Obama chastises Senate over failed gun reform amendment

GRIM said:
Ummm you are factually incorrect and taking the blind partisanship stance.
Bush ran under record home ownership, even pressured banks to give more subprime loans..
Even his own administration is on record saying he shares a brunt of the responsibility.
Bush did more than simply fail to stop it, he poured gas on it.

Wrong again on unions, another right wing response.
Unions are down just as pay is down.
Yet where unions exist pay and benefits remain strong....
Is there abuse in unions? sure there is everywhere. Pure capitalism drives wages down for record profits to the corporate heads, what we continue to see day in and day out..
GRIMNo, I'm not incorrect. The Dodd-Frank bill was passed under Clinton. Bush did nothing to stop it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were effectively under water then.How am I blindly partisan to blame Clinton and Bush???? I'm not neccessarily a republican, I'm a conservative.

"Where unions exist pay remains strong". Oh boy, you really stepped in it there. EU anyone?

Thanks for the ad hom, guess I'll stop now.
Both dems and Bush are responsible..
Bush's own X administration takes blame for it..
He fueled the fire by running on record home ownership, pressuring banks to give MORE subprime loans. That is unbiased fact..
Your stances are out of pure right wing publications.

I see first hand what Unions do in my state, where they exist pay is higher with greater benefits.
This is the same way around the country..
Sorry Grim, the dems own the housing crisis. It started under Clinton, Bush did nothing to reverse it and now we're screwed.
doesn't look like you're blaming Bush...
GRIM said:
Both dems and Bush are responsible..
Bush's own X administration takes blame for it..
He fueled the fire by running on record home ownership, pressuring banks to give MORE subprime loans. That is unbiased fact..
Your stances are out of pure right wing publications.

I see first hand what Unions do in my state, where they exist pay is higher with greater benefits.
This is the same way around the country..
BS, my stances aren't out of pure right wing publications. Why do you have to throw ad hominems around like that? Can't you just debate without going there?

Treasury Secretary Paulson was the dickhead responsible for the subprime fiasco during the Bush admin, however, 1 more time, the banks were forced to start loosening credit to under/non-qualified mortgage seekers during Clinton's term. Bush could have done something, but it started under Clinton.

My uncle was president of the largest union in GE, I do know what union politics is all about. If you think for a minute that unions are why we have high paying jobs in this country you're showing your lack of understanding regarding economics.I think you're the 1 who is hyper-partisan here.
LOL because your response is the exact same I've heard from Republican after republican...

1 more time Clinton is to blame as Bush is also he not only didn't stop it he poured gas on it.
His own administration admits it!
He ran on record home ownership AND pressured banks to give MORE subprime loans!
That is fact, until you admit that fact all you are is blind partisanship.

I hate both dems and republicans so try again..

Hmmm lets see yes their can be corruption in unions but real world the company my wifes grandfather managed their non union shop for the employees made on average $5 less an hour and far less benefits than their union counterpart shop doing the exact same thing.

I deal in facts not partisanship...
GRIM said:
I deal in facts not partisanship...
That's funny, if you deal in facts and not partisanship you would acknowledge the subprime loan fiasco started under Clinton.That's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact.

My answer to all this mess is simple .... term limits. I hate pols also, they are the ruination of America, especially the lifers. Politics has become a path to power in this country, although they are supposed to be public servants.
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
I deal in facts not partisanship...
That's funny, if you deal in facts and not partisanship you would acknowledge the subprime loan fiasco started under Clinton.That's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact.

My answer to all this mess is simple .... term limits. I hate pols also, they are the ruination of America, especially the lifers. Politics has become a path to power in this country, although they are supposed to be public servants.
Sigh when have I tried to hold Clinton not responsible @ all?
I have said both dems 'clinton and those in the house' plus bush are responsible..
Don't make stuff up.
I'm blaming all as they are all guilty, while you are taking partisan blindness..
1 more time Clinton is to blame as Bush is also he not only didn't stop it he poured gas on it.
in fact the post you are responding to I outright blame Clinton...
Someone I know brought up a good point: this Obama fella got so angry and mad about his little gun control bullshit not getting threw but where was his angry about the Benghazi killings???? Hummmmm

Look out for fag-ghost
GRIM said:
1 more time Clinton is to blame as Bush is also he not only didn't stop it he poured gas on it.
in fact the post you are responding to I outright blame Clinton...
GRIMThat's cool.

You know, my grandfather told me as a child that there wasn't a dime's worth of difference between the D's and R's.I double majored in college and 1 of my majors is Political Science. After getting a truly inside look at the machinations of politics, it became very clear what my dear grandfather said is absolutely true. His remarks were incredibly prescient. In this day of high powered, high finance politics there's 1 group who runs this country ..... lobbyists.
SkinNbone said:
Someone I know brought up a good point: this Obama fella got so angry and mad about his little gun control bullshit not getting threw but where was his angry about the Benghazi killings???? Hummmmm

Look out for fag-ghost
I like this. He's only angry when he doesn't get his way.
They both want to take your freedoms and money to kick back to their lobbyist friends.
GRIM said:
They both want to take your freedoms and money to kick back to their lobbyist friends.
Yep, the only choice we have is between which party is the lesser of the 2 evils. The 2 party system is corrupt as hell and it sucks. Unless by the 2 party system you mean party on Friday and party on Saturday. 🙂
The 2 party system is corrupt as hell and it sucks. Unless by the 2 party system you mean party on Friday and party on Saturday. 🙂


I tried to be somewhat liberal at one point when I was young and naive. Then I started my own business and realized that I'd rather keep more of my own hard earned money than turn it over to the govt to spend on social programs for the lazy.

That being said, neither party has any idea how to divert this financially bankrupt govt away from the disastrous path it is on.
I used to be a hardcore republican until I realized greed and misinformation was the parties primary weapons.
A little fact checking had me in disgust what I had been led to believe...
GRIM said:
I used to be a hardcore republican until I realized greed and misinformation was the parties primary weapons.
A little fact checking had me in disgust what I had been led to believe...
That's why I am a Conservative .... NOT a Republican.
this sums up my belief

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