Where do you identify?

tkasch30 said:
Honestly id love to see them not be allowed among society. Legal punishment, thrown out of country, maybe worse, go destroy another country and culture
I feel the same way about bras
these views are very similiar to sharia law..
grim said:
these views are very similiar to sharia law..
grimYou're absolutely right there Gman.....Some of these views are exactly Sharia Law.
Not judging here...just stating the fact as they've been printed. Hatred is what breeds evil. It was hatred that caused that guy to shoot everyone, those people really didn't deserve to be massacred...PERIOD! They didn't a damn thing to anyone here, they just fell victim to a madman.

Is it lunacy to want to change your gender.......Absolutely, unequivocally, it is. Do I agree with it, Shit No! Is Kaitlen Jenner a hero....NOPE, she/he is a damn freak. Am I gonna hunt you down and murder you in cold blood because you like Cock....Fuck no. That's just as insane as wanting to burn these people at the stake.
We have to let these freaks corrupt innocent kids and let them think it's okay from the day they step into the real world in school where they are molded into who they will be for life, but we can't disagree with what they're doing without being bad people.. To us they are the bad people. I LOVE my kids but sometimes I regret having them for what this world is coming to. I forced them to grow up in this sick place and it's only getting worse every year.

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blasson said:
We have to let these freaks corrupt innocent kids and let them think it's okay from the day they step into the real world in school where they are molded into who they will be for life, but we can't disagree with what they're doing without being bad people.. To us they are the bad people. I LOVE my kids but sometimes I regret having them for what this world is coming to. I forced them to grow up in this sick place and it's only getting worse every year.

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turn off your tv and social media and news sites. you'll like the world a lot better
This is as close to social media I have. No fb twitter ig etc. most my friends don't have any of it either.

I have a desk job and read a lot of the current affairs when I get time. I actually have an amazing life. But from the times I hear about my parents til I can remember the times have changed for the worse.. And from since I can remember to now, times are getting worse. It's never going to stop. It's just the parent in me that worries about them. I went through phases in my life being fake trying to fit in instead of being who I really was. Most kids do who hang around a much older crowd and then it trickles down. That's what worries me. I'm not worried about me being around these sick people. But I have little girls and I'd be dam if someone tells me I have to accept things like that to be around my kids polluting their innocent minds. Little girls are supposed to grow up liking boys. And vice versa for boys. They don't need extra confusion going on as they have enough to worry about like learning how to read/write. Math. You know.. The normal shit that's been around since cavemen. Not worrying about if they feel like they are a girl trapped in a boy's body.

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This guy knows more about this subject than any of us ever will.


Guys you also have to respect people even if they're mentally ill like you claim. If you make fun of someone with down's syndrome. Everyone would think you are a horrible person. So if they're mentally ill like some of you guys claimed than you would be a horrible person using your own logic.

I don't necessarily agree with it either but calling them names is bigotry. They're humans too and deserve respect for that reason. Just like you deserve respect for being a human. Even if you don't agree with their actions. They still deserve respect. If someone doesn't like something about you. Is it okay for them to disrespect you? nope.

Stop the spread of hate guys.
Hanzo said:
This guy knows more about this subject than any of us ever will.


Great article!
dyel said:
Guys you also have to respect people even if they're mentally ill like you claim. If you make fun of someone with down's syndrome. Everyone would think you are a horrible person. So if they're mentally ill like some of you guys claimed than you would be a horrible person using your own logic.

I don't necessarily agree with it either but calling them names is bigotry. They're humans too and deserve respect for that reason. Just like you deserve respect for being a human. Even if you don't agree with their actions. They still deserve respect. If someone doesn't like something about you. Is it okay for them to disrespect you? nope.

Stop the spread of hate guys.
Downs syndrome is not a choice like being transgender or gay is. Respect is earned , not given for no reason. Being a rapist is a choice and I don't respect people that are rapist. Do you respect them even though there doing something you don't approve of? I dont
tkasch30 said:
Downs syndrome is not a choice like being transgender or gay is. Respect is earned , not given for no reason. Being a rapist is a choice and I don't respect people that are rapist. Do you respect them even though there doing something you don't approve of? I dont
tkasch30Respect is given for simply being a human. You have to respect a brain-dead patient. Do they have any ability to "earn respect"? nope. So respect is not earned it's given for simply being a human.

Example: If you go to have lunch somewhere. Does the waiter have to give you respect because you earned it? No.. they simply give you respect because you are a customer.

also you are redefining what mentally ill means then... If this is truly a matter of being mentally ill. They did not decide to become mentally ill like you claim. You don't decide overnight well today Im going to have bipolar or today I will like the same sex. Mentally ill is not a decision. These individual spends months and months thinking about it. Just like being bipolar develops over time.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge. If I dislike something you do. Am I allowed to disrespect you? no. So why does that suddenly change for someone who's gay?

I don't necessarily think transgenders is the way to go. however for the 1% that are born with the opposite sex genitals. I do think this is a real solution for those kids. I would imagine it being traumatic. Imagine being a 13 year old girl with a penis. That poor little girl is going to suffer from being made fun of day and night.

