over dumbbell raise 3 sets 15, 12, 12

Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets 10, 12, 10

Dumbbell shrugs 3 sets 10, 10, 10

Donkey calf raise 3 sets 20, 13, 12

Seated calf raise 3 sets 10, 10, 15

Hell of a mid and lower back pump.. I also bumped my anadrol back up to 100mg ED now that water levels seem to have balanced. All other dosages still the same.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Today is an off day, yesterday I hit side delts bis and tris. Awesome pump! Borrowed a buddy's wrist wraps as I've been having some tendon pain in my right wrist/forearm and it helped immensely. Also borrows some mini elbow sleeves for my dips and they also felt pretty good. Weight was 231.5 yesterday.

Behind the neck smith machine overhead press 3 sets 8, 6, 6

Standing dumbbell overhead press 2 sets 12, 12

Standing dumbbell side lateral raise 3 sets 18, 15, 13

Cable Upright row 3 sets 12, 12, 12

Dumbbell curls 3 sets 10, 8, 6 drop 5

Ez Bar curls 3 sets 12, 10, 10

Concentration curls 3 sets 10 10 10

Front double bicep cable curls 3 sets 12, 8, 9

Parallel bar triceps weighted dips 3 sets 13, 8, 8

Ez Bar skullcrusher 3 sets 14, 10, 9

Dumbbell Overhead Tricep extension 3 sets 15, 12, 10

V bar bent over tricep overhead cable extensions 3 sets 12, 15, 12

Ab machine 3 sets 10, 10, 10

Oh and FYI my low back pumps and really pumps in general have been absolutely RETARDED on ael anadrol.. holy cow. I stay pumped 24/7 I think lol
Still following and enjoying it man. Would love to see how you are wearing the weight you have packed on. Always curious on guys approach in the off season
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

LittleTom said:
Still following and enjoying it man. Would love to see how you are wearing the weight you have packed on. Always curious on guys approach in the off season
LittleTomYeah man I'll try to get some half decent pics. I'm a water balloon for sure but I've stayed a. Lot leaner than in the past. Glad to still have you on board brotha lt!

Had a bad ass leg day today.. weighed 231. Strength just keeps going up, hitting PRs every workout. Love it. This ael anadrol is no fucking joke. I've never ran less than 100mg anadrol and every time I bump it up to 100 for a few days I have to drop back down to 50.. shits on fire.

Leg press 5 sets 23, 13, 11, 13, 14

Barbell squat 5 sets 6, 5, 8, 8, 12

Hack squat machine 12, 15, 12, 11, 12

Leg extension 5 sets 12 drop 8, 9 drop 7, 10 drop 10, 11 drop 8, 14 drop 8

Stiff leg dead lift 3 sets 8, 7, 7

Lying leg curls 3 sets 8, 8, 7

One leg curls 3 sets 8, 8, 8

Hip adductor/abductor supersets 3 sets 15/15, 12/12, 12/12

Standing calf raise machine 3 sets 16, 11, 10

Donkey calf raise machine 3 sets 15, 15, 14
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was chest and front delts, I am having some major tightness in my front delts I believe bicep tendinitis.. honestly I think it is in part coming from injecting test suspension in my bicep heads a,couple times a week, I'll have to find a new spot. Sucks because I love the swelling it gives my bis.. anyway, going to take at least one chest day off of flat bench as that's where most of the pain is coming in.

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 7, 5, 5, 6

Incline barbell bench 4 sets 10, 7, 6, 12

Decline barbell bench 4 sets 3, 10, 10, 9

Flat dumbbell flye 3 sets 12, 10, 10

Seated machine flye 3 sets 12, 10, 10

Front barbell raise 3 sets 12 12 12

Front dumbbell raise 3 sets 8 8 8

Ab machine 3 sets 18, 10, 10

Crunch machine 3 sets 10, 12, 8

Weight was 232, felt good overall just that fucking tightness.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Sorry guys haven't updated in a,couple days. Day before yesterday I weighed in at 231 and hit back

Barbell rows 4 sets 10, 5, 6, 8

Dumbbell rows 4 sets 8, 8, 8, 10

Low pulley cable row 4 sets 8, 8, 8, 12

Lat pull downs 4 sets 12, 10, 8, 10

Chin ups 3 sets 4 4 4

Rope lat pull downs 3 sets 10 8 10

Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets 10, 12, 12

Lying Incline rear Delt raises 3 sets 18, 15, 15

Machine shrugs 3 sets 15, 12, 12

Seated caLf raise 15, 10, 15

Standing calf raise 3 sets 18, 12, 12

Yesterday was side delts and arms, weighed in at 236 (still holding chest and shoulder striations.. love it)

