Grow season "fuck shit up" with ael log

I hit shoulder on Thursday, weight was at 224.. definitely been up and down but that's a new low since I prepped.

Standing dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 10-15 with 75lb db(I use significantly less on rhese than seated)
Single are side lateral raise 3 sets 12
Lateral raise machine 3 sets 10-15
Face pulls 3 sets 10
Rear delt db raises 3 sets 12

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Sorry guys I got behind, my strength is already going up big time from the tren I started last week, shits crazy. Monday I hit chest and Tris

Flat barbell bench 335x5, 365x2, 315x6
Incline barbell bench 245x8, X7, 225x8
Incline machine press 245x12, 10, 8
Cable flyes 3 sets 12
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 18
Dumbbell overhead tricep extensions 2 sets 12-15
Tricep dips 2 sets 12-15

Wednesday I hit back and bis

Dumbbell row 3 sets 105x8
Rope cable rows 3 sets 180x10-12
Lat pull down 3 sets 210x8
Neutral chin ups 3 sets 8
Ez bar curls 3 sets 10-12
Dumbbell curls 2 sets 10
Front double bicep cable curls 2 sets 10-12

Thursday I hit shoulder

Seated dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 105x8
Standing dumbbell side lateral raises 3 sets 12-15
Upright rows 3 sets 12
Rear delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 10-12
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 10-15

Weight was staying steady around 228-229.

I started up cut stack yesterday, running 1ml super elite cut blend and 200mg test c every other day

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So strength was definitely up again last week, I've only been going heavier for a couple weeks now and I'm already feeling pretty strong. I'm still about 30lb down on most lifts from my best, but for no harder than I've been training or following diet I'll take it. Last Monday I hit chest Tris

Flat bench 365x3, 395x1, 315x7
Incline barbell bench 245x8x3
Decline barbell bench 275x5, 245x10x2
Canle crossovers 3 sets 12
Dumbbell overhead tri extension 2 sets 12
V bar push down 2 sets 12
Tricep dips 2 sets 12

Thursday I hit back/bis

Bent over barbell row 3 sets 245x12
Low pulley cable row 3 sets 240x12
Lat pull down 3 sets 195x12
Chin ups 3 sets 8
Hammer curls 2 sets 10
Ez bar curls 2 sets 12
Front double bi cable curls 2 sets 10-12

Saturday I hit shoulder

Standing dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 75x12
Seated dumbbell side later raises 3 sets 12
Single arm side lateral raises 3 sets 10-12
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 12
Rear delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 12

Weight has been between 225-228

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So Monday I hit chest & Tris

Flat barbell bench 385x1, 335x5, 315x8
Incline barbell bench 225x10x3
Incline machine press 225x12x3
Seated machine flye 3 sets 12
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 18-25
Ez bar skullcrushers 2 sets 12-15
V bar overhead tricep extensions 2 sets 12

Wednesday I hit back & biceps
Weighted pull ups with 25 added 3 sets 10
Lat pull down 3 sets 210x10
Low pulley cable row 3 sets 225x10
Bent over dumbbell row 3 sets 10
Dumbbell hammer curls 2 sets 10
Ez bar curls 2 sets 12
Single arm preacher curl 2 sets 10

Thursday was shoulders
Seated dumbbell overhead press 3 sets 105x8
Seated dumbbell side lateral raises 3 sets 15-18
Upright rows 3 sets 10
Rear delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 12
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 12

Weight has been sticking between 225-228.. should be hitting legs today of tomorrow

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Still following your journey bro. I'd love to see a sample meal plan
Still following your journey bro. I'd love to see a sample meal plan
RebelMachinistThanks man! Honestly right now I'm pretty relaxed, I typically have the same stuff through the day and then whatever I'm feeling for dinner. Breakfast in usually having acup of egg whites and a cup of oats, lunch I'm having 9oz chicken breast and a serving of jasmine rice, pre workout 9 oz 93% lean ground turkey with a serving jasmine rice, post workout 2 scoops of whey, then dinner can range anywhere from pizza to wings to a sub sandwich to all the above it's been working to maintain for a while now.

Weight still between 226-228, I was on vacation again last week so half ass workouts, this Monday I hit chest and Tris

Flat barbell bench 335x5, 365x2, 315x7
Incline dumbbell bench 110x10, 115x8, 110x8
Decline barbell bench 225x20, 275x8, 275x7
Cable flyes 3 sets 12
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 15-20
Dumbbell overhead tri extensions 2 sets 12
V bar overhead tri extensions 2 sets 15

Wednesday was back and bis

Barbell row 3 sets 245x12
High pulley rope cable rows 3 sets 180x12
Chin ups 3 sets 10-12
Lat pulldowns 3 sets 195x12
Dumbbell hammer curls 2 sets 10-12
Ez bar curls 2 sets 15
Front double bicep cable curls 2 sets 10

