Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
First ever log here. NPC nationals are 10 weeks away. Like hundreds of other competitors I will be chasing the coveted IFBB Pro Card. I'm a veteran competitor but feel that I'll be bringing my best ever package to this competition. I'm in better shape as I type this than I've been at and won other shows. I have been using Paxton products almost exclusively for the past year. Only "gear" that hasn't been Paxton is my TRT stuff, GH when I was on that, IGF 1 lr3 for a few MGs and little bursts of Novolog. Aside from that it's been Pax all the way. For the next 6 weeks give or take, this is what it'll look like:

Ultra Rip 100/100/100 EOD
Test Cyp 200mg ev 5 days
Primo 200mg EOD
Tren Enan 100mg EOD
Anavar 60mg daily
Winstrol 50mg daily
Proviron 50mg daily
Arimidex 1mg EOD
Caber .25mg ev 3 days
Exemstane 25mg ev 3 days
Clen .40mcg + ED
Ketotifen 2mg ED

This is of course subject to change based on how I look and feel.

I have some veteran guys putting their heads together with me for the gear plan. I'm also using a very high profile diet coach who I will be keeping anonymous.

I don't make excuses. I just do work. I give it my 100% every day. I sometimes have to cut workouts short, have a shake instead of a meal, I sometimes miss shots, have an extra ounce of protein or a little extra hot sauce- because I am human. I am many other things than a bodybuilder- family man first, then everything else. I'm very fortunate to have the support I need for the next ten weeks. I'll be giving it all I have, and it'll be cool to share some of the experience with you guys. Wacker tells me you all are some of the best guys out there. I'm not sure how often I can post updates but i'll do my best with that- I don't get much uninterrupted time the way my life is situated....but I'll figure it out. Wish me luck!
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Kick some ass brother, I know your dedication and work ethics are the best. The Paxton Family is glad to have you.
you look great, ,very symmetrical and balanced, good definition and grainy density . if this is the pre contest look you're on the way to a great placing!
misterB said:
you look great, ,very symmetrical and balanced, good definition and grainy density . if this is the pre contest look you're on the way to a great placing!
Thanks misterb. These pics were taken yesterday. yes this is the 10 week out precontest look. My goal is to look like a seasoned pro on an amateur stage!
great structure and lots of size! Good luck man. Keep this log active! subd
Looking great bro. Can def tell you have lots of mature muscle.
Look very symmetrical and complete. With 10 weeks to go,your conditioning will be impecable!
morrey said:
over 3 grams of gear! I like
When you say it like that it kinda scares me lol. I try to think of it like "little bit of this, little bit of that." It adds up though. This run is more aggressive than what I'm used to- but the stakes are high.
When you say it like that it kinda scares me lol. I try to think of it like "little bit of this, little bit of that." It adds up though. This run is more aggressive than what I'm used to- but the stakes are high.
FREIGHTRAINMy thoughts exactly. Really liking that cycle. Are you running the winny the whole 10 weeks?
misterB said:
you look great, ,very symmetrical and balanced, good definition and grainy density . if this is the pre contest look you're on the way to a great placing!
Absolutely your symmetry looks great. Nice muscle bodies. I wish you the best bro!
Today is quad day. I've been hitting quads one day then hams/glutes a few days later. My leg development overall is not where I'd like it to be. For years I've been training around a low back issue- herniated L5/S1. When I'm carrying more bodyweight it really affects me- almost cripples me at times. Lately it has been ok since i'm down 30lbs or so and doing cardio on the regular. I've been focusing on sweep and separation. Recently I trained legs with a top IFBB PRO figure athlete whose legs are off the hook. I wanted some fresh ideas for my quad smash that don't require heavy loads. Man o man she delivered. One little gem of an exercise for the quad sweep was doing lying leg curls, with legs wide and toes pointed out, working the first 3/4 of the movement for fairly high reps. I'd never have thought to do this but it is very effective.

Point here is no matter how long you've been training and no matter where you're at in the bodybuilding world, none of us know everything, and it's always beneficial to try new things!
good info, i also work around a horrible back and cant do things that transfer the weights down the spine
Coach wanted here we are...I was told my cut is on perfect pace and no changes necessary yet. Wednesday is next check in. Just gonna keep grinding. No excuses. I will post up some details on my OTC supplement regimen later...I think it's really helping and working well with the Paxton gear.
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