Obama chastises Senate over failed gun reform amendment

Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
Ummm you are factually incorrect and taking the blind partisanship stance.
Bush ran under record home ownership, even pressured banks to give more subprime loans..
Even his own administration is on record saying he shares a brunt of the responsibility.
Bush did more than simply fail to stop it, he poured gas on it.

Wrong again on unions, another right wing response.
Unions are down just as pay is down.
Yet where unions exist pay and benefits remain strong....
Is there abuse in unions? sure there is everywhere. Pure capitalism drives wages down for record profits to the corporate heads, what we continue to see day in and day out..
GRIMNo, I'm not incorrect. The Dodd-Frank bill was passed under Clinton. Bush did nothing to stop it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were effectively under water then.How am I blindly partisan to blame Clinton and Bush???? I'm not neccessarily a republican, I'm a conservative.

"Where unions exist pay remains strong". Oh boy, you really stepped in it there. EU anyone?

Thanks for the ad hom, guess I'll stop now.
actually. If you want to go way back to the very start of the chain of events that led to the housing crisis, it started with Jimmy Carter's deregulation of the airline industry. And it mostly got worse during every term since. Clinton accelerated it a lot though
Obama admin is just running with the toarch of bad or incompetant decision making, useless spending, and coming with supporting or signing questonable or controversial legislation. Bush was the king of this and I didn't support either. I do how ever feel that obama lean more towards the commie side and bush leaned more toward the faciest side. Which in the end is the same bitch with different make up. This however is my opinion. Gas prices were just as high and at some points higher under the bush admin. Unemployment is just as high if not higher under the obama admin. They both funded terrorist states and they both lied about intel on incients in order to cover up or act on an agenda. The main difference is that Buch was a "republican" and Obama is a "Democrat". They both held controversial elections. All garbage along with the majority of congress.
Yes the gun law may have won but keep in mind votes always come ith compromies and compromises are usualy not in the interests of us. So one wa[ or another we will deal with reprocussions of some sort. Whether we can physically see or read it, or whether it is coverty enacted in legislation.
The 2 party system is corrupt as hell and it sucks. Unless by the 2 party system you mean party on Friday and party on Saturday. 🙂


I tried to be somewhat liberal at one point when I was young and naive. Then I started my own business and realized that I'd rather keep more of my own hard earned money than turn it over to the govt to spend on social programs for the lazy.

That being said, neither party has any idea how to divert this financially bankrupt govt away from the disastrous path it is on.

You know wht they say -- "If you're not liberal when you're young then you have no heart. If you're not conservative as you get older then you have no brain".
Hanzo said:
You know wht they say -- "If you're not liberal when you're young then you have no heart. If you're not conservative as you get older then you have no brain".
Hanzothey're both bullshit. A snake in donkey clothing or a snake in elephant clothing. These assholes have a monopoly on Capitol Hill. And we the people, just bicker about one side vs the other when the shit is more fake than WWE. Idiots vote for people just because of a letter next to their names. We need to get rid of political parties all together. And make campaigning/running fair. Like a person would need to get a petition signed to run. No bullshit, he who spends the most $ wins. They all get the same amount of time for ads on a public access channel that is free. Have an election website that has everybody's bio on it, and they can upload videos/blogs on their beliefs and shit. Then the top 10 candidates go on the debates. And it just moves from there. More options on the ballots, like 5 candidates. And it's by popular vote, not electoral college bullshit. THEN, once in office, there's page limits for bills. Like 20 pages, and you have 2 weeks until voting to read it. If they can't fit everything they want in the bill, you have to make more bills, that simple. And the bills are all available, word for word, online for the people to see and to let their representatives know their opinion. While my idea isn't perfect by any means, I think it's a vast improvement. The system is broken, I think the vast majority can agree on that. And what do we do with broken shit? We fucking fix it...
You're an angry young man I see. There's actually a good reason the Founding Fathers made the electoral college vote. Yeah, it's been around since the inception of our country. It was designed as a safeguard against a demagoge whipping up public sentiment and emotion in order to get the public to make bad decisions. Our system of governance is a system of checks and balances. When the Civil War effectively ended States Rights we witnessed the rise of the 'carpetbaggers', the 1st lobbyists.After that, everything was open game, as the addition of amendments to provide an Income Tax (supposed to be temporary and only on the rich) and the way Senators are elected.
Hanzo said:
You're an angry young man I see. There's actually a good reason the Founding Fathers made the electoral college vote. Yeah, it's been around since the inception of our country. It was designed as a safeguard against a demagoge whipping up public sentiment and emotion in order to get the public to make bad decisions. Our system of governance is a system of checks and balances. When the Civil War effectively ended States Rights we witnessed the rise of the 'carpetbaggers', the 1st lobbyists.After that, everything was open game, as the addition of amendments to provide an Income Tax (supposed to be temporary and only on the rich) and the way Senators are elected.

god its tempting to jump in. I am just goin to steer clear of politics on this board lol
morrey said:
Hanzo said:
You're an angry young man I see. There's actually a good reason the Founding Fathers made the electoral college vote. Yeah, it's been around since the inception of our country. It was designed as a safeguard against a demagoge whipping up public sentiment and emotion in order to get the public to make bad decisions. Our system of governance is a system of checks and balances. When the Civil War effectively ended States Rights we witnessed the rise of the 'carpetbaggers', the 1st lobbyists.After that, everything was open game, as the addition of amendments to provide an Income Tax (supposed to be temporary and only on the rich) and the way Senators are elected.

god its tempting to jump in. I am just goin to steer clear of politics on this board lol

Morrey, morrey, morrey. You are my liberal friend, but .... you know you're a neophyte when it comes to debating politics.🙂
Hanzo Hanzo Hanzo. Always trying to stupefy with your use of your expansive vocabulary loll
Its difficult when i dont have anyone to back me up
morrey said:
Hanzo Hanzo Hanzo. Always trying to stupefy with your use of your expansive vocabulary loll
Its difficult when i dont have anyone to back me up
morreyConservatives are nuts....as are liberals

That's 1/2 backing 😉
morrey said:
Hanzo Hanzo Hanzo. Always trying to stupefy with your use of your expansive vocabulary loll
Its difficult when i dont have anyone to back me up
Lol. How's this bro--- Conservative good, liberal bad.lol
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
GRIM said:
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
As do all Conservatives. 😉

You're 1 of us, you've just been jaded by the repub's who claim to be conservative.
GRIM said:
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
This is how i could to conclusions also. It just happens to line up witht the liberals most of the time
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
As do all Conservatives. 😉
lol don't make me laugh...
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
As do all Conservatives. 😉
lol don't make me laugh...

Grim, I gotta say, I don't think you are even sure what true Conservatism means. True Conservatism is apolitical, it stands for everything you posted.
morrey said:
GRIM said:
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
This is how i could to conclusions also. It just happens to line up witht the liberals most of the time

Keep tryin' bro, keep tryin'. 😉
Hanzo said:
morrey said:
GRIM said:
I stand for liberty, the truth, facts and not simply blind 1 side and the constitution.
I often will find facts that disprove my thinking, so instead of turning a blind eye I evolve and change my thinking with the facts..
This is how i could to conclusions also. It just happens to line up witht the liberals most of the time

loll its an endless battle. Fuck it 😉

Keep tryin' bro, keep tryin'. 😉

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