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Dang that doesn't seem like much for someone of your size and strength for food! That's about like me haha just trying to get on your level brother. I have noticed that when I eat 5-6 meals a day I am starving all day and get the shakes but when I have my normal 3 largish meals I do just fine.
Dang that doesn't seem like much for someone of your size and strength for food! That's about like me haha just trying to get on your level brother. I have noticed that when I eat 5-6 meals a day I am starving all day and get the shakes but when I have my normal 3 largish meals I do just fine.
RebelMachinistYeah man just trying to maintain, and trust me when I say sometimes the dinner is an insane amount of food, and occasionally I'll have a middle of the night "snack", ehich sometimes can be something like A 7x7 burger plus large chili cheese fry from steak n shake sooo thats why it's maintaining me. Sometimes dinner is only Around 1k Cals and sometimes its upwards of 3k or more.

I changed what I'm running. Now running 325mg test c & 160mg NPP Mon/wed/Fri for 975 & 480 weekly and running 50mg proviron ED.

Last week was weird guys so just a small update.. I went to the gym wed Thurs and sat. Wed I hit chest and Tris, pretty similar to normal, decent strength I hit 335x6, 355x3 315x7 for flat bench. Thurs I hit back and bis pretty typical gym gay. Sat I hit shoulders, pretty standard except I did standing barbell overhead press for the first time in a long time and had an amazing pump! Weight sticking around 225-227.

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Yeah man just trying to maintain, and trust me when I say sometimes the dinner is an insane amount of food, and occasionally I'll have a middle of the night "snack", ehich sometimes can be something like A 7x7 burger plus large chili cheese fry from steak n shake sooo thats why it's maintaining me. Sometimes dinner is only Around 1k Cals and sometimes its upwards of 3k or more.

I changed what I'm running. Now running 325mg test c & 160mg NPP Mon/wed/Fri for 975 & 480 weekly and running 50mg proviron ED.

Last week was weird guys so just a small update.. I went to the gym wed Thurs and sat. Wed I hit chest and Tris, pretty similar to normal, decent strength I hit 335x6, 355x3 315x7 for flat bench. Thurs I hit back and bis pretty typical gym gay. Sat I hit shoulders, pretty standard except I did standing barbell overhead press for the first time in a long time and had an amazing pump! Weight sticking around 225-227.

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Now thats eating lol I wish I could eat like that and stay lean my stomach will bloat up like a fat heifer. Got any progess pics of the physique?
Now thats eating lol I wish I could eat like that and stay lean my stomach will bloat up like a fat heifer. Got any progess pics of the physique?
RebelMachinistNot at the moment man, I'm not lean right now but I'm not fat either lol, I'll get something together soon to show. I think my back has actually grown more since laying off intensity and volume lol, it's a super responder.

Last week I hit chest and Tris on Monday

Flat bench 335x5, 335x4, 335x4
Incline dumbbell bench 3 sets 115x8
Decline barbell bench 3 sets 245x10
Cable flye 3 sets 12
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 20
V bar pushdowns 2 sets 12
Dips 2 sets failure

I hit back and bis Thursday
Barbell row 3 sets 245x12
High pulley rope cable rows 3 sets 180x10
Lat pull down 3 sets 210x 10
Chin ups 3 sets 10
Dumbbell curls 2 sets 10
Ez bar curls 2 sets 15
Front double bi cable curls 2 sets 12

Saturday I hit legs
Ass to Grass squats 3 sets 315x8
Hack squat 3 sets 315x8
Leg dxtension 3 sets 12-20
Lying leg curl 3 sets 10
Seated calf raise 2 sets 20
Donkey calf raise 2 sets 20

Weight steady at 228ish

Running 975mg test c 480 mg npp weekly with 50mg proviron ed

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Hit chest shoulders and Tris last night had a pretty solid pump. Weight was 227.
Flat bench 335x5, 355x2,315x7
Incline bar bench 225x8,7,6
Incline dumbbell bench 105x8, 95x8x2
Cable flyes 3 sets 12
Standing barbell shoulder press 2 sets 155x10,8
Seated dumbbell side lateral raises 2 sets 18
Single arm dumbbell side lateral raises 2 sets 12
Seated dumbbell overhead tri extension 2 sets 12
V bar pushdown 2 sets 12-15
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 12

Still on 975 test c 480 npp weekly and 50mg proviron daily

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Yesterday was back, rear delt and bis
weight was 226

Pull ups with 25lb added 3 sets 10-12
Lat pull downs 3 sets 210x10-12
2 armDumbbell rows 3 sets 85x10-12
High pulley cable row 3 sets 195x10
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 10-15
Ez bar curls 3 sets 10, 8, 15
Front double bicep cable curls 3 sets 15, 10, 10

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Tuesday I hit chest side delrs and Tris..weight was 226

Flat barbell bench 335x5, 334x4, 315x6
Incline dumbbell bench 3 sets 110x8
Decline barbell bench 3 set 245x10
Machine flye 3 sets 12
Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3 sets 70x10
Seated dumbbell side delt raises 3x15
Rope pushdowns 2x15-20
Ez bar skullcrushers 2 sets 12
Dips 2 sets 12

Yesterday I hit back rear delt and bis and weighed 228
Barbell row 3 sets 245x12
High pulley rope cable rows 3 sets 180x12
Lat pulldowns 3 sets 210x10
Chin ups 3 sets 8
Rear delt flye 3 sets 12
Hammer curls 2 sets 10
Dumbbell preacher curl 2 sets 12
Ez bar curls 2 sets 12-15

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Nah man I haven't figured it all up tbh..

