Grow season "fuck shit up" with ael log

Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

RebelMachinist said:
I might give that a try the HCG at least. Idk about clomid tho and the risk of strokes. My family has a bad history of strokes. I've also read that it works i been trying some other things to add as well. Goodluck to you on the kid! Thanks for taking the time to reply to such a personal question. Much appreciated.
RebelMachinistNo problem man! I'll be sure and let you know if/when it happens. Good luck to you as well. Clomid hasn't given me any physical issues, but it's an annoying drug for emotional stability. Basically gives your brain feelings similar to a woman's PMS.. so that's fun to have constantly. Lol. Very irritable and a complete lack of interest in everything, numb feelings/emotions with bouts of slight depression. I just backed down to 50mg after kickstarting with 100mg for a couple weeks, so hopefully that reduces that a bit. It's affected my mental pretty heavy so it's good I have a grip enough to know that's what it is and not make any big life decisions while on. Lol.

Missed a few posts here.. Friday I did legs and weighed 232.

Leg press 4 sets 10 10 7 8
Squats 4 sets of 5
Leg extensions 4 sets 18 15 12 12
Lying leg curls 4 sets 12 8 8 6
Seated calf raise 2 sets of 12
Standing calf raise 2 sets 10 12

Weekend off then resumed Monday with chest weighing 234

Flat barbell bench press 4 sets 7 3 5 7
Decline barbell bench press 4 sets 7 6 10 9
Incline barbell bench press 4 sets 5 6 6 8
Incline dumbbell flye 3 sets of 8
Seated machine flye 3 sets 10 10 8

Yesterday was back day. I forgot to weigh.

Deadlifts 3 sets 8 8 6
Dumbbell row 3 sets 8 8 7
High pulley rope cable rows 3 sets 12 10 10
Wide grip lat pull downs 4 sets 10 8 10 10
Close grip pulldowns 4 sets 10 10 8 8

Saturday I did my last planned inject of 625mg test (was at 1250/wk for a couple weeks) and will resume injections on Thursday with 175mg e5d for a total of about 245mg/wk for a cruise for a bit. Taking a bit of a break again with blasting since this clomid/hcg combo has me feeling pretty mentally crappy lately. I'll let this run while I'm doing the clomid/hcg run and then blast again planning an AEL superdrol kickstart.
Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Hit shoulders last night, felt pretty decent and had a nice pump. Weight is down to 230.5 (thanks to revving up intensity/volume a bit & sorta kinda cleaning my diet), feeling a bit better and less bloated which is nice.

Seated Dumbbell Overhead press 3 sets 8 8 10

Seated hammer grip machine shoulder press 3 sets 12 12 10

Standing dumbbell side lateral raises 3 sets 15, 12, 3rd was a drop of 10 8 10 12

Upright rows 3 sets 12 12 10

Rope cable face pulls 3 sets 10 10 12

Rear Delt dumbbell raise 3 sets of 12

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Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Sorry, missed a couple workouts in there. I did arms on Thursday and hit 9 super sets for bis/tris. Took Friday off then hot legs Saturday basically same workouts as week before just tried adding a bit of weight to each set.

Yesterday I hit chest and weight was at 230.5.
Flat barbell bench 4 sets 4, 3, 6, 6
Incline barbell bench 4 sets 6, 7, 5, 10
Decline barbell bench 4 sets 7, 6, 8, 10
Cable flyes 4 sets of 12-15

Still cruising on just test, currently 300mg e4d.. I'm gonna keep that going for a bit.

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Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Haven't updated yet this week so I'll get Monday through Wednesday in this post. Monday was chest day and weight was at 230.

Flat barbell bench press 4 sets 7, 4, 6, 7
Inclinebarbell bench 4 sets 6, 7, 7, 10
Incline machine press 4 sets of 12-15
Seated machine flye 3 sets 12
Cable flye 3 sets 12-15

Tuesday was back, knocked it out in 30 min and weighed 228.5.
Barbell row 4 sets 12, 10, 8, 10
High pulley cable row 4 sets 8-12
Neutral chin ups 4 sets 6-8
Wide grip lat pull downs 4 sets 10-12
Had too much Mexican and pizza this night

Wednesday was shoulders, water weight only crept me up to 229.
Seated dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 8, 8, 6
Seated hammer grip machine shoulder press 3 sets 12-15
Seated dumbbell side lateral raises 3 sets 12-15
Upright barbell rows 3 sets 10-12
Rear Delt dumbbell raises 3 sets 12
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 12

Weight is slowly going down, haven't been eating a whole. Attempting to lean out a tad bit without going crazy and still enjoying myself.. trying this whole lifestyle thing out for a bit instead of constantly pounding food or dieting hard. We'll see how long it lasts lol. Still just 250-300 test e every 4 days.

