Where do you identify?

T-bar said:
But show me where any of us are asking for special treatment. Show me where bodybuilders are asking to have laws changed because they are choosing to inject hormones that assist them in building muscle. Show me where we are asking those who don't understand or respect our lifestyle to support it through their tax dollars or saying we should be allowed to go into the women's locker room because our testosterone levels are higher and everyone should just accept our feelings and desires for more sex.
Thank you T-bar!!!
I agree totally.
8) 8) 8)
LittleTom said:
On this point i agree. In many past posts (not in this thread) i have stated this is the one area where progressive thinking messes up. When someone tries to force you to accept their belief system. I may not harbor any ill will twords transgender but I like a few of you will be damed if i am told i HAVE to like it. This may sound hypocritical however, i do not want a transgender woman who used to be a man in the same bathroom as my wife or daughter. They do whatever they want but there are still norms to society. Just as accept the fact steroids are illegal. There is a fine line between acceptance and indoctrinating. My stance is let them be but dont tell me i have to go along with their rules. No one should just get to come along and change everything because they think its just. This is going to be a huge topic for some time
LittleTomI agree with you on this.
Hanzo said:
You're not trying to change your actual sex bro. Or in the case of those who "identify" as TG, you're not trying to make anyone else embrace an obvious lie. The thing is, there are many pols who are actively engaging (and succeeding) in trying to force us into something that's patently false through legislative fiat. That's communism.

This is a culture war and they are being used as a battering ram to force us to conform to false beliefs. Does anyone else see the nefarious implications here? Once again, we are being forced to believe (at least to appear that we do) through legislation (TG bathroom laws, etc.) something that is anathema to our society at large.
Well said Hanzo!!!

This is definitely a culture war that we are engaged in, and the politicians are using these people's illness as a means to their end, which is communist control.
Hanzo said:
OMG, this is PC (politically Correct) fatuous drivel, at best.

Here we go, this is gonna be easy.

"Respect is given for simply being a human. You have to respect a brain-dead patient. Do they have any ability to "earn respect? nope.So respect is not earned it's given for simply being a human." Wow, this is a canard, a straw man argument and a non sequitur. In other words, you state that we have to give people respect (no we don't), you try to put a supposition in someone elses place, and you attempt to change the argument from TG's to a brain dead person. That's also equivocation. You don't have the ability to delineate our Rights to us by telling us we can't disrespect someone. Sorry pal, I can disrespect anyone, anytime, anyplace I want. Are you also advocating, by extension, for hate crimes? That's Orwellian and a violation of our 1st Amendment Rights. Not to mention, as TK ascertained, rapists, murderers, etc. don't deserve our respect. Sorry, next ....

"Example: If you go to have lunch somewhere. Does the waiter have to give you respect because you earned it? No.. they simply give you respect because you are a customer." Terrible example, what you're talking about here is entering into a financial transaction. Guess what? The server is being nice because they want a big tip. Nothing wrong with that. I have, as I'm sure we all have, encountered servers who exhibit marginal service at best. I still tip them because I figure maybe they're just having a bad day. However, if they would have indulged me with utmost service, guess what? I would have tipped more generously. Very bad analogy, bruh. Next .....

"also you are redefining what mentally ill means then... If this is truly a matter of being mentally ill." Uh, no, actually you are trying, in vain, to redefine what is a mental illness and what isn't. Are you anti-science? Did you not even read the links I provided? This man, a DR., is the foremost researcher in this field, yet you dismiss his research, which engaged hundreds, or thousands, of patients in a clinical study that spanned decades. Egotistical much? It's rather humorous, all you have to offer is your weak, ill-informed hyperbole and pontificant rhetoric. You're WAY out of your league here. Next ....

" Am I allowed to disrespect you? no." Sigh. Once again, we do have certain inalienable Rights, which, regardless of your authoritarian tendencies, aren't delineated by the likes of you. Am I advocating hatred towards TG's? Of course not, but you can't trample one's Rights in order to assert another's. Doesn't work that way bro. Next ....

"I don't necessarily think transgenders is the way to go. however for the 1% ...." Still yet, your opinion and rank hyperbole. Where do you get these "stats"? "The most frequently cited estimate is that 700,000 people in the United States, or about 0.2 to 0.3 percent of the population, are transgender". From the Census Bureau. Next ....

" ... opposite sex genitals.I would imagine it being traumatic. Imagine being a 13 year old girl with a penis." Wow. Just wow. FYI - that's not a "girl with a penis", that's a boy who is mentally unbalanced. Everyone is born with the genitals of the biological sex THAT THEY ARE. It's in your DNA. If you really cared you would be advocating for these poor people to get the clinical mental help they need. Next ....

"When you argue against transgenders realize you are also arguing against these special cases." Hmm ... just WTF does that even mean? Arguing against what "special cases", and in what way? Are you asserting that we're arguing against TG because we're haters or want to see someone not get the help they need? Are you saying we're "arguing against these special cases" (once again, whatever that could be construed to mean) because we want to see them get the proper mental health care, not mutilation of their bodies (including the attendant psychological distress, as TG's have an astronomical suicide rate). If so, this would be the 1st correct assessment you made in your deluded, rambling post.

Ok, rant over. Carry on.
Again, great post Hanzo!!!
(sorry, a was going backward in reviewing some posts)

I would like to add one thing.
I'm not sure, but maybe Dyel was saying that everyone deserves to be treated with a certain amount of dignity because they are humans, as opposed to the dignity with which you would treat a dog, for example.

I do think that all humans should be treated with a certain amount of dignity, because we are all created in the image of God.

But, we certainly DO NOT have to agree with their lifestyle choices, or even their opinions.
And just because we ferociously disagree with someone, does not mean that we are disrespecting them either.
We've been brainwashed and conditioned over the past 10+ years, by the liberal media, to believe that, if someone disagrees with whatever the media is peddling, that person is being intolerant, biggotted, racist, homophobic, etc., but that is simply not true!!!

To tolerate or to not tolerate something or someone, doe not mean you hate them or even that you are disrespecting them.
We do still have freedom of speech in our country, at least for now.

Also, a communist/facist tenant, championed by Stalin and Hitler both, is that if you say something long enough and loud enough that people will believe it and accept it as truth.
And the communist control most media outlets and also academia, which means they control the information we and our children are being fed.
And that is what has been going on with all of this social engineering by the politicians for a number of years.

Dividing people by labeling them as hateful racist, homophobe biggots and then marginalizing them, and by saying if you don't agree with this garbage they're feeding us, then you are a hateful racist, homephobe, biggot too, is a main tactic in population control.
Control the information and control the speech, control the people.
Because everyone seem to be fearful of being labeled a hateful racist, homophobe biggot, they are scared to stand up for what they know in their hearts to be true.

And if you don't tell the Truth to these people who are in need of help, then you are the REAL hateful homophobic biggot.

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