Mast - Couple Q's

I love Mast. After using it a few times I decided to use it on all cycles. I just love the way it makes me feel and the strength gains aren't bad either. Haven't tried Primo yet but I've actually been convinced that Primo is supposedly better at all the things Mast can do.

PRIMO 100MG /TEST PROP 100MG/TREN ACE 100MG/MASTERON 100MG also was gonn arun some primo E with it. Don't know about the test and how that would work with the tren because last I heard running test lower is much better and doesn't lead to sides from tren. The first product is a mix though.
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I love Mast. After using it a few times I decided to use it on all cycles. I just love the way it makes me feel and the strength gains aren't bad either. Haven't tried Primo yet but I've actually been convinced that Primo is supposedly better at all the things Mast can do.

PRIMO 100MG /TEST PROP 100MG/TREN ACE 100MG/MASTERON 100MG also was gonn arun some primo E with it. Don't know about the test and how that would work with the tren because last I heard running test lower is much better and doesn't lead to sides from tren. The first product is a mix though.
Kins49I think just running 1ml of the mix 3 times per week. On Mon-Wed-Friday preworkout. Add the Primo E in at 1ml. I'd like to take the weekend off pinz. Don't think that'll be much of a problem. Dosing just before workouts just like "pulsing". I actually think people use too much anabolics a lot of the time. You can use much lower doses and still get results. Instead of adding a ton of aas and running it a the same dosage as when you run it solo or just with test....

You combine different aas that would be good together. The sum of the whole is greater than it's parts. So I'd lower the dosage significantly and still get great gains.

Anyway that's my thinking. However then I go back and think running primo 300/test prop 300/tren ace 300mg/masteron 300 per week, plus the primo e isn't really that much total. Wish I could lower the tren but since it's a mix I can't.
I love Mast. After using it a few times I decided to use it on all cycles. I just love the way it makes me feel and the strength gains aren't bad either. Haven't tried Primo yet but I've actually been convinced that Primo is supposedly better at all the things Mast can do.