When you argue against transgenders realize you are also arguing against these special cases.
I don't know where you guys live that have such strong hate for trannies, which are less than 1% of our population...

I live in NYC and I can count the times I've encountered a tranny on 1 hand. They don't affect my life and I don't worry about them. This is one of the dumbest and worthless "issues" right now, especially when there are real ones going on.

Your child seeing a transsexual on tv isn't going to make them want to get a sex change. It's a mental health issue, not environmental.
I absolutely love how people bash transgender or gay or bisexual but look at what we are doing!!!! We are changing our bodies in ways that they were never meant to be. None of us were ever supposed to be 200 plus mass monsters or have veins bursting out our skin. Who gives a flying fuck if tommy wants to be sally. How would it be any different than us saying I do not not want to be my 160 pound un muscled self, I want to be the 195 pound muscle man.

Dont be a fucking Hippocratic especially since we are basically doing the same fucking thing. Changing our bodies in an unnatural way.
LittleTom said:
I absolutely love how people bash transgender or gay or bisexual but look at what we are doing!!!! We are changing our bodies in ways that they were never meant to be. None of us were ever supposed to be 200 plus mass monsters or have veins bursting out our skin. Who gives a flying fuck if tommy wants to be sally. How would it be any different than us saying I do not not want to be my 160 pound un muscled self, I want to be the 195 pound muscle man.

Dont be a fucking Hippocratic especially since we are basically doing the same fucking thing. Changing our bodies in an unnatural way.
My man, you beat me to it. They take hormones, we take hormones.
LittleTom said:
I absolutely love how people bash transgender or gay or bisexual but look at what we are doing!!!! We are changing our bodies in ways that they were never meant to be. None of us were ever supposed to be 200 plus mass monsters or have veins bursting out our skin. Who gives a flying fuck if tommy wants to be sally. How would it be any different than us saying I do not not want to be my 160 pound un muscled self, I want to be the 195 pound muscle man.

Dont be a fucking Hippocratic especially since we are basically doing the same fucking thing. Changing our bodies in an unnatural way.
LT, I respectfully disagree.

It's not the same, because they're trying to change their gender.

If it were the same, someone could make the arguement, "Well, lesbians and/or rapists like to have sex with women, I like to have sex with women, so they're the same as me."

(AND, NO I'm not saying that lesbians and rapists are the same, obviously, but that they both like to have sex with women.)
zombieslayer said:
LT, I respectfully disagree.

It's not the same, because they're trying to change their gender.

If it were the same, someone could make the arguement, "Well, lesbians and/or rapists like to have sex with women, I like to have sex with women, so they're the same as me."

(AND, NO I'm not saying that lesbians and rapists are the same, obviously, but that they both like to have sex with women.)
I get what your saying man but there is little difference IMO. We are both trying to do the same thing, change what we were naturally supposed to be. Look at Jay Cutler, Arnold, ect... do they look anything like a normal human being... one could argue that a woman changing into a man may look more normal than the results those guys achieve. We can go round and round all day but lets look at a couple things....

1. Both inject hormones
2. Both are trying to change the way the look (and are reprieved by others)
3. Both seem to be unsatisfied the way they look naturally

I get we are not changing sexes but really.... how on earth can you say what they are doing is wrong....
Baited said:
Your child seeing a transsexual on tv isn't going to make them want to get a sex change. It's a mental health issue, not environmental.
Might not be a 'massive' issue right now but it's happening more and more every single day. In the near future it will be global issue. That's how it starts out. And it won't be in TV only. It's going to be taught in school as a new sex/option.. Can't see how so many people are blind to this. Because it isn't affecting you now, it's okay? So fuck it, vote for any president then regardless if their views are something you support or not because it won't have immediate effects on the country.. Will take a year or two for real changes to be seen which ever way you go. Must not really matter.

You'll have these born men who are 'women' sharing the same bathroom as your wife/daughters preying on them. But hey, it's their choice!!! Give me a break.

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A General Reply:

People are people and everyone deserves love and compassion. I have no space in my life for people that have such deep deep hate for a person or group that they frankly don't have any way to understand for themselves. The world is full of unknowns. We all think we know it all, but the fact of the matter is an expression that you really need to reflect deeply upon and it is this:

"You don't know what you don't know."

In the example of sexual orientation or gender orientation you only know what is your own personal experience. You can never live in another persons mind, you can never be the same genetics of another or have the same brain, wiring, upbringing or life experiences that another has been gifted by their parents or god (however you believe). Therefor you can have your own personal beliefs about other people and what they are going through, but you will never truly on a factual basis have an understand of who another person is. To call someone sick or to have hatred for how they are wired is making a personal attack from only your point of view. I don't think you would want someone to hate you and wish you dead or part of a massacre for something which you stand up for and for something that you believe to be your norm.

Let's cherish the time we have on this planet and lifetime and not knock others. Let's focus the same energy inwards to be better individuals and work on ourselves before we try to heal the world from one's own personal objectives or beliefs. Everyone has a lot to fix in themselves so self reflect.

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