Grow season "fuck shit up" with ael log

Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Alright guys, so the day after my last update was medial Delt and arm day, had a killer session.. weighed in at 240 and did
Seated Dumbbell press
Hammer strength machine press
Standing dumbbell lateral raises with a triple drop on the last set
Single arm dumbbell side lateral raises
Ez Bar curl
Ez bar Preacher curl
Dumbbell curl
Front double bi cable curls
Ez Bar skullcrushers
Dumbbell Overhead tri extension
Rope push downs

The next day was an off day, first day I didn't eat all my meals due to moving into new place, substituted a meal with subway, had a few shakes and had a big birthday dinner at my in laws house. Weight was down a bit yesterday to 239. Leg day yesterday as well

Leg press 5 sets 15, 8 12 15 15

Squat 3 sets 8 6 7

Front squat 3 sets 7 7 9

Squat machine quad focus 3 sets of 10

Leg extensions 4 sets 12 drop 6, 11 drop 6, 13 drop 7, 16

Stiff leg deads 3 sets 10 8 6

Lying leg curls 3 sets of 10

Single leg curls 3 sets of 8

Hip adductor abductor supersets 15/15, 15/12, 12/10

Seated calf raise 3 sets 12-15

Donkey calf raise 3 sets 10-12

So far since starting off season my leg press has gone up about 250 lbs, Squat
Up about 50-60lb, bench back up about 30 or so lb, everything else up 30+ lb as well.. feeling pretty good still!! Libido is way up as well.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

What's up guys? Sorry been MIA since Friday, wife and I were out of town for my birthday weekend. Back at it today! Today was leg day, weighed in at 239.

Leg press 5 sets 16 12 11 12 15

Barbell squat 4 sets 6 5 7 12

Hack squat machine 4 sets 10 10 9 8

Leg extension 5 sets 10 drop 7, 8 drop 8, 8 drop 8, 10 drop 8, 20

One leg curls 3 sets 10 8 8

Lying leg curls 4 sets 10 8 8 12

Dumbbell Stiff leg deads 2 sets of 8

Hip adductor/abductor supersets 12/15, 12/12, 8/10

Seated calf raise 3 sets 25 15 12

Standing calf raise 3 sets of a 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was chest, weighed 236, been having some stomach issues, either a bug or some GI issues not sure. So weight is down a bit from that I assume. Still been eating the same amount of food regardless.

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 4, 4, 5, 5

Incline barbell bench 4 sets 10, 7, 6, 8

Flat dumbbell bench 3 sets 8, 7, 5

Inner chest one arm machine press 3 sets 18 15 12

Seated machine flye 2 sets 12 13

Front delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 10

Plate front raise with turn 3 sets 14 14 12

Ab machine 3 sets 15 8 10

Crunch machine 8 10 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

This was yesterday's update, I couldn't get the board to load.

Yesterday was back day, weight steady at 236 lately. Been feeling run down and lots of tendinitis issues and joint pain along with some GI issues and tired alot, so I'm backing some stuff down. Added an extra day off in the middle of my usual 4 day split, so it'll be 2 on 1 off, cut a meal out of my daily regime, dropped test back down to 1g weekly and eq from 700 to 600. Cut out my 25mcg t3 and will just be taking 125mcg t4 for now. I also grabbed some prostate health supps and some activia yogurt for the probiotics for my GI issues a few days ago and already noticing a difference from those 2. So hopefully I'll be feeling 100% here soon. So back day was

T bar rows 4 sets 10 8 7 10

Low pulley cable rows 4 sets 12 8 8 10

Barbell row 4 sets 15 15 10 12

Lat pull down 4 sets 10 8 10 10

Close grip pull downs 4 sets 10 8 10 10

Rear Delt dumbbell raises 3 sets 12 12 15

Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets 12 10 10

Smith shrugs 3 sets 10 8 10

Donkey calf raise 3 sets 28 18 15

Seated calf raise 2 sets of 15
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Just a quick check in, my body has been begging for some time off the gym and I've been neglecting it, but I have nagging pains/tendinitis in so many places I believe it's time for a week off. So I'm not going to train this week and try to allow my body to recover so that I can push it harder when I come back. I definitely feel sluggish and over trained, haven't taken a week off in ages I believe it's time lol.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Nice log post some pics