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Re: Grow Season "Fuck Shit Up" with AEL Log

Had a pretty solid arm day last Thursday, still enjoying supersetting bis and tris, get a huge pump and I'm in and out within 30 mins. Weight was 226.5

Close grip bench super sets Ez bar curls 3 sets 10 each
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension superset hammer curls 3 sets 12/8
V bar push downs superset lying cable curls 3 sets 10-12 each

Took Friday off, was busy wth stuff all day so did legs Saturday instead. Had a lot of food Friday and definitely not clean Saturday so weight was up at 229.
Leg press 4 sets 12
Barbell squat 4 sets 5
Leg extension 4 sets 15-18
Lying leg curls 3 sets 10
Seated calf raises 2 sets 12-15
Standing calf raises 2 sets 10-12

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Well look at this guy...still killin it I see bro!
Well look at this guy...still killin it I see bro!
What up man?! Nice to see ya over here!

It's been a super busy week this week, so far I've been in the gym Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday I hit chest, weight was at 229.

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 6, 6, 4, 14
Decline barbell bench 4 sets 6, 6, 10, 10
Incline dumbbell bench 4 sets 7-9
Seated machine flye 4 sets 12

Yesterday was back, knocked it out with 1 min rests for the most part. Weight was 228

Barbell row 4 sets 8-12
Seated low pulley cable row 4 sets 8-10
Wide lat pull down 4 sets 8-10
Close grip pull downs 4 sets 10-12
Doing well brother starting a cut myself very soon with some AEL cut mix. I'll be following the's the wife's progress going?
Doing well brother starting a cut myself very soon with some AEL cut mix. I'll be following the's the wife's progress going?
Awesome man! Nice to see you on the ael train. She's doing well, she's re geared her goals a bit here lately and is actually looking to lean out some and possibly lose a little muscle in some areas, she was starting to feel uncomfortable in the 140-150 range.

Tuesday got in and nailed a quick back workout, has a real nice pump and was doing 45-60 sec rests, felt good. Weight was 228
T bar row 4 sets 12
High pulley cable row 4 sets 8-12
Wide lat pull down 4 sets 8-12
Neutral grip chin ups 4 sets 7-9

Yesterday was shoulders, weight was 226, waist is looking better, definitely have shedded some fat which was my goal here lately.

Seated dumbbell overhead shoulder press 3 sets 6-10
Single arm side lateral raise 3 sets 10-12
Seated dumbbell side lateral raises 3 sets 12-15
Rear Dept machine flyers 3 sets 12
Rear felt dumbbell raises 3 sets 12

Hoping to start feeling the proviron soon, pretty sure I was needing to free up some test and lower shbg.
Did chest tonight, weighed in at 228, appetite has been up today. Added in proviron and am currently running 200mg test c EOD, 100mg test p EOD, 120mg mast e EOD and 50mg proviron ed.

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 7, 5, 5, 13
Incline barbell bench 8, 7, 6, 8
Decline barbell bench 4 sets 6, 8, 10, 10
Seated machine flye 4 sets 12

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Yesterday I hit arms, had a nice pump.. I think I'm noticing the bump in test and the addition of masteron and proviron already, a little more fullness and a better pump, shirts fitting a bit tighter. Any way weighed 227 yesterday

Dumbbell overhead tricep extension superset dumbbell curls 3 sets 15/10

Ez bar skullcrushers superset single arm preacher curl 3 sets 10/10

Tricep dips superset ez bar curls 3 sets 15/12

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Crazy how big of a difference it makes when you get back on blast and start to feel it.. stamina was wayyy up in the gym last night, strength up a bit and my libido is through the roof. Current stack for anyone who missed it is:
Test C 200mg EOD
Test P 100mg EOD
Mast e 125mg EOD
Proviron 50mg ED
Arimidex 0.5mg m/th

All AEL product. I will be swapping the mast e & test p for 1ml of the super elite cut blend when it gets in for a little while, I'll let everyone know when it gets in and I get it swapped over.

Last night was chest and weight was at 230, extra fullness and jeans are fitting looser in the waist

Flat barbell bench 335x5, 335x4, 315x5, 275x8 (strength had gotten real low on bench, finally crept up a tiny bit, still down about 30lb from my peak)
Decline barbell bench 275x8, 275x8, 275x7, 225x15
Incline barbell bench 225x8, 225x8, 225x6, 205x10
Seated machine flye 140x 12, 140x10, 120x12

Ready to get on some cut blend and see my strength skyrocket on the tren again.. might do a little stint of superdrol as well we'll see

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Tuesday I hit back and weight was 228
Barbell row 4 sets 15, 15, 12, 10
Low pulley cable row 4 sets of 10
Neutralgrip chin ups 4 sets of 8
Wide grip lat pull down 4 sets 10-12