Seated Dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 6, 6, 11

Hammer machine shoulder press 3 sets 15, 10, 10

Seated Dumbbell side raises 3 sets 15, 15, 12

Single arm dumbbell side raise 3 sets 15, 15, 12

Ez Bar curl 3 sets 12, 11, 9

Single arm preacher curl 3 sets 8, 8, 8

Dumbbell hammer curl 3 sets 10, 10, 8

Concentration curl 3 sets 8, 8, 8

Weighted dips 3 sets 12, 8, 8

Dumbbell Overhead tri extension 3 sets 15, 12, 12

Incline Skull crushers 3 sets 12, 10, 10

Rope push downs 3 sets 15, 10, 12

Ab machine 2 sets 15, 10

Crunch machine 2 sets 8, 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

So Sunday was leg day.. weighed 236. Weights going up every time, leg press going up about 50 lb every session and squats going up a rep or 2 each time. and workout was

Leg press 4 sets 21, 12, 10, 14

Squat 3 sets 7, 6, 6

Front squat 3 sets 8, 8 12

Hack squat machine 4 sets 10, 9, 10, 10

Leg extensions 4 sets 15 drop 8, 12 drop 8, 16, 18

One leg curls 3 sets 10 10 8

Lying leg curls 3 sets of 10

Stiff leg deads 3 sets 8, 6, 8

Adductor/abductor 3 supersets 15/15

Donkey calf raise 4 sets 22 18 15 13 drop 11
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was chest day.. weight was 236 again. I dropped anadrol, Saturday was my last dose after 3 wk on it. Still rehabbing this bicep tendinitis.

Incline barbell bench press 3 sets 12, 8, 6

Flat dumbbell bench press 3 sets of 8

Decline barbell bench press 3 sets 5 8 9

Incline machine press 3 sets of 10

Seated machine flye 3 sets 15 12 10

Cable flyes 3 sets 12 10 10

Front delt dumbbell raise 3 sets of 10

Plate front delt raise with alternating turn at top 3 sets 12

Ab machine 3 sets 15 8 10

Crunch machine 3 sets of 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Hit back yesterday, weight was 234, seem to be dropping the anadrol bloat thank the Lord, feeling and looking better in the midsection, hopefully weight balances soon.

Rack pulls 3 sets 6, 6 8

Underhand barbell rows 3 sets of 10

T bar row 3 sets 12 8 7

High pulley rope rows 3 sets 12 10 10

Chin ups 4 sets 8 7 7 7

Lat pull downs 4 sets 10 10 8 12

Dumbbell pullovers 4 sets of 8

Bent over rear Delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 15 12 12

Rear Delt machine raise 3 sets 10 10 12

Smith shrugs 3 sets of 12

Standing calf raise machine 2 sets 20 10

Donkey calf raise 3 sets 12 12 13
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday I had an awesome side delt/arm day, crazy arm pump.. weight was back up to 236.

Hammer grip machine shoulder press 4 sets 15 10 10 10

Standing dumbbell side lateral raises 4 sets 18 15 15 15

Upright rows 4 sets 12 12 10 10

Alternating dumbbell curls 3 sets 6 7 8

Ez Bar preacher curl 3 sets 10 6 7

Ez Bar curl 3 sets of 12

Front double bicep cable curls 3 sets of 10

Ez Bar skullcrusher 3 sets 20 6 12

Dumbbell Overhead Tricep extensions 3 sets of 10

V bar triceps push downs 3 sets of 12

Parallel bar triceps dips 3 sets 12 8 10

Ab machine 2 sets 12 10

Hanging leg raises 2 sets 10 12

Crunch machine 1 set 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was leg day. Up weight on most things again, I was demolished afterward lol. Weight was up to 237.