Friday I hit legs.. squats were taken like the whole time so I didn't squat.weighr was 228

Leg press 3 sets 650x10
Hack squat 3 sets 315x8
Leg extension 3 sets 12-15
Lying leg curl 3 sets 8
Standing calf raise 2 sets 12
Donkey calf raise 2 sets 15

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Monday I hit chest/shoulders/Tris

Flat barbell bench 335x5, 335x4, 315x6
Incline barbell bench 225x8x3
Decline barbell bench 245x8x3
Seated machine flye 3x12
Standing barbell ohp 2 sets 155x8
Seated side delt raises 2 sets 15
Single arm side delt raises 2 sets 12
Seated tricep ohp 2 sets 12
V bar push down 2 sets 15
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 12

Wed was back rear delt and bis

Barbell row 3 sets 245x12
High pulley row 3 sets 195x8
Lat pull down 3 sets 195x10
Chin ups 3 sets 8
Rear delt dumbbell raise 3 sets 12
Dumbbell preacher curl 2 sets 10-15
Ez bar curls 2 sets 12-15
Front double bicep cable curls 2 sets 12

Weight steady round 228

Only running 500mg test/wk starting as of Monday of last week.

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Still just been running 500mg test weekly for about 3 weeks or so now. Weight is steady at 225. Hit chest Monday with shoulder and Tris
Flat bench 335x5, 335x4 , 315x6
Incline barbell 225x7x3
Decline barbell 245x8, 225x12, 225x10
Cable flyes 3x12
Standing barbell shoulder press 155x8, 135x12
Seated dumbbell side lateral raises 2x15
Upright cable rows 2x12
V bar pushdowns 2x15
Skullcrushers 2x12
Rope pushdowns 2x15

Today i hit back, rear delts and biceps
Dumbbell row 3 sets 100x7-8
High pulley rope cable row 3 sets 195x8-10
Lat pulldown 3 sets 195x8-12
Chin ups 3 sets failure
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 12
Ez bar curls 3 sets 8-15
Front double bicep cable curls 3 sets 8-12

Feeling pretty damn good on 500mg test. Just riding it out and relaxing.. maintaining pretty well and stating pretty strong, only thing I noticed taking a hit is stamina. I'll probably stay at this for a few months.

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Hit chest shoulders and Tris Monday, weight was 227

Flat bar bench 315x7,6 275x8
Incline barbell bench 225x7x3
Decline barbell bench 245x8, 225x8x2
Cable flyes 3 sets 12
Standing dumbbell overhead press 2 sets 6 drop 8
Seated dumbbell side lateral raise 2 sets 12-15
Single arm db side lateral raise 2 sets 12
Dumbbell overhead tricep extensions 2 sets 85x15
Incline skullcrushers 2 sets 12-15
V bar pushdown 2 sets 12

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I ended up getting into the gym Friday for some back rear delt and bi action, weight was still at 227. Decided to knock out some supersets for back

Chin ups super set lat pull down 3x12/12
Barbell row super set low pulley cable row 3x12/12
Rear delt db raises 3 sets 12
Hammer curl 2 sets 10
Ez bar curls 2 sets 12-15
Front double bicep cable curls 2 sets 12

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Tuesday hit chest shoulders Tris, weight still at 227
Flat barbell bench 3 sets 315x6
Incline barbell bench 3 sets 225x8
Decline barbell bench 3 sets 245x8
Machine flye 3 sets 12
Standing barbell ohp 2 sets 155x6-8
Seated side delt raises 2 sets 12-15
Upright row 2 sets 12
Rope pushdowns 2 sets 15-20
V bar overhead tri extension 2 sets 12-15
Dumbbell overhead tri extension 2 sets 12

Yesterday I hit back rear delts and bis, weight was 225

Barbell row 3 sets 245x8-12
3 sets rope cable pull 180x12
Lat pull down 3 sets 195x10-12
Chin ups 3 sets failure
Rear delt machine flye 3 sets 12
Dimbbell preacher curl 2 sets 10
Ez bar curls 2 sets 10-12
Front double bicep cable curls 2 sets 10

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Just to update everyone, I've been on Vaca for the past week and a half. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow and on a new blast finally, so stay tuned

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