PRIMO 100MG /TEST PROP 100MG/TREN ACE 100MG/MASTERON 100MG also was gonn arun some primo E with it. Don't know about the test and how that would work with the tren because last I heard running test lower is much better and doesn't lead to sides from tren. The first product is a mix though.
Kins49PRIMO 100MG /TEST PROP 100MG/TREN ACE 100MG/MASTERON 100MG per ml for the mix. I may run 1/2ml 3 times per week with primo E added at 200mg 3 times per week. Then again I may just run a ml 3 times per week.
I posted ANON before. However, I have been diagnosed with CKD stage 3. It's not bad enough to feel symptoms now. It hasn't gotten worse. For an entire year my levels stayed the same. Been looking up "Tren and kidneys" for a few hours and not found anything conclusive about kidney disease and aas. In fact I've read a lot of peoples bloodwork and their kidney tests didn't change. For anyone reading this who has this, Would this make you give up aas?. I've stayed away for the past year or so since diagnosed but I also get TRT and my TRT doc knows I have CKD and hasn't said anything about stopping that......Really though is the kill me or put me in the hospital?. I suppose if I feel the crap I could just stop immediately, but would it be too late?.
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I posted ANON before. However, I have been diagnosed with CKD stage 3. It's not bad enough to feel symptoms now. It hasn't gotten worse. For an entire year my levels stayed the same. Been looking up "Tren and kidneys" for a few hours and not found anything conclusive about kidney disease and aas. In fact I've read a lot of peoples bloodwork and their kidney tests didn't change. For anyone reading this who has this, Would this make you give up aas?. I've stayed away for the past year or so since diagnosed but I also get TRT and my TRT doc knows I have CKD and hasn't said anything about stopping that......Really though is the kill me or put me in the hospital?. I suppose if I feel the crap I could just stop immediately, but would it be too late?.
Kins49So my Bp has been extremely high...I dropped the MK just last night so I'm waiting to see if my BP goes down. If not I'll have to drop the mix with tren in it. Maybe go to just Primo and Test P. My bp is pretty scary though.
So my Bp has been extremely high...I dropped the MK just last night so I'm waiting to see if my BP goes down. If not I'll have to drop the mix with tren in it. Maybe go to just Primo and Test P. My bp is pretty scary though.
Kins49Tren always pushes my bp up I take telmisarten a great bp med for bro s on gear. Got it thru vendors 1st then talked doc into script. Roberts did a big article on it Did wonders for me. Also Mast will give some strength and drive where primo will not. Must have really low bf for mast to really shine. I used that same mix for my crazy cut cycle this year I think it is still posted in cycle section.
I posted ANON before. However, I have been diagnosed with CKD stage 3. It's not bad enough to feel symptoms now. It hasn't gotten worse. For an entire year my levels stayed the same. Been looking up "Tren and kidneys" for a few hours and not found anything conclusive about kidney disease and aas. In fact I've read a lot of peoples bloodwork and their kidney tests didn't change. For anyone reading this who has this, Would this make you give up aas?. I've stayed away for the past year or so since diagnosed but I also get TRT and my TRT doc knows I have CKD and hasn't said anything about stopping that......Really though is the kill me or put me in the hospital?. I suppose if I feel the crap I could just stop immediately, but would it be too late?.
Kins49Very scary because high bp puts the pressure on my kidneys and that's the main issue and why I developed CKD.
Very scary because high bp puts the pressure on my kidneys and that's the main issue and why I developed CKD.
Kins49Tren fucks with my kidneys bad while on after coming off they return to normal the doc that read my blood work said my kidneys were failing while on tren anabolics scew blood work bad but If your already having kidney problems drop the tren bro. You don’t want to be on dialysis for the rest of your life.
I posted ANON before. However, I have been diagnosed with CKD stage 3. It's not bad enough to feel symptoms now. It hasn't gotten worse. For an entire year my levels stayed the same. Been looking up "Tren and kidneys" for a few hours and not found anything conclusive about kidney disease and aas. In fact I've read a lot of peoples bloodwork and their kidney tests didn't change. For anyone reading this who has this, Would this make you give up aas?. I've stayed away for the past year or so since diagnosed but I also get TRT and my TRT doc knows I have CKD and hasn't said anything about stopping that......Really though is the kill me or put me in the hospital?. I suppose if I feel the crap I could just stop immediately, but would it be too late?.
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Started MK677 yesterday. Had some crazy night sweats. Hopefully it clears up. I'm planning on starting this cycle tomorrow. Just gonna start with 1 ml. Hopefully I don't drop dead.
Kins49Good luck with it brotha. I can't run 677.....I retain too much H2O.
Mast e and cialis = porn star
Mast e and cialis = porn star
halfnattyDo most people find low dose mast is better on libido compared to proviron?

Any difference mast e vs mast p?

Does mast have any effect on erection quality or just libido?
Do most people find low dose mast is better on libido compared to proviron?

Any difference mast e vs mast p?

Does mast have any effect on erection quality or just libido?
puff88I find both work equally well for me as far as libido, I get plenty of wood but throw a bit of Viagra in just to be hard as a board.
Well BP is down to an average of 140/88. However I skipped my dose on Monday and Wednesday. I don't know if I'll continue. That solvent I forget the name that's used in brewing most tren can't be good for the kidneys....It really makes tren stink. I really didn't mind the sweating much, except sometimes I look like a freaking crackhead sweating my ass from something as simple as taking a dump!. Or just moving around sometimes. Or not moving and sweating like crazy. How do you guys deal with that?. Really don't want to give up the tren though because I have not seen progress so fast regarding body composition. Maybe I'll take my Friday shot and see how much it effects bp.
Well BP is down to an average of 140/88. However I skipped my dose on Monday and Wednesday. I don't know if I'll continue. That solvent I forget the name that's used in brewing most tren can't be good for the kidneys....It really makes tren stink. I really didn't mind the sweating much, except sometimes I look like a freaking crackhead sweating my ass from something as simple as taking a dump!. Or just moving around sometimes. Or not moving and sweating like crazy. How do you guys deal with that?. Really don't want to give up the tren though because I have not seen progress so fast regarding body composition. Maybe I'll take my Friday shot and see how much it effects bp.
Kins49If you do continue the Tren for me pinning lower amounts e day gets rid of sides for me keeps blood level stable. Parabolan seems to be a bit more user friendly for longer pin intervals.
If you do continue the Tren for me pinning lower amounts e day gets rid of sides for me keeps blood level stable. Parabolan seems to be a bit more user friendly for longer pin intervals.
SupernautI have been continuing. This week I'll be back on my pin schedule regularly M,W,F. I don't know if the sweats stopped because I missed two days last week but sweats haven't been an issue these last few days. That MK that I was running destroyed my bp. Now that I'm off it BP is much better.
Well it seems Tren of the mix I was running really effected my bp. I dropped the TREN mix. Bp went down to only slightly elevated. So I'm just sticking to Test Prop and Primo E right now. The main thing I have to worry about is blood pressure. My chronic kidney disease, according to my nephrologist(sp.?) uncontrolled blood pressure is what caused it. So now I have a home bp checker with an arm cuff. Right now my kidneys are working at around 60% of what they should be for my age. Sounds scary right?. It's not though and it feels as if I'm fine. There are no symptoms until your in stage 4. I'm stage 3 right now and in order to keep it from progressing I absolutely have to keep my blood pressure down.