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

What's up guys? Yesterday was my first day back after the much needed week off. Feeling quite a bit better. Still tight in a few places but overall much better. Weight yesterday was still 237, so right around the same as before taking off. I started up AEL anadrol again yesterday at 50mg AM and 50mg pre w/o so 100mg/day, trying 100mg again now that my full body pumps coming out of prep have subsided for the most part lol. Yesterday I hit legs

Leg press 4 sets 20, 14, 10, 13

Squat 4 sets 6 6 6 5

Hack squat machine 3 sets 10 8 10

Leg extension 3 sets 15, 10 drop 6, 12 drop 7

One leg curls 3 sets 10 8 8

Lying leg curls 3 sets 8 8 8

Seated calf raise 3 sets 25 15 15

Donkey calf raise 2 sets 15 12

I could definitely tell I took a week off lol. Strength,was close to the same but man was I fatigued early and was close to puking the whole time. Holy shit am I sore today..

Today was chest and front delts, Weight was 236

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 7, 3, 4, 5

Incline barbell bench 4 sets 8, 6, 6, 7

Incline machine press 3 sets 15, 10, 12

Seated machine flye 3 sets 15 12 12

Front delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 12 10 10

Front barbell raise 3 sets 15 12 12

Ab machine 3 sets 15 8 8

Crunch machine 3 sets 10 10 10

Feeling pretty good! Keeping volume a little bit lower than usual this week to get back into things without hurting myself. I'm definitely sore enough from that leg workout, more so than I've been in a while!
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Yesterday was an off day, basically doing 4 days per week at the moment, pretty much same workouts as before just lowered the frequency. Primarily to let my joints and tendons heal but also for some mental rest, I'm at a point of the,year where my motivation has bottomed out, always happens for at least a few months out of the year, just gotta suck it up and get it in regardless. Today was back day, back up to 239 today and looking a tad bit leaner.

Barbell row 3 sets 10, 8, 8

Dumbbell row 3 sets 8, 7, 7

Low pulley cable row 3 sets of 8

Lat pull down 3 sets 15, 10, 10

Close neutral grip chin ups 3 sets of 6

Standing Front rope pulls 3 sets 15, 8, 8

Rear Delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 14 12 10

Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets of 10

Standing calf raise 3 sets 10 10 8

Donkey calf raise 2 sets 16 15

Felt pretty good tonight after getting in there. Always love some back.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log


Forgot to update after fridays workout. It was medial delts and,arms.

Behind the neck smith press 3 sets 10 8 8

Seated side lateral raise 3 sets 20 18 18

Single arm side lateral raise 3 sets of 12

Dumbbell curl superset dumbbell overhead Tricep extensions 3 sets 10/18, 8/12, 8/12

Preacher curl superset skullcrusher 3 sets 15/11, 12/9, 12/9

Hammer curl superset dips 3 sets 8/15, 8/12, 8/10

Lying Rope cable curls superset rope push downs 2 sets of 12/12
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

So Thursday was back,and rear delts

Barbell row 3 sets 10 8 19

Dumbbell row 3 sets of 8

Low pulley cable row 3 sets 10 8 10

Lat pull down wide grip 3 sets 12 10 10

Lat pull down close neutral grip 3 sets of 10

Rear Delt dumbbell raise 3 sets of 12

Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets of 12

Yesterday was medial delts and arms. I skipped over any overhead presses due to the bicep tendinitis I'm trying to nurse. Also I super set bis with tris as I have been doing lately.

Standing dumbbell side lateral raise 3 sets 15 12 15

Seated Dumbbell side lateral raise 3 sets 10 12 12

Single arm side lateral raise 3 sets 20 20 15

Hammer curl superset skullcrushers 3 sets 10/10, 8/8, 8/8

Dumbbell curls superset dumbbell overhead Tricep extension 3 sets 10/12, 8/12, 8/12

Front double bicep cable curls superset V bar overhead bent over tricep extension 3 sets 12/15, 12/12, 10/15

Weight was 235 Thursday, did not weigh Friday. Hoping these damn joints and tendons start feeling fresh soon!!!
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Taking a little more time off, doing what's been recommended by a few and resting up as well as loading up on ibuprofen to try and get the inflammation down so that I can come back swinging.i think I overworked during prep and am paying for it now lol, have to heal up so that I'm 100% by the time the next prep rolls around.. feeling pretty solid on 300mg test weekly and 2.5 IU gh every morning. Just hoping to maintain for the next 6ish weeks and then be ready to kick it back into gear
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Got back at it Monday with some chest/tris, felt quite a bit better and my head game is better as well, still not 100% as far as mobility and being pain-free but it's getting there. Mondays workout-