Leg press 4 sets 18 10 9 12

Barbell squat 4 sets 6 5 5 7

Hack squat machine 4 sets 10 10 8 12

Squat machine thingy with quad focus 3 sets of 8

Leg extension 3 sets 12 drop 8, 11 drop 6, 12 drop 8

Dumbbell Stiff leg deads 3 sets 10 8 8

Lying leg curls 3 sets 10 8 8

One leg curls 3 sets 8 8 8

Hip adductor/abductor superset 3 sets 15/15, 12/12, 12/12

Leg press calf extensions 3 sets 18 12 12

Seated calf raise 3 sets 12 15

Had a nice beastly late night breakfast at cracker barrel to refuel 😉
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

So day before yesterday weight was 236.5 and it was chest/front delts

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 8, 3, 4, 5

Incline dumbbell bench 4 sets 10, 8, 8, 7

Incline machine press 4 sets 15, 8 8 12

Incline dumbbell flye 3 sets of 10

Seated machine flye 3 sets 12, 10, 12

Front delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 8, 10, 8

Front barbell raise 3 sets 10 12 10

Max decline sit ups 3 sets 12 10 8

Ab machine 3 sets of 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

And yesterday was back/rear delts. Weight was up to 238 (new high), still in the same notch on my weight belt so I'm gonna say thats good hahah. Strength is still rising, I'm pretty damn strong everywhere right now aside from movements where my bicep tendinitis affects it, it's feeling much better though, hopefully Ill have it knocked by next bench day.

Barbell row 4 sets 12, 6, 6, 10

Both arm dumbbell row 4 sets 8 8 10 10

Low pulley cable row 4 sets 10 8 8 12

Wide lat pull down 4 sets 10 8 10 12

Close grip pulldowns 4 sets 10 8 10 8

Rope standing high attachment front pulls 4 sets of 12

Rear Delt Machine flye 3 sets 10 10 12

Lying Incline rear Delt raise 3 sets 10 15 15

Shrug Machine 3 sets 10 10 12

Standing calf raise machine 3 sets 20 12 12

Seated calf raise machine 3 sets 15 12 12
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was off day, day before I crushed arms and weighed in at 240! Leanest I've been at that weight. Workout was as follows

Behind the neck smith press 3 sets 8 7 6 (working with 225, feeling strong on these)

Standing dumbbell press 2 sets of 12

Seated Dumbbell side lateral raise 3 sets 18 15 14

Single arm dumbbell side lateral raise 3 sets 12 10 10

Dumbbell hammer curl 3 sets 10 8 10

Single arm preacher curl 3 sets of 8

Close grip Ez Bar curl 3 sets 15 12 12

Concentration curls 3 sets 10 12 10

Weighted tricep dips 3 sets 11 6 12

Dumbbell Overhead extension 3 sets 15 15 10

Ez Bar flat skullcrusher 3 sets 10 8 10

V bar bent over overhead triceps extensions 3 sets 15 12 12

Ab machine 2 sets 15 10

Crunch machine 2 sets 10 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was leg day, weighed in at 240 again. Had another awesome leg day setting more PRs..

Leg press 4 sets 23 11 11 15

Barbell squat 4 sets 6 5 4 6

Hack squat machine 3 sets 12 10 10

Squat machine thingy with quad focus 3 sets 8 9 8

Leg extension 4 sets 15 drop 8, 10 drop 6, 15, 15

Lying leg curls 3 sets 10 8 8

Single leg curls 3 sets 10 8 10

Dumbbell Stiff leg dead lifts 3 sets 8 8 8

Hip adductor/abductor supersets 3 sets 15/15, 10/10, 8/10

Donkey calf raises 3 sets 20 15 15

Seated calf raises 2 sets 8, 15
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was chest day, went back to doing my arch on bench and felt loads better on my shoulders.. strength is back up pretty close to peak on chest now as well. Weight was 239, striations and vascularity were looking solid yesterday as well.

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 6 5 3 5

Incline barbell bench 4 sets 8 8 7 6 drop 8

Decline barbell bench 4 sets 7 6 10 8

Incline dumbbell flye 3 sets 10 8 10

Cable flyes 3 sets 15 12 15

Front delt barbell raise 3 sets of 12

Front delt dumbbell raise 3 sets of 8

Max decline sit ups 2 sets 12 10

Ab machine 3 sets 10 8 8
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was back day, had a pretty awesome workouts felt sluggish and didn't want to go but was strong once I got there. Weighed in at 241.25 lb.

T bar row 4 sets 10 8 8 8

Barbell row 4 sets 15 12 10 10

High pulley rope cable rows 4 sets 12 10 10 10

Chin ups 3 sets 6 7 6

Lat pull downs 3 sets 10 8 12

Dumbbell pullovers 3 sets 8 7 8

Dumbbell bent over lateral raise 3 sets 15 12 12

Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets 12 12 10

Smith shrugs 3 sets 12 10 10

Standing calf raise machine 3 sets 15 12 10

Seated calf raise machine 3 sets of 12

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