Then again everything I've read about tren says that it doesn't effect the kidneys. There are myths or internet myths that say it's harsh on the kidneys and liver. said:

Increased kidney and liver stress:​

Another half-rumor and half-truth Trenbolone side effect, liver and kidney strain associated with Trenbolone are frequent claims among the anabolic steroid community. Where the truth lies with this side effect is this: Trenbolone presents no greater amounts of stress on the kidneys or the liver than the majority of other injectable compounds. Although it is not C17-alpha alkylated, Trenbolone does present a very minute amount of liver strain due to its resistance to hepatic breakdown and metabolism, but the extent at which it exhibits this toxicity is not even worth noting. However, all individuals should be aware to take the appropriate precautions where liver and kidney issues are concerned, and that no individual with a history of kidney or liver issues should be utilizing Trenbolone, or ANY anabolic steroids. The rumor of kidney damage from Trenbolone results from the fact that urine becomes much darker and a stronger orange rusty color while using Trenbolone. This has commonly been mistaken as bloody urine, resulting from the claimed myth of “kidney damage from Trenbolone”. The truth is that Trenbolone does not cause kidney damage, and the reason for this change in urine color while using Trenbolone is due to the fact that Trenbolone oxidizes into a darker rust type of color, even when refridgerated, and this frequently occurs with no indication in any individuals of renal (kidney) toxicity. Other evidence in the form of Trenbolone’s long-term use in cattle (for lean mass increases for the purpose of enhanced food production) has demonstrated that there has never been renal toxicity issues in the cattle that have been given Trenbolone. The same can be said for the minute amount of human test subjects in studies that have also been administered Trenbolone. In the end, what people have mistaken as blood in their urine is in actuality Trenbolone and its metabolites excreted in the urine, which causes urine to take on a more rusted dark color.
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So I'm a bit torn up by this because this was the first real tren run for me and it works really well as far a body recomp.
What color do yall notice most mast e to be? I just took notice to the fact that mine are crystal clear. They are made with mct oil so maybe that is why? But next to my current vial of sust, which has a yellow tint to it, these mast e vials are clear clear. Is that normal?
What color do yall notice most mast e to be? I just took notice to the fact that mine are crystal clear. They are made with mct oil so maybe that is why? But next to my current vial of sust, which has a yellow tint to it, these mast e vials are clear clear. Is that normal?
puff88Mine from clarity are clear as well, in my experience Masteron generally is.
What color do yall notice most mast e to be? I just took notice to the fact that mine are crystal clear. They are made with mct oil so maybe that is why? But next to my current vial of sust, which has a yellow tint to it, these mast e vials are clear clear. Is that normal?
puff88The color of your mast or in fact this is true of almost any finished product is usually decisive on the carrier oil that is used in the brewing process.
The color of your mast or in fact this is true of almost any finished product is usually decisive on the carrier oil that is used in the brewing process.
01dragonslayerVery true and hot much it is heated and how much it oxidises. Tren for example can be completely clear and then I use it a coue times and more air is introduced to the vial and it becomes darker in color.

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