Flat barbell bench
Incline barbell bench
Incline machine press
Incline dumbbell flye
Cable flye

Tuesday I hit back and bis and it was

Overhand barbell row
Both arm dumbbell row
Low pulley cable row
Wide lat pull down
Close grip lat pulldown
Hammer curls
Ez Bar curls
Front double bicep cable curls

Been sore as shit! Appetite has been pretty low for me but still been eating 5 meals/day with a big dinner, probably around 250+ protein on workout days and 200+ on non workout days. Weight was at 231 last time I weighed.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Thursday was shoulders. Felt better than I have on presses in a while.

Seated Dumbbell shoulder press
Hammer machine shoulder press
Seated lateral dumbbell side raises
Single arm dumbbell raises
Rear Delt dumbbell raises
Reverse pec deck

Yesterday was leg day, wasn't too bad, couldn't get under the bar for back squats though shoulders didn't want to cooperate.

Leg press
Barbell front squat
Squat machine quad focus
Leg extension
Lying leg curls
Standing calf raises
Donkey calf raises

Weight hanging between 231-233 every day. Appetite still been crappy, which is a first for me this offseason. Oh well, we will slowly get back on top!
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Monday was chest and tris, I haven't been back after this week as my wife and I have been car shopping after work, going to try and get in this evening. But Monday weight was 232 workout was

Flat barbell bench
Incline barbell bench
Decline barbell bench
Incline machine press
Machine flyes
Dumbbell Overhead tri extensions
V bar push downs
Parallel bar dips
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

grim said:
wanna wo 4 me?
grimHaha I'm good man! Barely getting it in for myself at the moment

Feeling pretty decent at the moment guys. "Cruising" at 200mg test 80mg tren every fifth day with 3.3 IU gh every morning.. appetite is back up pretty strong now as well. Weight holding at 227-228 right now so I'm down 14lb from the peak of this offseason so far but I'm holding less water and feeling better. Chest and tris was Monday and back/bis was Tuesday, yesterday was an off day. We've been car shopping so it's been pretty hectic after work every day so I haven't been around much lol. Workouts have been staying around 20 sets or less, giving myself some recuperation time to get my head back in it.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Shoulders tonight, weight back up to 232.. like I said appetite has been up lol.

Seated Dumbbell press 3 sets 10 7 8
Seated lateral raises 3 sets 15 15 15
Standing single Arm lateral raises 3 sets of 12
Rear Delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 12
Seated rear Delt machine flye 3 sets 15 12 10
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Weight up to 233 today, felt better on flat bench than I have all offseason. Had a pretty good, quick chest and tri session.

Flat barbell bench 3 sets
Incline dumbbell press 3 sets
Incline machine press 3 sets
Seated machine flye 3 sets
Ez Bar skullcrushers 2 sets
Dumbbell Overhead tri extension 2 sets
V bar push downs 2 sets
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Back and bis today. Weight was 231

Barbell rows 3 sets
Dumbbell row 2 sets
Low pulley cable row 3 sets
Wide lat pull downs 3 sets
Rope lat pull downs 3 sets
Dumbbell hammer curls 2 sets
Ez Bar curls 2 sets
Front double bicep cable curls 2 sets

Felt pretty strong and solid today. Weight and strength holding steady on cruise.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Hit shoulders on Friday and legs on Saturday, last week was a little wacky with the holidays and such. Weight is hanging around 235.. Definitely some chub on there from all the,feasts lately lmao. Strength is still solid and haven't lost any size on the cruise, so happy with ael again there! Shoulders was

Seated barbell ohp 3 sets
Hammer strength machine press 3 sets
Standing side laterals 3 sets
Upright rows 3 sets
Rear Delt machine 3 sets
Rear Delt dumbbells 3 sets

Legs was short and sweet.. kept it light and quick but still sore from it today.

Barbell squat 3 sets
Hack squat machine 3 sets
Leg extension 3 sets
Lying leg curls 3 sets
Seated calf raise 2 sets
Donkey calf raise 2 sets

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