Wednesday was a quick shoulder workout, weight 228 again.
Seated barbell overhead press 3 sets 10, 5, 8
Standing dumbbell side later raises 3 sets 12-15
Single arm side lateral raises 3 sets 12-15
Rear Delt dumbbell raises 3 sets 10
Rear Delt machine flye 3 sets 12
Machine shoulder press burnout 1 set of 20

Yesterday I hit arms and had a crazy pump.. weight was 232 and didn't look any chubbier.. looks like I'm adding some siZe back already after bumping stuff up

Close grip bench superset ez bar curl 3 sets 8/15, 6/15, 9/12
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension superset dumbbell curls 3 sets 12/8
Rope push downs superset front double bicep cable curls 3 sets 15/10

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Friday was leg day, first week in a while that I made it m-f without skipping a day and either making it up Saturday or just skipping it altogether, felt nice. Weight was 232

Leg press 4 sets 10-12
Barbell squat 4 sets 5
Leg extensions 4 sets 12-18
Lying leg curls 3 sets 10-12
Standing calf raises 2 sets 12-15
Seated calf raises 2 sets 15

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So just started up my new stuff that came in yesterday.. now will be running 1ml cut blend & 0.8ml test c EOD coming to about 350 test p, 525 tren a, 350 mast & 700 test c per week. Also still taking proviron at 50mg ED along with adex 0.5mg twice/wk & caber 0.5mg twice/wk.

Yesterday was chest, weight was 233. I'm looking fuller and feeling stronger since getting my dosages back up..

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 3, 3, 5, 14
Incline dumbbell bench 4 sets 6, 8, 8, 8
Inclin machine press 4 sets 15, 15, 12, 10
Cable flye 3 sets 12-15

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Had a hell of a back pump during my back session last night, best lat pump I've had in quite a while. Weight was 232, strength felt solid as well

Bent over dumbbell row 4 sets 8-10
High pulley rope cable row 4 sets 8-12
Wide grip lat pull down 4 sets 8-12
Close grip pulldowns 4 sets 8-12

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Missed some days in there.. had shoulders on Wednesday, arms Thursday & legs Friday. Pretty much same workouts as last week other than arms I switched it up a bit.. had an insane pump with it too. Arm day was
Dumbbell preacher curl superset dumbbell hammer curl 3 sets 8-10 each
Ez bar curl superset front double bicep cable curls 3 sets 8-12 each
Close grip bench superset ez bar skullcrusher 3 sets 8-12 each
Tricep dips superset v bar push downs 3 sets 10-15 each

That one felt pretty productive. Weight was around 235 second half of the week. Strength and aggression both have been up since starting the cut blend.

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Just hit arms, supersets on supersets again. Weights at 231 today

Close grip bench superset ez bar curls 3 sets 8/12 (back up to doing 275 for 8 on close grip, haven't been up there in a while)
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension superset dumbbell hammer curls 3 sets 12/8
Rope push down superset front double bicep cable curls 3 sets 10/10

Definitely have been feeling the tren in the cut blend. Running hot lately with extra aggression, strength is up and vascularity up with no change in diet.

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So strength is definitely up with no changes in lifestyle, training or diet, so the cut blend is doing its job there, I seem to be leaning out a tad bit as well which is always a plus. Monday I hit chest and strength was up

Flat barbell bench 4 sets 355x5, 365 x2 (should've rested longer), 315x6
275x10 (stamina still down but strength up)
Incline barbell bench 225x10, 275x5, 245x8, 225x8
Decline barbell bench 4sets 275x7, 245x10, 245x10, 225x12
Cable flye 3 sets 12-15

Skipped Tuesday I had some stuff going on so I doubled up back and shoulder yesterday, weight was at 228

Weighted pull ups with 25 strapped 3 sets 8-12
Low pulley cable row 3 sets 240x8-12
Wide lat pull down 3 sets 195x12, 210x8, 195x10
T bar row machine 3 sets 10-12
Standing dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 10-15
Seated side dumbbell lateral raises 3 sets 12-15
Upright row 3 sets 12
Rear Delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 12

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keep keeling it bro
keep keeling it bro
Trying man! Working to keep motivation up!

Thursday hit arms, weight was about 232
Close grip bench super set ez bar curls 3 sets 275x8/95x12
Ez bar skullcrusher super set dumbbell curl 3 sets 105x12/40x8
V bar push down superset lying cable curls 3 sets 12/10

Yesterday I did legs, pretty solid workout, knees and hips felt decent, weight 232

Barbell squat 3 sets 6
Hack squat machine 3 sets 8-12
Leg extension machine 3 sets 12
Lying leg curl 3 sets 8-10
Seated calf raise 2 sets 15
Standing calf raise 2 sets 10

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