
  1. 01dragonslayer

    What’s the Deal With Fish Oil?

    Among the supplements lining grocery store shelves, you’ve likely come across fish oil. Thanks to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids (found in the diet via fatty fish) for centuries, research links fish oil to health benefits, including better heart health, cognitive function and reduced...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    5 Signs You’re Eating Too Little For Weight Loss

    If you’re trying to lose weight, it seems to make sense to cut as many calories from your diet as possible. Unfortunately, it’s possible to eat too little, which not only makes it harder for you to achieve a healthy weight, but it can also cause other health problems. In other words, eating...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    10 Non-Diet Tips For Weight Loss

    Losing weight and keeping it off long-term isn’t about a quick crash diet or detox — it requires creating lasting habits to lead a healthier lifestyle. This can be particularly challenging during high-stress times when your normal routines get altered. However, by incorporating the 10 tips below...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Weight-Loss Trends Dietitians Say to Take or Leave

    In a world where there’s no shortage of “miracle” diets, it can feel like there’s always a new, different eating style being touted as the next big thing for weight loss. But when it comes to weight-loss trends, it’s important to be a critical consumer. “It’s smart to do a little digging and...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    15 Great Foods For Gut Health

    The 100 trillion microorganisms living in your gastrointestinal tract make up the gut microbiome. Building a collection of good bacteria has been linked to fewer health issues ranging from metabolism, arthritis and depression to cancer, cardiovascular disease and lifespan. “Gut health impacts...
  6. EG News

    New Research Rethinks The Best Use For a Foam Roller

    Chances are, foam rolling is already a part of your health and fitness regimen, especially if your goal is to prevent injuries. The hurt-so-good, tension-relieving gadget has gained steam over recent years, and rightfully so since it provides the same benefits—without the high price tag—as...
  7. EG News

    New Study Says You Can’t Be Overweight and Healthy

    We all love our sports, and great athletes come in all different shapes and sizes. From lean swimmers and long-distance runners to beefy football players and even sumo wrestlers, the notion that you can be obese but fit is an idea accepted by many as fact, but research recently published in the...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    9 Ways to Keep Your Appetite in Check

    Summer is the season for relaxation and spending more time outdoors, whether it’s unwinding at the pool or beach or going for a walk in a park. For many people, summer means taking vacation and possibly relaxing the rules around what you eat. But overindulging at any time of year isn’t good for...
  9. EG News

    The Best Bone Broths for Overall Health

    While bone broth is enjoying some newfound popularity among humans and baby Yodas, it’s been around for thousands of years and has been consumed by civilizations all over the world. And for good reason: bone broth offers a wide variety of benefits, including high levels of gelatin, collagen, and...
  10. EG News

    9 Ways To Start and Stay On Your Fitness Goals

    Making the decision to improve your fitness levels requires serious motivation. In fact, it’s often said that starting any new training regime is the hardest part of all, but in reality staying the course is more complicated than that. It’s true that you can’t make positive lifestyle changes...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    The Top 9 Essential Health Supplements for Bodybuilders

    I can remember hearing about Mark Mcguire smashing the home run record and he owed it all to “androstene” (at least so we thought). So my friends and I all jumped on Andro poppers by Pinnacle nutrition and chewed them up like Tic Tacs, hahaha. Of course there was always protein powder and...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Why it’s necessary to CRUISE/DISCONTINUE a steroid cycle for optimal health! May 4, 2020 by John Doe Bodybuilding

    So, you have decided that you want to use steroids for muscular development beyond what nature intended. Good, me too! When I first began running gear I was a fairly lean 205 lbs at a height of 5'9″. I had put in serious work in hard training and adequate nutrition before the thought ever...
  13. 01dragonslayer

    BMI Vs MMI (Muscle Mass Index)

    BMI Vs MMI (Muscle Mass Index) by Kendall Schmidt Bodybuilding . com If you have been searching for the fountain of youth, I have some good news: it's been found! No, it's not hidden in some Florida swamp, it's actually somewhere between the dumbbells and the pull-up bar. Nope, I'm not...
  14. EG News

    Gut Health: Prebiotics Vs. Probiotics

    While “prebiotics” and “probiotics” sound like tech jargon, they’re both actually ingredients that can benefit your health. Your digestive tract contains trillions of bacteria, some which are good and others that are bad. Both prebiotics and probiotics are needed to keep your digestive system in...
  15. Inhuman2024

    Kidney supp.

    Ok so i have NAC n milk thistle for my liver. I have omega 3 gummys and beet root juice n vegetable powder for heart n cholesterol. Whats an excellent supp. For my kidneys?????
  16. EG News

    Lower Bodyweight Linked to Reduced Alzheimer’s Risk

    The link between exercise and improved physical health has been well researched and documented, and we also know that it can help us feel better mentally, too. And now new research published in The Journal of Alzheimer’s found that it might also help to keep our brains at 100 percent. The...
  17. EG News

    7 Gut Healthy Foods

    In recent years, there has been a lot of research done on gut health and how it affects your overall well-being — from your heart to your muscles. Although there is much more research to be done, we do know that there are certain foods you can eat that can help your gut health. Here’s a rundown...
  18. EG News

    5 Things to Know About Genes and Your Health

    The human body is composed of approximately 50 trillion cells, where the chromosomes are found in the cell nuclei. These are made up of a double helix of DNA that carries the genetic code, our architectural plan. This plan consists of approximately 3.2 billion letters per person, of which 1% is...
  19. 01dragonslayer

    Tip: Eat a Chocolate Bar a Day

    Tip: Eat a Chocolate Bar a Day Eating the right kind of chocolate bars can improve your health in a number of ways. It can even build muscle. Here's what you need to know. by TC Luoma | Yesterday Eat-a-chocolate-bar-a-day Tags: Nutrition & Supplements Super Health About 10 or 15 years ago...
  20. EG News

    Diet, Not Exercise, May Have a Bigger Effect on Weight Gain

    Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock Obesity has become a serious health issue in the United States—about 69 percent of adults are overweight or obese and 36 percent are obese, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. An arguably more concerning trend is obesity among children, with one in three...