
  1. EG News

    Ask the r.d.: carbs count

    I’m getting into powerlifting but still want to stay lean. Is high carb intake essential for strength athletes? Strength athletes typically require fewer carbohydrates than endurance athletes because the carb requirements are mainly determined by the time, or duration, spent training and the...
  2. R2D2

    What the health

    Watch What the Health (2017) Full Movie on for those of you that haven't seen it.
  3. Youngtricep98

    Doc recommended keto

    So I've been dealing with this weird skin problem for a while. My arm pits have been lanced about 30 times to drain these lesions. During the summer it really flares up. Sometimes I wish it was just herpes. You can at least lift with herpes (jk). Anyway, I went and did some tests. And it came...
  4. EG News

    Fast food shakedown: starbucks

    Love it or hate it, coffeehouse chain Starbucks can be found in almost every country on the globe and on seemingly every other urban street corner. Its omnipresence is great when trying to fuel up before the gym or get some post-workout protein in, and, as a bonus, its selections are remarkably...
  5. EG News

    Fast-food shakedown: burger king

    Burger King and the Whopper have been around for a long time in the U.S.—the chain opened in Florida in 1954, and the iconic burger hit the flame broiler soon after in 1957. As with most fast-food joints, you’ll find the cleanest protein and best nutritional value in its grilled chicken...
  6. EG News

    Fast food shakedown: jimmy john's

    Fresh out of high school in 1983, Jimmy John Liautaud started a sandwich shop in an Illinois garage. The shop has since grown to almost 3,000 stores—with plans to build up to 5,000 in the near future—and Liautaud is still the chairman of the board. Today Jimmy John’s is known for fast and...
  7. krustus

    Iifym.. flexible dieting.. progress

    i've been following an IIFYM approach... intermittent fasting at times... but mostly just not worrying about meal frequency... just hitting the macro numbers. also not really worrying about carbs or sugar... just hitting the numbers. feel like success has been pretty good.. attached a pic...
  8. EG News

    Post-workout fruit for gains

    Carbohydrates are very important for stopping the catabolic effect that training causes. Consume them as soon as possible after training—if you go without them for more than a couple of hours after your workout, the window that allows for your best gains closes until your next lift. There’s...
  9. EG News

    Five carb facts you need to know

    People often ask me a lot of specific questions regarding protein and carbs, trying to dissect these two vital nutrients in hopes of creating a better nutrition plan. Using a broad brush, one could say that carbs energize the muscles, providing fuel for hard training, and that protein is the...
  10. millenium girl


    Do you guys stick to the golden rule "no carbs after 2pm"? I'm a carb addict but I try to limit the intake in the late afternoon/evening.
  11. glock4319

    Waxy Maize?

    Been reading about diet and this came up. First time I've ever heard about it. Can you guys that know about it or have used it fill me in on its benefits? Much appreciated brothers. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Seven Best Carbs to Build Muscle

    Seven Best Carbs to Build Muscle By Flex Staff Some carbs may get a bad rap, but they're a great (and easy) way for bodybuilders to gain muscle and enhance recovery. FLEX has compiled this list of seven great high-carb bites that bodybuilders--especially hardgainers--can use to enhance muscle...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    12-Step Carb Loading Program

    12-Step Carb Loading Program By Chris Aceto Add the appearance of 15 lbs of muscle in one week. Flex Wheeler was known for achieving drastic changes in his physique in less then 10 days. One reason for this was the implementation of successful carbohydrate depleting and loading. The system...
  14. EG News

    The Rebound Effect

    If you’ve ever dieted for a bodybuilding contest — or for an extended period just to reduce bodyfat — then you know what you want to do right after that: nothing but eat all the decadent foods that you’ve been avoiding for the past couple of months. Sure, that’s one way to follow up a restricted...
  15. EG News

    12-Step Carb Loading Program

    Flex Wheeler was known for achieving drastic changes in his physique in less then 10 days. One reason for this was the implementation of successful carbohydrate depleting and loading. The system, which requires large but temporary changes in carbohydrate, sodium and water consumption, can lead...
  16. EG News

    The Facts (and Fiction) on Fat Loss

    Myths galore abound in training, but that’s nothing compared to the fallacies that get strewn about on the topic of bodybuilding nutrition, specifically as it pertains to fat burning. One self-appointed diet guru will tell you that carbs act a certain way in the body; however, he’s contradicted...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Insulin use guide by Gavin Kane

    Saw this on another site and thought it was a great read.I'd love to hear from all of you on if you've run this protocol and if so,how'd it go? If not,then what's your protocol that's worked best for you? Opinions,input,disagreements with this? Lets hear them. Insulin use guide by Gavin Kane...
  18. EG News

    Bodybuilder's Guide to Cheat Meals

    Guess what? Many top bodybuilders love junk food — and they consume it regularly. That’s right: in the offseason, many pros eat foods considered to be forbidden on a bodybuilding diet, items such as bacon, cheese and sweets. For some, it’s sheer necessity — with high metabolic rates, maintaining...
  19. F.I.S.T.


    SAMPLE 4K CALORIE DIET Here is a simple example day. I have included a rough guide to calories, protein and carbohydrate levels bodybuilding is not a maths class after all and your diet doesn't have to be either! Of course,this can always be changed to better suit your individual needs. The...
  20. EG News

    Hormone Control

    A number of bodybuilders have e-mailed me requesting the same thing: “Can you check out my pre-contest diet?” Time and again, their approach to dieting is the same: no carbs. A no-carb or very-low-carb plan can be effective — it almost always means fewer calories, so that’s a plus. It also means...