ventro glutes

I am going to put 3mls in the VG muscle tonight. Ill be using a 23g 1" pin. Ill be pinning EQ, TEST E, TEST P(1ml of each).

My shoulder is much better today. I don't think there was any nerve damage done, I think it was close to the nerve and might have pressed it up againt something which caused the temp numbness. I also think the muscle didn't absorb the gear and it sat maybe between the muscles somehow causing the stiffness as the gear just lingered as a ball of oil in the shoulder. I heated the crap out of it all day yesterday and all night and I took some naproxen, today it is almost back to normal, so all is well thank goodness.
DGAF said:
I am going to put 3mls in the VG muscle tonight. Ill be using a 23g 1" pin. Ill be pinning EQ, TEST E, TEST P(1ml of each).

My shoulder is much better today. I don't think there was any nerve damage done, I think it was close to the nerve and might have pressed it up againt something which caused the temp numbness. I also think the muscle didn't absorb the gear and it sat maybe between the muscles somehow causing the stiffness as the gear just lingered as a ball of oil in the shoulder. I heated the crap out of it all day yesterday and all night and I took some naproxen, today it is almost back to normal, so all is well thank goodness.
Good news on your shoulder! I'm starting to really like VG location hit right with 3ml and left with 3ml this morning smooth inject right no pip at all left a little tonight but that's cause I have trouble keeping pin still with my left hand.
O.K here's the write up I found on another site. Some pretty good info on the ventro glute site.

The ventrogluteal site is the primary site for individuals over seven months old because there are no large nerves or blood vessels in the area. In addition, the ventrogluteal area is usually less fatty than the buttocks, meaning that more medication is administered directly to the muscle. When the ventrogluteal site is used, the injection is made into the gluteus minimus and the gluteus medius muscles. The site is situated in a triangle within three palpable bony landmarks: the iliac crest, the anterior superior iliac crest and the greater trochanter of the femur. THe site may be located by placing the palm of the hand on the lateral part of the greater trochanter with the index finger on the anterior superior iliac spine. Then the middle fingers are stretched dorsally as far along the iliac crest as possible. An alternative method of locating the ventrogluteal sit has been developed by Rhoda Brooke through her nursing experiences with adults and chilrdren. Whith this method it is not necessary to lay the nurs's hands on th body. Rather, the individual's anatomy is relied on more specifically. In Brooke's method, an imaginary line is drawn from the top of the iliac crest down to the trocanter. Then another line, parallel to the waistline is drawn from the anterior superior iliac spine (hip bone) to join the first line. The point of intersection is the ventrogluteal site. It is important to palpte the injection site; it should feel soft and fleshy. If it feels hard, the site is likely too close to the bone and will have to be adjusted accordingly. An injection may be given into the ventogluteal site with the patient in a prone, supine or side-lying position. (Dugas et al., 1999, p.1153)

This is how I locate my site: I do the injection standing up in front of my mirror. I turn to the side so I can visulize the site in the mirror as well. I then find the greater trochanter (this is the top of your femur that inserts into the hip - you can find it easily by feeling around as you lift your leg up and down a bit). Once you've located that, just find the front of your pelvis on that side and follow the ridge (iliac crest) to the back. you can use your hand to guide imaginary lines that go from the two ends of the pelvis to the greater trochanter - an upside down triangle. Once you have an imaginary triangle traced find the middle. Push down in the area to ensure it is soft and not bony. If it is soft you can inject, so swab the area with alchohol, prepare your needle - I have used as small as insulin needles (I'm lean) to as large as 22 gauge and as long as 1" 1/2. According to my drug guide you can inject as much as 5 CC at ONE TIME! in this site!

Once you guys try this site you will never want to go back to doing the dorsogluteal muscle -trust me! besides the quads, once you get your landmarking down it is the easiest site to access, and the safest, and best of all it doesn't affect any major muscles involved in walking, doing legs e.t.c.
WHAO, that's not even close to where the video or the pic I posted is. That's way forward, toward the manhood. HMMMM
RockShawn said:
WHAO, that's not even close to where the video or the pic I posted is. That's way forward, toward the manhood. HMMMM
That what I was just thinking Rock...have used your location 4 times now dont think I will be moving that far forward.
RockShawn said:
WHAO, that's not even close to where the video or the pic I posted is. That's way forward, toward the manhood. HMMMM
Wow realy? This suposedly came out of a medical book. Guess I'll see your vid one day.
DaKajun said:
Wow realy? This suposedly came out of a medical book. Guess I'll see your vid one day.
Video and phots are in this thread...,3066.msg41574.msg.html#41574
Wacker said:
Video and phots are in this thread...,3066.msg41574.msg.html#41574
egredirect isnt working for me. keeps telling me download failed.
Well I did the ventro glute no problem........per , I am about to go for my trap. 1cc TNE................shit I am as nervous as whore in church!
smoove said:
Well I did the ventro glute no problem........per , I am about to go for my trap. 1cc TNE................shit I am as nervous as whore in church!
You ARE a whore and EG is your church. Post up how the trap goes.
Well it wasn't butter. It felt like I was into nerves and now post workout feels like a crick in my neck. I believe it was because I had it flexed the whole time like I was doing a shrug. I was afraid I would go off the side or something. I went at an angle toward my neck. I don't know why, it just felt comfortable holding the pin that way. I'll call this one a partial fail lol
smoove said:
Well it wasn't butter. It felt like I was into nerves and now post workout feels like a crick in my neck. I believe it was because I had it flexed the whole time like I was doing a shrug. I was afraid I would go off the side or something. I went at an angle toward my neck. I don't know why, it just felt comfortable holding the pin that way. I'll call this one a partial fail lol
smoovethey get better! way to man up and try it. I hit my left trap with PRE from monsta monday and its sore. that stuff is like a workout in a pin. i go 27ga 1/2" in traps personally but I'm pretty lean there.
DaKajun said:
heres a pic
Ok I printed this pic and mapped out this exact spot. Way at the front of the muscle group. Just pinned 3ml there. Pin going in and out, no feeling, however I feel like the oil ran between muscles and is in my knee just 10 min after inject. I'll keep you posted.
RockShawn said:
Ok I printed this pic and mapped out this exact spot. Way at the front of the muscle group. Just pinned 3ml there. Pin going in and out, no feeling, however I feel like the oil ran between muscles and is in my knee just 10 min after inject. I'll keep you posted.
RockShawnWas there supposed to be a pic attached to this post?
TSizemore said:
Was there supposed to be a pic attached to this post?
TSizemoreSorry the pic DaKajun posted in the post i quoted. the side view with the hand on the hip bone. My hands are way too effing big to do this with and hit the right spot.

2.5hr post and I feel pretty good. the pain i was feeling in my knee is gone and now just a dull pain in the site from the hormone. Shot Tren A, Tren E, Test and Mast. think i'm feeling the Ace burn in the site.
RockShawn said:
Sorry the pic DaKajun posted in the post i quoted. the side view with the hand on the hip bone. My hands are way too effing big to do this with and hit the right spot.

2.5hr post and I feel pretty good. the pain i was feeling in my knee is gone and now just a dull pain in the site from the hormone. Shot Tren A, Tren E, Test and Mast. think i'm feeling the Ace burn in the site.
RockShawnI wouldn't think the pain in the knee would have come from the VG shot.....take quite a bit more time for it migrate that far.

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