
  1. 01dragonslayer

    11 of the Healthiest Fast-Casual Meals You Can Order

    Whether you’re filling up mid-road trip or taking a quick break to pick up lunch, fast-casual restaurants are a convenient alternative to fast food and packed lunches. While many restaurants are making an effort to provide health-conscious options, smart choices remain tricky with high-sodium...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    10 Things to Know Before Trying the Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet

    “Cut the carbs, bring on the fat.” That’s been the diet battle cry of late with the rise in popularity of the ketogenic diet. But you don’t have to go zero to keto — the low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet can yield similar benefits and is a less restrictive eating plan. The LCHF diet “moves away...
  3. Main3iac10

    Early... Early Morning pre and post meals

    So going to start having to workout at around 5-5:30 am every day due to work changes, mid day and end of day is out. Anyone into early morning workouts and what do you eat pre and post? I am having some issues eating a bunch at 4 am, just looking for any advice. Thanks in Advance
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How Can I Have More Energy and Still Eat Low-Carb?

    It’s important to pay attention to hunger signals regardless of the type of diet you follow. If you’re following a low-carb diet and find you are constantly hungry or suffer from low energy levels, there could be several explanations. Here, a look at four common culprits and how to solve them...
  5. EG News

    How Sugar Can Benefit Your Workouts

    Sugar. It’s an ingredient long demonized by physique-conscious athletes, but is it always as bad as it’s made out to be? After all, you’ll find added sugars on nutrition labels for everything from sports drinks to energy gels and protein bars, all of which are geared toward athletes. While...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Insulin – Common Misconceptions and Frequently asked Questions

    Insulin – Common Misconceptions and Frequently asked Questions by Mike Arnold Despite its relative simplicity and even though it has been in widespread use for over 20 years, insulin continues to be one of the most hotly debated and misunderstood topics in bodybuilding. Given the wealth of...
  7. EG News

    7 Protein-Packed and Carb-Rich Foods

    Protein isn’t the only thing you need to gain muscle mass; carbs are a necessity, too. Yes, we’re encouraging you to eat carbs—in case you haven’t gotten the memo by now, there’s nothing to fear when it comes to this macronutrient (sorry keto enthusiasts). Protein intake after a rigorous...
  8. EG News

    The 7 Best Carbs for Muscle Growth

    You’re never going to look the way you want if your diet isn’t in check. That’s just a fact, and the first step to mastering your nutrition is to figure out how many calories to eat. Then, you can start figuring out how much of each macronutrient (protein, carbs, and fats) to consume. You know...
  9. EG News

    Tweak Your Carb Timing to Optimize Your Health and Physique

    Even the most casual bodybuilder knows a little something about “protein timing” — but if you’re in need of a quick refresher, it refers to the distribution of protein throughout the day, and before/after training sessions, for optimal muscle protein synthesis. There are different studies and...
  10. EG News

    5 Low-Carb, Protein-Packed ‘Pasta’ Dishes

    For many dieters, cutting carbs is a dreaded step to take in their quest for a leaner physique. It’s not the only way to get the job done, but countless gym rats swear by carb cutting as summer comes around. Fortunately, eating veggies and cutting carbs has never been easier or more satisfying...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Killing Keto

    Killing Keto Why Gains Require Carbs and More Protein by Eric Bach | Killing-keto Tags: Dietary Myth Busting The ketogenic diet (keto) has many potential benefits ranging from preventing epileptic seizures to potentially "starving" cancer cells. Unfortunately, when it comes to transforming...
  12. GRIM

    Trying to cut carbs..

    This lock down has me eating comfort foods and boredom eating. Oats 3-4 bowls a day with spices and protein powder/berries Not a bad comfort food, calories not really hi daily but DAMN carbs sure holding the water!
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Post-workout nutrition: What should you be taking after a hard workout?

    POST-WORKOUT NUTRITION: WHAT SHOULD YOU BE TAKING AFTER A HARD WORKOUT? Post-Workout Nutrition: What Should You Be Taking After a Hard Workout? The Guerrilla Chemist, Chief Science Officer-Blackstone Labs, MS Organic and Biochemistry You just finished a brutal workout. You trained...
  14. EG News

    Added Sugars and Refined Carbs May Trigger Insomnia, Study Finds

    andresr / Getty Every athlete knows that sleep is a key aspect of recovery, but how many people actually get a perfect night's rest? According to the National Institutes of Health, about 30 percent of Americans complain about sleep, and 10 percent have symptoms that align with insomnia. There...
  15. EG News

    The build muscle, stay lean meal plan

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Matthew Leete / Getty Bulking up: It’s a scary thought...
  16. EG News

    14 tips to make getting ripped easier

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: MRBIG_PHOTOGRAPHY / Getty You can't really...
  17. EG News

    Jennifer lopez did 10 days without sugar or carbs and looks incredible

    View this post on Instagram Day 9 and feelin’... like I can’t wait for Day 10. Who’s still with us? @arod #10DayChallenge #NoSugarNoCarbs @niyamasol #niyamasol #jloxniyamasol A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Jan 29, 2019 at 2:23pm PST This past week, Jennifer Lopez finished her...
  18. millenium girl

    Low carb diet/keto

    Please help a carb addict to follow a keto diet. What should I avoid and whst can I eat?
  19. EG News

    Is it okay to eat a meal close to when i go to bed?

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: cgering / Getty THE QUESTION: I have a busy schedule and find...
  20. EG News

    Which is healthier: poke bowl or sushi roll?

    L: imagenavi / R: whitewish / Getty While the cubed raw fish dish poke has been a staple in Hawaii for decades, it has only recently infiltrated the rest of the country—via customizable poke bowls. But is this trendy specialty a better choice than a spicy tuna roll? That depends, according to...